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I dont know what happened but DMT was inaccessible at my end,showing me an error message.I thought the fault was from my browser Ucweb so I tried Operamini still no avail.Seems the site was kinda offline or something else.


@admin thanks. I will do as you suggested.

Placing DMT link in our signatures in other forums and on social networks will really bring great activity to DMT as it will motivate more posters to join DMT. I can't wait for our facebook page to be launched.


This week I will assure to be active in here because I failed last week. I know that it's just very easy to post in here because the Forum is loading fine, and there is no problem motivating yourself with the fast processing of the Admin, it's just easy for you to motivate yourself posting daily in here.


I am sure that this week you will be able to get a good target from the forum and reach your goals since you did not manage to do so in the last week @monyitomon. As you can see posting activities are really good so that in itself is rather motivating because you wont run out of replies.


Let's see I just read admin request for all of the members and particularly those that have their payments. It's really a big achievement for the forum to have thousand of payments and dollars which shows the forum does not only where we learn but also we can earn.


That's right; we can earn good amounts in here monthly if only we can be focused and set high weekly targets so that even if we can't meet up with our targets, we should be able to get close to it. I aim to make 100points here daily even though I know its nearly impossible, but at least I should be getting close to it daily as long as I'm focused and consistent..


I was pleased with Last week performance dunno how this week is gonna be for me as I've been lacking the pace to post on a regular basis.For now I cant boost of my activity because its not worth $4 at the end of the week.


I'm already done today in posting my signature in DMT forum so far, I'm still checking what forum I can have the link of DMT I don't know but I can't find my referral link or URL in DMT forum. Well, I will not have commission but atleast I know who signed up in my link.


I will add the link myself because I rarely use signatures anyway. I think that its the least that members can do considering that admin is already playing his part in making sure that we can get decent earnings in here weekly. I suppose that even if you dont get to receive a referral bonus it would certainly be good to know that you brought a member to the forum.


I already accumulated like 60points at the forum early this morning and my plan is to accumulate more so that i would be able to get to my next payout soonest.sincerely i am always encouraged to post at DMT.


Wow,I have missed þhe activity here,I was just busy offline,I can see that the admin was active in this thread also,I will promote DMT in 5 forums that has high activity,anyways I am going to accumulate 100 points in this forum today cos I am just lagging


I have also been a few days so it was not actively posting in this forum due to busy that I can not avoid, hopefully starting today I can continue to provide this forum post to catch my last point, I first saw that the current members of this forum more active and provide post new threads so we can easily provide post in this forum


Well, today I need to reach 150 points in here so that was my goal for today, and I think it would be easy as I am doing it for two rounds 30 points in this section then will spread the other 20 points in the other section. Just keep up posting guys as long as you won't spam the Forum.


Yea its a good initiate from admin to attract more members to the forum,although I have not used my signature once in any forum guess I'll add DMT in my other ptp forum list although there's no ref bonus but its worth deserving when we're sure of getting a decent amount weekly.


Its even better for the rest of us because the more the forum becomes popular is the more it would be easier for us to post on the forum and get even more different views on the threads. I am looking forward to seeing some new members as most of the members that are active are old members.


And that will be the joy of every admin to see new faces in the forum aside the old members.I already did as instructed by admin by putting DMT link as my signature in EP and I tend to spread it round other forums,hopefully I can contribute towards the growth of the forum on a daily basis


I've not bEen able to make good activity here today because of my network connection but I should be able to make some activity tonight before going to bed. I was able to make some activity in the ptc section earlier, tonight I'll spread my activity to the hyip and ptp section.


I thought I can't make today posting in the morning because, I also have problem in network access in the morning particularly that it's 3 AM here. So far, I can make a round of posting for this hour in DMT and I hope this will also makes me reach minimum points.


Well my internet connection is just acting well so I was able to make 2 rounds of posting in the forum today,now I want to make another round of posting just to secure my daily target in the forum cos tomorrow I might not be active due to my off line works


I guess I'm done in ptp section and will go on for other sections and I hope hadg33 posted or will post also in other sections to make other discussions so, it will not boring for me. I'm just glad I already reached 150 points in this point of time and will proceed for more activity.


I'll take a last round of posting in DMT so I spend quality time with the forum.Luckily for me I dont have any problem with my internet connectivity so I hope it stays cool all through the night while I keep on posting in the forum.


I don't have problem with the access in DMT forum. But it will be really going to affect your activity once you have here problems in the forum posting and that is in your side. I have problem also in one forum but not in dmt that's why I'm glad to make here activities.


Its good that this is the case for you because it means that you can be able to post on the forum without problems. I do hope though that @hadg33's internet connection issues are resolved soon so that he can be able to enjoy posting on the forum. So far, I am happy with my activities for the week and still enjoying the discussions.


A new day has come for me to take my chances here in the forum as I'll stay glued to maintain my target of 30 post per day,yesterday was not encouraging since I couldnt fulfilled it hopefully today will be great for everyone.


Wow,the activity here is just great,how I wish I would be able to make 3 rounds of posting in the forum today but I guess I cannot cos I have so many things to tidy off line, @Riddick,I would not be able to make post in ptc section cos I have quitted ptcs a long time,so discussing about it might result into spamming

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