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.: Paying :.

Date : 2011-14-07 09:20:37

From/To Account : U4741445 (FundFreedom)

Amount : 0.2500

Currency : LRUSD

Batch : 65466556

Memo : Withdrawal to hyipcontrol from www.fund-freedom.com


Thank you, admin.


.: Paying :.

Date : 2011-15-07 21:28:32

From/To Account : U4741445 (FundFreedom)

Amount : 0.5000

Currency : LRUSD

Batch : 65594275

Memo : Withdrawal to hyipcontrol from www.fund-freedom.com


Thank you, admin.


next payment received on time as usual

Date: 2011-15-07 07:45:41

Batch: 65540659

From Account: U4741445

Amount: $0.50

Memo: Withdrawal to hyipnew.com from www.fund-freedom.com

Thank you,admin!


.: Paying :.

Date : 2011-20-07 12:17:42

From/To Account : U4741445 (FundFreedom)

Amount : 0.5000

Currency : LRUSD

Batch : 65902608

Memo : Withdrawal to hyipcontrol from Fund-freedom.com


Thank you, admin.


.: Paying :.

Date : 2011-21-07 07:52:25

From/To Account : U4741445 (FundFreedom)

Amount : 0.2500

Currency : LRUSD

Batch : 65969786

Memo : Withdrawal to hyipcontrol from Fund-freedom.com


Thank you, admin.


next payment received on time as usual

Date: 2011-22-07 20:58:51

Batch: 66113559

From Account: U4741445

Amount: $1.00

Memo: Withdrawal to hyipnew.com from Fund-freedom.com

Thank you,admin!


.: Paying :.

Date : 2011-25-07 10:29:04

From/To Account : U4741445 (FundFreedom)

Amount : 0.5000

Currency : LRUSD

Batch : 66259542

Memo : Withdrawal to hyipcontrol from Fund-freedom.com


Thank you, admin.

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