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My 1st payment Received on time,


Date: 2011-07-05 04:42

Batch: 64795196

From Account: U8935192 (Projection Finance Inc.)

Amount: $7.00

Memo: Standard plan - 1/9


Thank you, admin!


You have successfully sent a payment from your account U1996517 (Bank):


Date: 7/4/2011 5:19 PM

Batch: 64770155

Sent To: U8935192 (Projection Finance Inc.)

Amount: $5.00



Thank you.


You have received a payment to your account U1996517:


Date: 2011-05-07 04:44:00

Batch: 64795236

From Account: U8935192

Amount: $0.90

Memo: Express plan - 1/7


Thank you.


Next payment Received on time as usual,


Date: 2011-07-06 01:56

Batch: 64858696

From Account: U8935192 (Projection Finance Inc.)

Amount: $7.00

Memo: Standard plan - 2/9


Thank you, admin!


You have received a payment to your account U1996517:


Date: 2011-06-07 01:56:55

Batch: 64858720

From Account: U8935192

Amount: $0.90

Memo: Express plan - 2/7


Thank you.


Next payment Received on time as usual,


Date: 2011-07-07 00:38

Batch: 64936009

From Account: U8935192 (Projection Finance Inc.)

Amount: $7.00

Memo: Standard plan - 3/9


Thank you, admin!


You have received a payment to your account U1996517:


Date: 2011-07-07 00:39:24

Batch: 64936039

From Account: U8935192

Amount: $0.90

Memo: Express plan - 3/7


Thank you.


You have received a payment to your account U1996517:


Date: 2011-08-07 02:03:21

Batch: 65023387

From Account: U8935192

Amount: $0.90

Memo: Express plan - 4/7


Thank you.


You have received a payment to your account U1996517:


Date: 2011-09-07 03:37:54

Batch: 65104550

From Account: U8935192

Amount: $0.90

Memo: Express plan - 5/7


Thank you.


Next payment Received on time as usual,


Date: 2011-07-10 04:04

Batch: 65160242

From Account: U8935192 (Projection Finance Inc.)

Amount: $7.00

Memo: Standard plan - 6/9


Thank you, admin!


You have received a payment to your account U1996517:


Date: 2011-10-07 04:05:45

Batch: 65160268

From Account: U8935192

Amount: $0.90

Memo: Express plan - 6/7


Thank you.


Next payment Received on time as usual,


Date: 2011-07-11 03:05

Batch: 65201620

From Account: U8935192 (Projection Finance Inc.)

Amount: $7.00

Memo: Standard plan - 7/9


Thank you, admin!


You have received a payment to your account U1996517:


Date: 2011-11-07 03:06:12

Batch: 65201648

From Account: U8935192

Amount: $0.90

Memo: Express plan - 7/7


Thank you.


Next payment Received on time as usual,


Date: 2011-07-12 03:03

Batch: 65283177

From Account: U8935192 (Projection Finance Inc.)

Amount: $7.00

Memo: Standard plan - 8/9


Thank you, admin!


Next payment Received on time as usual,


Date: 2011-07-15 02:27

Batch: 65527192

From Account: U8935192 (Projection Finance Inc.)

Amount: $7.00

Memo: Standard plan - 2/9


Thank you, admin!


Next payment Received on time as usual,


Date: 2011-07-16 05:09

Batch: 65607053

From Account: U8935192 (Projection Finance Inc.)

Amount: $7.00

Memo: Standard plan - 3/9


Thank you, admin!


Payment Received Via Liberty Reserve.


Date: 07/16/2011 05:15

Batch: 65607269

From Account: U8935192 (Projection Finance Inc.)

Amount: $1.80

Memo : Express plan - 1/7


Thank You,


Payment Received Via Liberty Reserve.


Date: 07/17/2011 05:37

Batch: 65661387

From Account: U8935192 (Projection Finance Inc.)

Amount: $1.80

Memo : Express plan - 2/7


Thank You,


Next payment Received on time as usual,


Date: 2011-07-17 05:34

Batch: 65661211

From Account: U8935192 (Projection Finance Inc.)

Amount: $7.00

Memo: Standard plan - 4/9


Thank you, admin!


Next payment Received on time as usual,


Date: 2011-07-18 02:54

Batch: 65705637

From Account: U8935192 (Projection Finance Inc.)

Amount: $7.00

Memo: Standard plan - 5/9


Thank you, admin!


You have received a payment to your account :


Date: 2011-18-07 03:02:55

Batch: 65706085

From Account: U8935192 (projectionfinance)

Amount: $0.35

Memo: Standard plan - 2/9


Thank you.


Next payment Received on time as usual,


Date: 2011-07-19 02:18

Batch: 65786714

From Account: U8935192 (Projection Finance Inc.)

Amount: $7.00

Memo: Standard plan - 6/9


Thank you, admin!v


Payment Received Via Liberty Reserve.


Date: 07/19/2011 02:22

Batch: 65786963

From Account: U8935192 (Projection Finance Inc.)

Amount: $1.80

Memo : Express plan - 4/7


Date: 07/18/2011 03:00

Batch: 65705931

From Account: U8935192 (Projection Finance Inc.)

Amount: $1.80

Memo : Express plan - 3/7


Thank You,

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