WeiKuo Posted July 18, 2011 Posted July 18, 2011 I am not the admin https://www.hitnrunmasters.com Welcome to Hit N Run Masters. For OVER 10 Years we have been involved in HYIP. For OVER 10 Years we have been developing relationships in the HYIP world. For OVER 10 Years we have been successfully taking advantage of the HYIP Arena and BANKING BIG PROFITS!!! We have developed a WINNING STRATEGY that is virtually unbeatable! Believe us when we tell you… We have the INSIDE SCOOP on almost every corner of the HYIP World!!! We WIN at least 85% of the time. This is exactly what you have been waiting for. Why? Because you know all too well that all HYIPs are Ponzis! Because you lose too many times trying to ‘Beat the Admin’ at their own game! Because you know it can be done, there are those that do it, you’ve even heard others refer to them as Hit-N-Runners…Well, we are the masters of the infamous Hit-N-Run…ergo…HITnRUN Masters! Now you can join the HITnRUN Masters Team and be virtually guaranteed a long term successful HYIP experience. Why are we opening this to members? For the first several years during our beginning, there were many many great programs where we made huge profits… millions and millions…literally! Over the last few years three distinct groups of new admin have developed. These three groups have all but destroyed the World of HYIP. They hardly know what they are doing. They open and close programs so fast that many HYIP participants have simply left this arena. They are systematically diminishing the HYIP players. They have forced us to tighten our strategies as well as participate in more and more risky programs because the profits are less and less. We still make good money, but the world of HYIP can, and with our help, become what it once was: A Place Where We Can All Make Money. There is not a single GOOD program out there that we have not infiltrated. When we pull our funds there is a better than 85% CHANCE THAT PROGRAM WILL FAIL! If you don’t partner with us, then there is an even better than 85% chance that you are going down with them. We prefer to assist you in being prosperous while you assist us in correcting the HYIP World development and ensure the LONG TERM success of the Ultimate Investment Option known as HYIP. The Plan We have The ONE Plan where the daily interest rate will keep on increasing with the number of days the deposit is held with us, and the penalty for withdrawal of the principal amount keeps decreasing. This plan is designed to reward your with an ever increasing return percentage while providing us the time to properly utilize your investment funds. There is a 10K maximum per day deposit and a $1000 maximum compounding amount set per account. The structure of this plan, accompanied by the insider info we are privileged to, will provide you a better return overall than you have been able to obtain on your own. NO MORE LOSSES!!! Hit N Run MASTERS has you covered! HITnRUN Masters Click here to jon
Guest Posted July 18, 2011 Posted July 18, 2011 seems the program admin is trying new strategy to attract investors, here how can an investor try hit and run, it's funny, the plan is long term up to one year, with low ROI, which ofcourse goes on increasing, when there is such a principal withdrawal penalty, nobody can think of hit and run till a year.
antthenait Posted July 19, 2011 Posted July 19, 2011 I think this is not a perfect standard HYIP, though this is a real investment program but I think this is a game like traffic share or pay to win game. I also think such traditional plans like daily RoI missed here , because they are % win game. I wish this site should move to play or traffic section.
juzfinal Posted July 19, 2011 Posted July 19, 2011 I think this is not a perfect standard HYIP, though this is a real investment program but I think this is a game like traffic share or pay to win game. I also think such traditional plans like daily RoI missed here , because they are % win game. I wish this site should move to play or traffic section. As long as the site giving interest for investments, it considered as HYIP.
Rainbow65 Posted July 23, 2011 Posted July 23, 2011 Found this and wanted you to see what’s been going on!!! HITnRUN Masters was under DDoS attack for several days but is now back with Dragonara in control. The One Plan is central to their success. The ONE Plan They have The ONE Plan where the daily interest rate will keep on increasing with the number of days the deposit is held with them, and the penalty for withdrawal of the principal amount keeps decreasing. This plan is designed to reward you with an ever increasing return percentage while providing them the time to properly utilize your investment funds. There is a 10K maximum per day deposit and a $1000 maximum compounding amount set per account. The structure of this plan, accompanied by the insider info they are privileged to, will provide you a better return overall than you have been able to obtain on your own. NO MORE LOSSES!!! Hit N Run MASTERS has you covered! HITnRUN Masters I’m so glad to see they are back and paying right on time!
nehmer Posted July 29, 2011 Posted July 29, 2011 Hitnrunmasters.com - Admin's News Letter Update July 29, 2011 06:32 PM GMT + 8 (Friday) Hitnrunmasters.com - MNO Review of HnRM is posted at the MNO Blog I sincerely appreciate the effort that Paulputs into his MNO blog. He has a business in the HYIP realm that outshines allothers. In almost every case Paul is spot-on when it comes to calling it likeit is. Almost every case - except this one that is. But it is not his fault. We have purposefully left details vague and will continue to do so in order toprotect our strategies. However, we feel the need to enlighten you and clarifyan issue that was raised during our MNO review so that readers can make aninformed decision regarding their future as an HYIP participant, or become acasualty of this war on HYIP ignorance. Allow me to dissect and expand on a fewof the issues MNO raised in his most excellent review. Paul said: Well, I dont know about that but I tend to doubt that one admin,one group, or one program would hold that much sway over the entire industry. You would be very surprised. The realityis, we are not One Admin, nor One Group and as a participant in HnRM your fundsare not part of only One Program. We are dozens of admin. We are dozens as agroup. Our accounts number in the thousands. I will describe to you a recent victorythat will perfectly explain the collaboration we have in this industry and ourability to have control in just a moment. Paul said: The one thing about HYIPs that we can all agree on is that onceyou hand your money over to an admin you no longer have any control over thesituation. Whether you get paid or not is now no longer your decision. Itsthat of the admin of the program you just joined. Hell scam you if he wantsto, and youre just taking a gamble that he wont. When we infiltrate a program, we do not doso with one account or one deposit and hope and a prayer. Recently, several of our contacts at thepayment processors informed us that one of the programs we were heavilyinvested in (having over 100 accounts there) was no longer simply holdinginvestor funds but that they were beginning to remove funds in large amounts. We were also informed as to which exchangers this program admin was using. Wecontacted the exchangers and could quite clearly see that the funds were beingremoved and the program was now on the verge of collapse. In speaking with ourinsider at the hosting company, as well as confirming with respected monitors,we found the number of members joining the program had dwindled. In this case it was clear that the admin,seeing his new membership numbers dropping and his new money deposits slowingwas about to RUN with the money. We were not ready for this to happen. Weneeded a little more time to remove our funds. We decided to undertake astrategy that would encourage the admin to keep the program open. We had totake aggressive action. We immediately added this program to our associatedPTC and Autosurf sites to increase the traffic flow. We then vastly increasedthe new member sign ups and added minimum deposits to some of those newaccounts. We also increased the programs exposure in various forums by addingit to a few dozen signatures and contacting some associated paid posters. The result was spectacular. The admin ofthe program seeing all this new activity, decided to delay his out-exchangesand postpone his escape in the hope that these new members would begin toinvest heavily. We are certain he must have thought I have done it. Theyare finally arriving the way I knew they would. My scam is now working. Nowthe big money will begin to come in! This bought us the extra time we needed toremove the larger bulk of funds spread out over nearly 100 accounts we hadinfiltrated the program with. Like we said We have contacts in everycorner of the HYIP world. There is not one single decent program we have not successfully infiltrated. Our strategies produce positive results almost all of the time. Paul said: And that very same rule applies to HYIP admins who piggyback onother HYIPs because they can get scammed just as fast as anybody else. Sodespite the interesting story and the investment strategy explained by the HitNRunMasters admin (assuming itstrue) his investments are no more guaranteed than yours. With our contacts and the insider knowledgewe have developed over 10 years in this arena, we disagree. We have theability to virtually guarantee the destiny of any program through a network ofassociates and contacts. If you think that this HYIP arena is operating 100%on chance, then you are not associating with the right .. shall we say cartel. We would like to provide you with ananalogy. When you go to a casino, you know that the house has theadvantage. Depending on which game you play that advantage can be quite high. Slot machines offer the house the highest advantage. Craps gives the house alower advantage (if it is played correctly). Nevertheless, the house alwayshas the advantage. That is unless you have bought the dealers, have theability to count cards, and can perform tricks that rival David Blaine or DavidCopperfield. Only then you will be in a position to beat the house. Lets callthose described as having the ability to beat the house as . HitNRunMasters! Paul said: So with that in mind it has to be said that this program isexactly like everything else in the industry We say, that with everything in mind, ithas to be said that we are nothing like anything you have ever been privilegedto in this industry and you only have two choices now. 1) Go to the casino and playslots, or 2) join the HitNRunMasters! We are not a part of HYIP to have a programto secure your future. We have a program and are willing to assist you becausewe need to band together and remove the crap from HYIP. Dont confuse this endeavorwith benevolence. This is an endeavor spawned out of need to return HYIP toits roots and nothing more. The truth is, it will take a couple years orlonger to accomplish it and if you band with us you will survive it and youwill prosper. Paul also commented on our Outsourced Support Paul said: The thing I have yet to be convinced about however is the adminsclaim that support has been outsourced to a completely different company who inturn is a sort of liaison officer with the HitNRunMasters admin. According to himit gives him a lot more time to get on with actually running the program, whichis great for him. Less encouraging for you however because you never dealdirectly with an employee of the program, never deal directly with the admin,and at best can only get support from someone with no personal ability orauthority to access your account and fix any problems you have there. It will work. It is working. These guysseem to know their stuff and we are glad to have found them. We havecollectively developed a support protocol that keeps us in contact. Everymember that has used the support feature at HnRM up to this point will be ableto attest to the fact it is truly first rate. The support staff at ESP hasinstant contact with me (Admin NB) as well as our programmers. All issues aresolved very fast. Give it a try. We have also added the shoutbox at the siteso that you may interact with me anytime I am online. I try to check theshoutbox as often as possible, so please, if you need something, have aquestion, or want to just chat, stop by and hopefully our paths will crossthere. It is TIME we band together! It is TIME we turn this arena around! It is TIME to make the changes! It is a NEW DAWN in the world of HYIP! THE WAR HAS BEGUN! Are you going to emerge victorious or lie wasted as a casualty? The choice is yours!!! Hit N Run Masters The HYIP Destiny is OUR Choice!
Rainbow65 Posted July 31, 2011 Posted July 31, 2011 Latest Newsletter: How GOOD would it be to... Never lose at HYIP again? HITnRUN Masters is exactly what HYIP needs - a MASTERY system - a way to ensure the success of the member. How good would it be to know that you are now associated with the largest (by far) group of HYIP associates anywhere to be found?! How good would it be to know that your funds are pooled with the NUMBER ONE most successful HYIP participants anywhere period?! How good would it be if you NEVER lost at HYIPagain?! How good would it be to know that when you place an investment, the group of investors you have joined forces with ARE the Number one DETERMINING factor as to when an HYIP fails and/or how long it succeeds?! How good would it be for you to know that you finally have a real opportunity to create wealth in the HYIP arena by becoming associated with HYIPs most elite participants?! It has been said The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Your main enemy, in HYIP, is the uneducated and overly greedy admin - the HYIP idiot! We are their greatest enemy and that makes us your NUMBER ONE ally! HnRM is a cooperative effort from the very sources you hold dear. Sources you rely on everyday. This isnt some whimsical idea that was spawned to rob you of your funds like the idiot admin of the day. We are going to put things into their proper perspective and eliminate the crap from HYIP. Sure there will always be losses. But the days of the big, intelligent, long running programs will return! If you are not on board with us then you have the Giants, no, the ELITE of this industry working against you. You don't want to be running this race in the wrong direction. This is your only chance. If you have been involved in HYIP for any length of time, then you have already suspected there is an underlying force that tends to sway things in their own favor. We ARE that force! If you are not with us then you are forcing us to work against you and trust me you don't want that! Had it not been for the depredation of this industry over the last few years, we would have never revealed anything about ourselves to you. But necessity being the mother of all invention, here we are! This is your shot, this is your chance, NOW it is your turn to be a part of the upper end of the HYIP food chain. But the choice is yours, become a part of those that feast on the HYIP world or remain those that are ravaged. Sure, there are programs paying higher interest and better affiliate commissions than HnRM. So why should we invest with HnRM? Let us ask you, overall, what have you been able to profit daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. considering all your wins and all losses, in the world of HYIP? The vast majority, if answering honestly,will say I am at a loss! or very little! Don't you want consistency? Don't you want profitability? Don't you want sustainability? Or do you want to continue to watch your investment disappear along with program after program? Why should you invest with us? Because we are turning this HYIP World around! Because we are destroying crap admin after crap admin until all that is left are solid programs! and Because you WILL consistently profit while protecting your investment fund from going to the running admin or even the HitnRun Masters. It is TIME we band together! It is time we turn this arena around! It is time to make the changes! It is a NEW DAWN in the world of HYIP! THE WAR HAS BEGUN! Are you going to emerge victorious or lie wasted as a casualty? The choice is yours!!! HIT n RUN Masters The HYIP Destiny is OUR Choice! Nice to see more and more joining this unique program. That's wonderful!
umeghayu Posted August 2, 2011 Posted August 2, 2011 Hit N Run Masters has had an amazing first two weeks. - news Hit N Run Masters has had an amazing first two weeks. Over the course of the first two weeks online we have some amazing progress. We have attracted a lot of attention. * Within the first 2 days online we experienced a DDoS attack that lasted for more than 2 days. Thanks to the efforts of Dragonara we overcame it and have been moving ahead rapidly. * Our controversial agenda continues to be challenged on several fronts. * Our review was published on Money News Online and our interview should be released tomorrow. * We added a Forum at HYIPNews.com * A number of programs have stopped paying over the last 2 weeks. Due to the advance notice we receive from our sources we were able to get out of all but one IN PROFIT. The one we failed to make profit on we were close to break even. * Also, 3 of the programs were from the ‘Target’ admin we intend to eliminate completely. The vast majority of the funds they were trying to run with were confiscated by the exchangers and the payment processors. Our bonus was 10% of the take! What a great 2 weeks! Our group of associates is going to change the course of HYIP with or without you! With our assistance you can and will prosper! Without our assistance you can and will lose money! The choice is yours whether to prosper or despair, win or lose, succeed or fail! Which is it going to be??? Hit N Run Masters The HYIP Destiny is OUR Choice!
Rainbow65 Posted August 3, 2011 Posted August 3, 2011 Nice to see such an active Admin keeping us up to date on everything. I see more and more coming over to share this one.
umeghayu Posted August 10, 2011 Posted August 10, 2011 Hitnrunmasters.com - The Dog Days of Summer. The Dog Days of Summer. This year has been especially prosperous for us. The admins that we have targeted have been very active this summer and we have been in the thick of it. They got hurt this year. Our members are beginning to see that there is a method to our madness and a safety in our numbers. Hopefully those of you that are not yet our members were not involved in the programs that have come and gone over the summer months. We are in the home stretch of the Dog Days of Summer. Many admins thought they would survive it and are finding out they cannot. Our sources say that there are a vast number of programs that wont make it until September. They are already exiting with their funds. Understand that this is not an easy process. Experienced admin know that if they try and exit with large amounts that their funds wont make it out. Payment processors and exchangers will see it as an opportunity to capture funds. So the experienced admin does this in smaller amounts and over a longer period of time. This is what happened to Opulentia. They used the 7 day celebratory offer to in an attempt to extend the time for exiting. Fortunately our contacts informed us weeks ago of their exiting and we pulled all the funds we could. We made huge profits from Opulentia. Medium High 5 figures in profits. There are other programs that are moving their take out of the ecurrencies so be on the watch for signs and get out once you see them, if it is not already too late. This is the toughest of all months out of the year. In the US all the kids are going back to school, last minute vacations and the cost of all the school clothes and supplies causes investors to spend their money elsewhere. In addition we have the US economic crises and the combination spells H.A.R.D. T.I.M.E.S. for many programs. You really have to be keen to determine and evaluate which programs that are coming on board now are going to survive August. Many of those that do will be planning a quick exit prior to the middle of November. So plan accordingly. If you want to be assured of a smooth ride through these turbulent waters then you should team up with HnRM. We have the inside scoop and they cannot fool us. It is TIME we band together! It is TIME we turn this arena around! It is TIME to make the changes! It is a NEW DAWN in the world of HYIP! THE WAR HAS BEGUN! Are you going to emerge victorious or lie wasted as a casualty? The choice is yours!!! Hit N Run Masters The HYIP Destiny is OUR Choice! __________________
Guest Posted August 11, 2011 Posted August 11, 2011 I had problem with the site loading few hours ago, today, but it's back to normal now, that the site is loading back to normal, the same thing has been updated in their news section, today ! Admin NB "Site was down for a few hours. All is well now" Details 2011-08-11 5:06 PM
WeiKuo Posted August 12, 2011 Author Posted August 12, 2011 The latest newsletter ---- Some WILL and some WON’T… Since we launched we have received a number of support requests wanting information about what programs are going to be running away soon. This is what you need to understand. HYIP is a small world! Here is what will happen when we reveal names. For example, on August 5th, we told you… “In two such programs the Admin is exercising his exit strategy as we speak. We have already exited their program with massive profits. These two programs have the same admin, they look almost identical, both are high interest short term plans. One has been live for slightly over a month, the other was launched 2 weeks later. Due to our exit, with several 10’s of thousands in profit, the admin has begun to withdraw his reserves from both payment processors to his own pockets and the programs will collapse very soon. We suspect that the Admin may, or could, use some of the remaining profit from the first program to attempt to maintain the second in hope it revives. But mark my words, he is a target, and we won’t miss!” Had we revealed at that time that Liberty Hoard and Hot Investing were both owned by the same Admin group and that Liberty Hoard was trying to remove funds, then this Admin in an effort to discredit us would simply have supported Liberty Hoard with funds from Hot Investing. This would prolong their existence and cause you to have even more doubts of our validity. We gave you enough information on August 5th had you taken the time to look at it. So, now you know. Hot investing is doing the same thing. We took so much of the profits from Liberty Hoard that Hot Investing is trying to route their funds thru several accounts and the program will collapse soon. However, having announced this they may spend it down to the last penny in an effort to discredit us. Believe me when I tell you, these admin groups know they are targeted. And we are not well liked by the admins that are running programs. So you choose, believe, don’t believe. But we are not going to risk our strategies any further than we already have. We are not an information service. You wanted some info, now you have some. That’s it. Take it, or don’t take it, the choice is yours. Like we said, if you choose to go it alone, then go it alone. We are here, we are offering, you decide. We will make profit either way, will you?
Guest Posted August 13, 2011 Posted August 13, 2011 there is shout box on their program, one can ask questions to the admin publicly, or can discuss regarding things related to the program, also noi complaints on payments in that shout box for now.
nehmer Posted August 15, 2011 Posted August 15, 2011 Admin's News Letter Update August 15, 2011 06:59 PM GMT + 8 (Monday) hitnrunmasters.com - No Exception No Exception, The request for “a shred of evidence” was fulfilled yesterday! If you are interested then you can read it for yourself in the newsletter released by HnRM dated 8/5/2011. That’s all you are getting. We are not sticking our necks out on to the proverbial chopping block any further than that so there is no need to continue to ask. We have made a great living in this industry for many years. We opened this program to assist the industry and “Take out the Trash”. In doing so we are giving up funds we could just take from it, instead we are allowing HYIP investors to take advantage of our ‘Intel”. For us to outright expose ourselves would be devastating. We are not about to provide details that will lead Admins to recognize our endeavors nor are we going to alert them to our positions past, present or future. This industry is ran by only a handful of admins. Exposing our tactics to them in any more detail than we have already done is like a sniper donning bright orange, building a fire, standing straight up and waving in the middle of a war! It is not going to happen!!! In fact, it is an unrealistic expectation for any program in HYIP, and we are NO Exception! There is zero shred of evidence for any single program listed on EVERY single monitor. No Program has ever presented factual evidence of anything they have ever done or will ever do. They present forged docs and fictitious information. In fact, MNO did an entire expose’ on this very issue some time ago. Make no mistake, we are here, we are reaping havoc on these admins that are in our sights, you can take advantage of our ‘Inside Information’ or You can continue to take your chances on your own. It simply boils down to how successful you feel you are or can be independently and whether you desire to see HYIP improvements, stability and endurance or not. But regarding the ‘shred of evidence’, read the newsletter yesterday, pay attention to the industry, read between the lines and you will have more than enough information to discern whether we are telling you facts or fiction. If that is not enough for you, then you shouldn’t join us. Like we already stated, we make more money without you! With you, we will accomplish our goals of cleaning up the HYIP industry by better controlling the funds these select Admins are receiving and fleeing with. If you can see what we are saying, If you are tired of the crap programs. If you long for the HYIP days of old, then It is TIME we band together! It is TIME we turn this arena around! It is TIME to make the changes! It is a NEW DAWN in the world of HYIP! THE WAR HAS BEGUN! Are you going to emerge victorious or lie wasted as a casualty? The choice is yours!!! Hit N Run Masters The HYIP Destiny is OUR Choice!
Guest Posted August 16, 2011 Posted August 16, 2011 I can found the latest payments proofs from this program, thus one thing is clear to me that the program is yet having active status, I guess it's going to stay long enough, in the hyip industry.
Rainbow65 Posted August 26, 2011 Posted August 26, 2011 Things are looking up for HnRM! From the Admin: We have been close lipped for almost a week I guess, but this has been our best week so far. Perhaps we will shut-up more often. We had a record breaking number of members each day for 5 days straight! And Deposits have been through the roof. Our profit margins have been fantastic as we have outsmarted admin after admin. Sometimes it shocks me at just how easy this actually is. Our Goals are well defined. Our strategies are intact and our profits are plentiful. Without a doubt, we have the best plan for member profits available in this industry. If you haven't caught the Hit N Run bug yet, you will! HitNRun Masters Admin NB I have been paid over and over again from day one. What a great program! Thank you so much NB
antthenait Posted August 27, 2011 Posted August 27, 2011 Above some statement and some payout proofs made this site elite. I think we should make such plan for our little future with this site. Hopefully Admin may announce some special befit for us.
Guest Posted August 29, 2011 Posted August 29, 2011 this one has been paying for 42 days so far, that is a fantastic status to pay members that long, there is better strategy of increasing the daily ROI in their plan, as older the investment, the higher the ROI, so invest and leave the fund in the program, until one year term.
umeghayu Posted September 5, 2011 Posted September 5, 2011 Newsletter HnRM is doing well HnRM is doing well. I am impressed with the number of members we are attracting now. As more and more of the so-called ‘winning’ hyips begin to go south, members are starting to migrate to our door. I think they are now realising we are who we say we are, and we do what we say we do. Events over the past couple of weeks have prompted me to change my public image. No longer will I give hints about our targets or the next "good thing" that is going down. Instead I will go back behind the scenes in stealth mode. Admins who know we have an interest in their program go on "red alert" and will do anything in their power to try to make us look stupid. Having said that has meant that in at least one case the admin paid out far more than he planned to before closing. Our online raids have been very fruitful. Because we have a stable but ever-growing pool of funds has meant we have the liquidity to take advantage of more opportunities. There has been a good number of short term programs offering very high ROI AND paying. We are fast approaching two months online. Many of our members are receiving upper levels of return every day. I can see that they are content with trusting our judgement because we have had very few principal return requests. We have the best live support team. Please feel free to contact them about any account problems or if you need help with any facet of investing. Our support is the best so if you need them please use them. Admin NB HitnRun Masters
budado Posted September 7, 2011 Posted September 7, 2011 This is the first time I heard about this site. So I'm still in feeling mood. I what to feel the vibe of hitnrunmasters. I'm thinking that maybe the plan of this site admin and that is to hit and run. lols. But I'm surprise that theirs so many of you guys post in this thread and its seem you all guys are curious and confident with this site at the same time so lets see.
Guest Posted September 7, 2011 Posted September 7, 2011 @budado I don't think it's the admin's plan to hit and run, actually it is the strategy he used to attract members to invest in his site, but the ROI offered has been sustainable so far, and it's been paying for few months already, so it's already proven that they are not going to run, but planned to be stable and stay active.
nehmer Posted September 14, 2011 Posted September 14, 2011 HitnRun is Going Great Guns! Admin's News Letter Update September 15, 2011 08:19 AM GMT + 8 (Thursday) Our raids have been very successful this past week. The return on our funds this week has exceeded our past results and our own expectations. Our reserve of funds has been steadily growing since we came online. We are coming up for 2 months online and at no time have we had to worry about paying our members. As you all know, payouts go out like clockwork. For those who have difficulty with entering the correct details for their Perfect Money account the first number is the account number (numerals only). The second string starts with "U" followed by numbers. If they are incorrect a PM withdrawal will not go through, so please check that yours is OK. You need to cancel any current withdrawal request, enter the PM account details correctly and re-request a withdrawal. When you invest with us you can choose to compound all or part of the daily profits. At 100% compounding you do not receive a withdrawable daily income, but your profits are added to the principal daily, so you earn on an ever-increasing daily principal ready to to be withdrawn when you are. You can also partially compound and receive daily payouts. A few members have asked us to consider changing the design of the site. Because of the extra profits made we have been able to hire a designer to produce something we hope that all will like. This may take several weeks but I am sure that all will be impressed with the new design. I would like to point out again that we are not a typical HYIP depending on new deposits to pay older ones. 99.9% of HYIPs are ponzis. We are the 0.1% that are not. The difference between us and them, is we make a real profit. All HYIPs seen so far have limited lives. There is no reason we know of why our program should not run for years, as opposed to the ponzi ones (the rest) which always have a limited lifetime. I would at this point like to thank our members for their faith in us. 99% have left their funds in and not requested withdrawal of principal. We appreciate this faith in our ability to keep on producing profits. I am sure as time goes on we will receive the accolades we deserve. "Join Us or Perish!" HitnRun Masters _______________
umeghayu Posted September 15, 2011 Posted September 15, 2011 Newsletter from hitnrunmasters.com Changes are Coming Soon - In More Ways than ONE Changes are Coming Soon - In More Ways than ONE Changes are inevitable in just about every facet of life. No doubt that holds excessively true in the world of HYIP. We have been telling you about the changes that are being done to our website, they are on the way. Tonight we modified some of the content that is found on our site. But lets talk a minute about HYIP and the changes that are happening there. You really dont need us to tell you that September is generally a busy month in this market. Generally new programs begin to arrive in droves this time of year. What you may not know already is there are three groups of admin that have and are developing two dozen or more additional programs that they will be launching one right after another over the next few weeks. These admin groups are hell bent on taking every single dime they can from your pockets Their programs are notorious for NEVER giving you a chance to profit. They open and close before you can ever even consider breaking even. These admin are getting bolder and bolder as they open and close their programs taking more and more profits each week. They are getting wiser and wiser. Their programs are getting better and better looking and they continue to do their best to route funds so that our network of associates doesnt trap them and keep them from profiting. To some degree it is working for them. We dont have time to infiltrate their programs because they never intend on remaining long enough for anyone to profit no matter how many members they attract or how big the daily deposits become. Their strategy is simple, to open and close over and over. We dont want them here. You dont want them here. No payment processor wants them here and not even the exchangers want them here. It is not good for the industry to have new members become familiar with HYIP, join and then lose with no chance of winning. It is one thing to run a ponzi for as long as it can be run and take profit from it. It is another to never allow anyone to win. Pay attention to the littlest of details and you will see the signs. Dont join programs with bad grammar. Dont join programs with stupid nonsensical names. Dont join programs with cheap support. Dont join programs that resemble 2 or 3 others. Dont join programs that have non-original content. Dont join programs that have no SSL certificate. Dont join programs that are not on a dedicated server. Dont join programs that use non DDoS protected hosting. Dont join programs that use pirated scripts. Dont join programs that offer an unrealistic return on investments. It may be easier to just say, Join HnRM and let us worry about it. Nevertheless, be careful. It is going to especially bad this last half of this year. Believe it or not, our associates and those with insight and insider knowledge are working to eliminate the admins that are ruining hyip for all of us. Through it all, we will be here. Good Luck to you all. This email has been sent because you have an account at HitNRunMasters. If you prefer not to receive emails from HitNRunMasters, please click on the following link or copy / paste the link into a browser. https://www.hitnrunmasters.com/unsubscribe.php
Rainbow65 Posted September 15, 2011 Posted September 15, 2011 Newsletter from the Admin: Changes are Coming Soon - In More Ways than ONE Changes are inevitable in just about every facet of life. No doubt that holds excessively true in the world of HYIP. We have been telling you about the changes that are being done to our website, they are on the way. Tonight we modified some of the content that is found on our site. But lets talk a minute about HYIP and the changes that are happening there. You really dont need us to tell you that September is generally a busy month in this market. Generally new programs begin to arrive in droves this time of year. What you may not know already is there are three groups of admin that have and are developing two dozen or more additional programs that they will be launching one right after another over the next few weeks. These admin groups are hell bent on taking every single dime they can from your pockets Their programs are notorious for NEVER giving you a chance to profit. They open and close before you can ever even consider breaking even. These admin are getting bolder and bolder as they open and close their programs taking more and more profits each week. They are getting wiser and wiser. Their programs are getting better and better looking and they continue to do their best to route funds so that our network of associates doesnt trap them and keep them from profiting. To some degree it is working for them. We dont have time to infiltrate their programs because they never intend on remaining long enough for anyone to profit no matter how many members they attract or how big the daily deposits become. Their strategy is simple, to open and close over and over. We dont want them here. You dont want them here. No payment processor wants them here and not even the exchangers want them here. It is not good for the industry to have new members become familiar with HYIP, join and then lose with no chance of winning. It is one thing to run a ponzi for as long as it can be run and take profit from it. It is another to never allow anyone to win. Pay attention to the littlest of details and you will see the signs. Dont join programs with bad grammar. Dont join programs with stupid nonsensical names. Dont join programs with cheap support. Dont join programs that resemble 2 or 3 others. Dont join programs that have non-original content. Dont join programs that have no SSL certificate. Dont join programs that are not on a dedicated server. Dont join programs that use non DDoS protected hosting. Dont join programs that use pirated scripts. Dont join programs that offer an unrealistic return on investments. It may be easier to just say, Join HnRM and let us worry about it. Nevertheless, be careful. It is going to especially bad this last half of this year. Believe it or not, our associates and those with insight and insider knowledge are working to eliminate the admins that are ruining hyip for all of us. Through it all, we will be here. Good Luck to you all. He is definitely correct...I'll follow that list when looking for a program. I even found one yesterday that is exactly like another one...everything...including the totally unrealistic ROI. I want to make money but I really don't like it when some Admin obviously think we're not very smart!
umeghayu Posted September 22, 2011 Posted September 22, 2011 Newsletter from hitnrunmasters.com Newsletter from hitnrunmasters.com Heading to the TOP Heading to the TOP We are well on our way to becoming a top choice for HYIP investors. Each week we are seeing an increase in the numbers of members joining our program. More and more SAVVY investors are finding their way and migrating to our site. As time continues to roll by, profits remain consistent and members continue to invest, we anticipate that our program is going to rise to the top of the charts. Our profit making ability is undeniably sound, intact, and accelerating as we rapidly approach the last quarter of 2011. Over the course of the third quarter we exceeded our own expectations and took huge profits from the HYIP market. With the implementation of numerous new programs, several of which we fully expect to make it into 2012, our profit strategy is safely raking in profits. HnRM is now approaching 70 days online and ramping up for the increased popularity we are beginning to experience. Our new website is nearing completion and should be visible within the next few days. We invite you to take advantage of our position in the HYIP industry and become a member of HnRM. Admin NB
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