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Orendailypro - orendailypro.com

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Start: 31.05.2011


Im not admin



We have planned our site very different, we give referrers an exclusive commission. Referrers do not require to invest with us for collecting commissions. We also have a multiple investment plan let our users invest in our program in various ways.


Orendailypro Team strive to find the best market opportunities and get the best out of them. We select the best Forex and Commodities traders and diversify our investments between them. We're on constant search for new speculative opportunities. Our profit margins are solid, our strategies sophisticated.





120%-150% after 1 day

Deposit min/max: 10$/2000$.


Accept Liberty Reserve, Perfect money. Withdrawal manual.

Refcommission 6%.


Link: http://orendailypro.com

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Hello boss .......... where is the Admin. I have tried to contact with .......... from pre-launch.


But not auto chat options ......... no response of support ticket .......... no popular pay proof forum ........... not too high growth ........



how can we trust this site ........... please help me by give us more info & updated news.



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