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If I get paid by tomorrow as written by few members on this thread here, then it will be the first earning for me in this year 2013 from Paid to Post forum here. Then I will remember this forum and putting more focus on this forum here. Hopefully here, and we will see here

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This is my 1st post for the day here and its evening already at my location. Hopefully, I should still be able to reach my target of 100points today as long as I can spread my activity and make good rounds of posting in the ptp section but that will depend on the activity level in that section.

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well i haven't being able to meet my target on this program for last week on the program but i though the program will start paying members by tomorrow but i guess i was wrong and the program has clear payment as some member are already claiming to have being paid by the admin of this program.i believe it will request at weekend.

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That's true@ofejiro. The activity here is not that high for me to accomplish my target and I've been distracted by some offline activities but I should be able to make a good number of points before the day runs out. Seems the activity in the sister forum is greater than the activity here.

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I trust our admin to a great extent because he's a man of his words. We should expect our payment requests to get cleared anytime today. Meanwhile, I will try to accumulate as much points as possible today as I wasn't able to accomplish my yesterday's target. The clearing of payment requests will also boost the activity in the forum as the zeal to be more active will increase when the payment requests are cleared

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This is perfect and excellent job from the Admin of this forum here. It is still the third day of this new year 2013, but the Admin here is doing a great job to the members here. I already got paid for the first time for this year from this forum here. Nothing to doubt about this

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That's true,I am getting my first payment from this forum this year,I must say that the admin is really doing a great job by clearing payments as he have said,I have not made any post in the ptp forum today,this is my first post,I am just try to accumulate 50 points for the day

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Sincerely, with the way the admin is handling DMT, this forum will be one of the best in no time. I don't know why the ptp section here isn't getting much activity. Seems posters prefer spreading their activity to other sections with higher rates. I'm hoping that the kind of activity the ptp section used to have before will return.

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This is my first post in this thread this year. I'm happy that dmt is fast paying right now. Or at least fast compare to other ptp forums right now. I hope this year DMT will be more stable and going to get more advertisers. I'm really happy that some how I'm earning good right now. I hope I can make good 10 dollars this month in here. This is my goal this month and if I can earn 10 dollars this month I'm hoping that next month I will going to earn 10 dollars also.

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I just make the next payment request as soon as my first payment in this new year 2013 paid already here. This is such a great good thing for me, and I will put this forum as the priority in my time here. So, I believe everything on this forum will run good and fine here

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Really appreciating to see my first payment for this year still a good amount because, I have done very well with my activities here as I have prioritized dmt forum even more in other forums now. I will somehow keep this activity in the forum and convince more members to be in here as well.

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I need to have two rounds of posting activity in here because I want to accumulate 100 points in here today, that is really attainable I just need to spend more of my time in here so that I can accomplish my goal in here for today. It's good for you guys that you have been paid in here.

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Sincerely, with the way the admin is handling DMT, this forum will be one of the best in no time. I don't know why the ptp section here isn't getting much activity. Seems posters prefer spreading their activity to other sections with higher rates. I'm hoping that the kind of activity the ptp section used to have before will return.

I could notice that too, but Im sure things will turn out very positive today. As you can see 8 replies were made after my post yesterday evening which is really encouraging as far as am concerned. It really will be good to see more faces of new members in the forum..I sure that will make discussions here interesting.
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I will be doing everything possible to promote DMT. That reminds me: there was a time that our admin mentioned that we help promote DMT in other forums which I see that some posters have done. He also said something about the facebook page being available soon but I don't know if its available already. I'll search DMT on facebook the next time I log into my facebook account.

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We are already promoting DMT in other forums,and if you take a proper look in the forum,you would find out that some members has now joined the forum,they know that the admin clears payments so fast and he is a man of his words,as you can see that he cleared payments yesterday as he as promised,that's so encouraging

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