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Payment received very fast!


.: Paying :.

Date : 2011-13-06 21:37:10

From/To Account : U8084428 (Fast Lane Investment)

Amount : 6.0000

Currency : LRUSD

Batch : 63268047

Memo : Withdraw to hyipcontrol from Fast Lane Investment


Thank you, admin.


.: Paying :.

Date : 2011-14-06 22:57:28

From/To Account : U8084428 (Fast Lane Investment)

Amount : 6.0000

Currency : LRUSD

Batch : 63355248

Memo : Withdraw to hyipcontrol from Fast Lane Investment


Thank you, admin.


Payment received very fast!


.: Paying :.

Date : 2011-16-06 16:44:41

From/To Account : U8084428 (Fast Lane Investment)

Amount : 6.0000

Currency : LRUSD

Batch : 63504227

Memo : Withdraw to hyipcontrol from Fast Lane Investment


Thank you, admin.


Payment received very fast!


.: Paying :.

Date : 2011-17-06 21:27:56

From/To Account : U8084428 (Fast Lane Investment)

Amount : 6.0000

Currency : LRUSD

Batch : 63596843

Memo : Withdraw to hyipcontrol from Fast Lane Investment


Thank you, admin.


next payment received fast as usual

The amount of 4.3 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Date: 06:22 17.06.11. Batch: 5637598. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Withdraw to su vinh from Fast Lane Investment..

Date: 6/17/2011 4:02 AM

Batch: 63533133

From Account: U8084428 (Fast Lane Investment)

Amount: $6.50

Memo: Withdraw to su vinh from Fast Lane Investment


Thank you,admin!


Payment received very fast!


.: Paying :.

Date : 2011-18-06 23:58:52

From/To Account : U8084428 (Fast Lane Investment)

Amount : 6.0000

Currency : LRUSD

Batch : 63647381

Memo : Withdraw to hyipcontrol from Fast Lane Investment


Thank you, admin.


Payment received very fast!


.: Paying :.

Date : 2011-19-06 16:43:08

From/To Account : U8084428 (Fast Lane Investment)

Amount : 6.0000

Currency : LRUSD

Batch : 63677977

Memo : Withdraw to hyipcontrol from Fast Lane Investment


Thank you, admin.


next payment received on time as usual

Payment Details

Date: June 20, 2011 1:22:22 AM

Amount Paid: $1.70 USD

Reference Number: 03856-A4A28-FFF13

Buyer Name: George Banks

Buyer Email: gbanks1967@gmail.com

Item Details

Item Description: Withdraw to su vinh from Fast Lane Investment:


The amount of 3.3 USD has been deposited to your Perfect Money account. Date: 07:37 20.06.11. Batch: 5652050. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Withdraw to su vinh from Fast Lane Investment..

Date: 6/20/2011 5:17 AM

Batch: 63702794

From Account: U8084428 (Fast Lane Investment)

Amount: $7.65

Memo: Withdraw to su vinh from Fast Lane Investment


Thank you,admin!


Payment received very fast!


.: Paying :.

Date : 2011-20-06 17:44:43

From/To Account : U8084428 (Fast Lane Investment)

Amount : 6.0000

Currency : LRUSD

Batch : 63755302

Memo : Withdraw to hyipcontrol from Fast Lane Investment


Thank you, admin.


.: Paying :.

Date : 2011-21-06 04:06:02

From/To Account : U8084428 (Fast Lane Investment)

Amount : 6.0000

Currency : LRUSD

Batch : 63782109

Memo : Withdraw to hyipcontrol from Fast Lane Investment


Thank you, admin.


Date: 2011-06-21 04:23

Batch: 63783786

From Account: U8084428 (Fast Lane Investment)

Amount: $14.22

Memo: Withdraw to List4Hyip.com Admin from Fast Lane Investment


Thank you, admin!

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