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I am not the Admin.


The Admin says:


Welcome to the 12daysfund.com - an online investment opportunity designed for carrying out swift investments.

With 12daysfund.com you can get access to higher returns by using our technology, expertise and knowledge. Funds received from our clients are diversified and invested into various financial sectors that generate the profit to sustain the program. We strive towards making your investing with 12daysfund.com as simple and hassle-free as possible. Therefore, you are not likely to see any tiresome instructions on our website - everything is simple, plain and friendly.

12daysfund.com is an excellent choice if you prefer short-term investments.


Investment Plans:


108% After 1 Day!

Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)

Plan 1 $10 - $49 104.00

Plan 2 $50 - $99 104.50

Plan 3 $100 - $299 105.00

Plan 4 $200 - $499 105.50

Plan 5 $500 - $999 106.00

Plan 6 $1,000 - $1,999 106.50

Plan 7 $2,000 - $2,999 107.00

Plan 8 $3,000 - $5,000 108.00



134%after 6days

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Plan 1 $10 - $49 120.00

Plan 2 $50 - $99 122.00

Plan 3 $100 - $199 124.00

Plan 4 $200 - $499 126.00

Plan 5 $500 - $999 128.00

Plan 6 $1,000 - $1,999 130.00

Plan 7 $2,000 - $2,999 132.00

Plan 8 $3,000 - $5,000 134.00



200%after 12days

Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)

Plan 1 $10 - $49 148.00

Plan 2 $50 - $99 150.00

Plan 3 $100 - $199 155.00

Plan 4 $200 - $499 160.00

Plan 5 $500 - $999 170.00

Plan 6 $1,000 - $1,999 180.00

Plan 7 $2,000 - $2,999 190.00

Plan 8 $3,000 - $5,000 200.00


Accepted Currencies: LR, PM


Referral Commission: 2%


Link: http://12daysfund.com/


he minimum deposit is 10$ very high, I think they should have a testing plan with 5$ as minimum. The ROI They are promising looks very high 108% for a day, which is not affordable. Also the referral commission is very low 2%. As the minimum deposit is very high we cannot take a risk on test investment. Also It was started yesterday. We have to wait for payment proofs and a good status from monitors


he minimum deposit is 10$ very high, I think they should have a testing plan with 5$ as minimum. The ROI They are promising looks very high 108% for a day, which is not affordable. Also the referral commission is very low 2%. As the minimum deposit is very high we cannot take a risk on test investment. Also It was started yesterday. We have to wait for payment proofs and a good status from monitors

@chasmi I think $10 is not too high, high mean such sites which have started with $50/$100. I support your idea that if the authority will make a plan of $5 base for the monitor system, then we should get a little bit profit and another thing Admin must need to change the ref.commission level it should be on standard like 5%. I must choose the first base plan for any short term Investment.

  • 1 month later...

the ROI of 4% daily is so huge that the program has been turned to scam already

and there is problem loading the page as well,

these kind of programs turn to scam faster, thread moved to closed programs folder !

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