vnhyipgroup Posted June 1, 2011 Posted June 1, 2011 I am not the Admin. Started : Jun 1, 2011 About HYIP: Greatprofitsafe is the leading global provider of high yield investment products and services. The company's professional management team has remained stable and focused for the years of combined private equity experience and expertise and managed a positive long-term track record of tremendous returns over numerous economic cycles. Investment Plans: 15% daily for 10 days Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%) Plan 1 $8 - $8,000 15.00 20% daily for 7 days Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%) Plan 1 $20 - $8,000 20.00 130% after 3 days Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Plan 1 $30 - $8,000 130.00 120% after 1 day Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Plan 1 $50 - $8,000 120.00 Accepted currencies: LR, PM. Referral commission: 5% Link:
antthenait Posted June 2, 2011 Posted June 2, 2011 This site is looking well .......... with cool design ........... also their base amount is not too high ........ really affordable for anyone .......... Only $8 ........ and daily RoI also far better than 1%. But their Ref. commission is too tiny for us ......... Admin may increase with 5% ........... Overall this is a standard Program ......... not any special .............
yogeshwartyagi Posted June 5, 2011 Posted June 5, 2011 Among all plans first 3 plans even though uses high roi but may be sustained in very short term say a month, but 4th plan is such which is highly going to affect the duration program may stay. There is lot caution needed to invest in such hyip.
Guest Posted August 20, 2011 Posted August 20, 2011 this program was of around three months old, the profit returns offered was very high that is a total of 50% within 10 days term, currently problem loading this site, thread moved to closed programs list !
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