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It looks like I'm only started to reach 50 points today. I did not know that I'm having less activity in dmt compared to mtw. Anyways, I decided to have some posts here again since ptp section seems have new responses again and this is good opportunity for me to have some round of posting again.


I have not been able to post in this forum today simply because I was able to post in EP today,so I needed to accumulate like 60 points in the forum,this is mt first payment proof in DMT today and my aim is to accumulate about 50 points in the forum before I go to bed


It looks like I'm only started to reach 50 points today. I did not know that I'm having less activity in dmt compared to mtw. Anyways, I decided to have some posts here again since ptp section seems have new responses again and this is good opportunity for me to have some round of posting again.


Good to have some points on the forum as opposed to nothing...lols Its not good to start afresh after getting paid because when your points are low you start thinking of your target. Anyway, I hope that with the good amount of activities I have seen of late it will allow for a good target hopefully by next week.


i just want to post again on the site. while i am motivated to post a lot. i would admit i was so lazy to post a lot on the site lately. but i am trying to change that. so i just hope that i can make like 20 post on the site daily. if not even just ten post daily. but i do want to be as active as other members as much as possible. so i would just keep on trying to reach my goal in here. i have problem when posting on my tablet on this site. so i am just posting using my laptop.


Oh, I did not know I did not yet made 100 points here lol. Although, I can do it now because I made my mind to make some posts today because of the view of the new replies in the threads of dmt. And I hope I can make 50 points today again. Or make new payout since looks like we don't have yet long queue in the payment section.


I took a look at the payment request queue myself and saw that there isnt a lot of payment requests at the moment. If admin will be clearing these payment requests on a regular basis like he intends to then there wont be a lot of them at any time. I am on my way to reaching my target next week.


I think this is a great forum to post regularly and my major aim is to try to make post daily inhere.i just i hope by the end of today i would be able to make around 20posts before i would be calling it a day at the forum.Meanwhile i think DMT is a great forum to post daily.


Well, I finally can make the Payment Request on this lovely Digital Talk Money forum. As I remember here so far, this will be my second Payment Request from this forum here. I believe everything on this forum will be great, and the payment is very legit here. So, I can trust to be busy here


Well, great you have made more than 200 points. So far, I'm just aiming to have 150 points today and will payout looks like yes, we don't have several payout requests just because admin made payout request last Sunday that's why we have few payouts now.


I have not reached minimum payout on the site and I am just so slow on posting on the site so I just hope that I would be able to make a lot of post at least for today so I would be able to request payout here soon. I'm just so glad that the activity is consistently good lately. I would try my best to improve my activity on this site as well.


I'm a few posts from reaching my payout target. If I can make a good number of posts in the next 3days, I should be able to reach my target. Its nice to see that the activity is stable even though it is not as high as I expected.


Sincerely i am always happy when i am posting at DMT and that is majorly because the admin is making every payment fast now.i just hope the admin inhere would be keeping to the great job inhere.Meanwhile i should be posting at the forum later today.


I'm just glad that I have requested few minutes back and I have already received payment already just now. So it's just fast payment indeed and so I'm going to post daily so active so at least I would have requested minimum amount in each payment request. I am planning to be more focused in other sections also.


I was thinking to be active on other forums but i shall be spending the little time i have here on dmt, i was not active for long but few days back i got my payment here and see that admin made the payment again, it looks that admin is paying at least once a week, and am planning to make a request soon as i reach the minimum.


I'm hoping to make a good number of posts here today, 30posts is my today's target. Even if I can't meet up with thw target, I should be able to make up to 20 or 25posts. The activity here seems doesn't seem to be increasing but it is satisfactory.


I'm glad I received again my payment in the forum. It's really good to see that we have here regular payment processing. And really want to have more activity and will prepare to accumulate more points this week now. It's good timing that I have more time to post now.


Im currently getting along with discussions inhere which seems fun I must say,especially when there's good amount of activities all round.Just hope I wont be pre-occuppied with my offline activities so as to make some posts tommorrow.


I'm planning on improving my activity on this site like making at least 25 daily and alwoi would be posting now on other sections. So I would definitely post now on the other sections like to payment processor and the forex section as well. So I just hope that I would be able to find more interesting section to post at.


I am very happy to see here, the payment from this Digital Money Talk forum is very fast here. Well, this is such a nice thing for me. And, I just make another payment request on this forum once again here. I believe everything will run good, and I can make this forum as one of my favorite now


Yes, I guess this make influence other members to be more active just like me. I'm trying to always have payout request weekly. This also interesting that there will be sooner more activity in the different sections. I guess I can even make 2 rounds of posting in DMT daily.


I have submitted my payment request yesterday just because admin said he will be clearing payments every Sunday,to my surprised he did cleared the approved payment request but I wonder why the mod did not approve my request uptill now,I feel very bad but what can I do,just keep posting,but the truth is,I lost motivation the moment I noticed that my payout request hasn't been approved


I'm just glad that I am posting on the site once again and I am able to be more focused and more comfortable now in posting on the site. Last week I wasn't that comfortable on posting here daily and I was just trying to improve my activity. Now it seems more natural for me to post here.


@hadg33 you just have to be patient. Your request should be approved soon, possibly later in the week, then cleared this coming Sunday. I guess you were a bit late in requesting payment because I don't think the Admin will approve and clear requests on the same day. Don't loose motivation; keep posting and try to submit your request early in the week next time. As for me, I'm hoping to reach 100posts before this week runs out then I will submit my payment request.


Admin will probably clear payment requests that have been approved and sometimes the mod would not be able to do approvals because he is not online all the time. We really have just got to be patient and appreciate the fact that there are improvements already on the forum.


I think that the payment was fast so I know that I can get paid now each week. So I would just keep on trying to accomplish more than goal on the site. Because of the fast payment that I would be able to make plans on how active I can on the site. So I would try my best to make more posts here daily.

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