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Originally Answered: How can I compete with people who are better than me in every way?

So you want to outcompete people who are smarter, better looking and more experienced than you?


No problem!


All you have to do is outwork them.


Will Smith said, "if we both get on a treadmill either you're going to get off first or I'm going to die trying."



Most people just aren't willing to work that hard. Sure, they'll show up for the job interview and maybe practice in front of the mirror for a few minutes, but they won't do hours and hours of research and prepare for weeks. They won't wake up early and stay up late working on their dreams.


So while all those smart, good-looking, experienced people are waiting around for the next opportunity to come their way, you can outwork them and create your own opportunities.


In a few years, you'll be that "smart" person everyone looks up to. But you'll be different. You'll know it was your hard work, your inner strength and your commitment to living a great life that made you successful and brilliant - not luck or good genes.” – Tom Corson-Knowles, Quora

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