vnhyipgroup Posted May 30, 2011 Posted May 30, 2011 I am not the Admin. Started : May 30, 2011 Investment Plans: Classic Plan 103% after 1 DAY Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Classic Plan $10 - $10,000 103.00 Basic Plan 120% after 5 DAY Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Basic Plan $50 - $10,000 120.00 Medium Plan 145% after 10 DAY Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Medium Plan $100 - $10,000 145.00 Premium Plan 170% after 15 DAY Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) Premium Plan $200 - $10,000 170.00 VIP Plan 380% after 30 DAY Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%) VIP Plan $500 - $10,000 380.00 Accept-PM,LR,AP Rerfferal commsion: up to 20% Name From To Commision (%) Level 1 1 5 3.00 Level 2 6 10 5.00 Level 3 11 15 10.00 Level 4 16 20 15.00 Level 5 21 and more 20.00 Features: * Script GC ! Check GoldCoders' HYIP Manager License - Licensed * SSL protected * Live Support * Instant Withdraw Link:
antthenait Posted May 31, 2011 Posted May 31, 2011 This is the most trusted site ........... because they must give us live support ........... I really grateful of see this site ........... awesome ...... and their RoI is quite good ......... and the most effective idea is their Ref Plan ......... we can get up-to 20% bonus that's really great.
Guest Posted August 21, 2011 Posted August 21, 2011 since their plans offered around 3 to 4.5% ROI on daily basis, which is unsustainable, this one must have been turned to scam faster, thus closed, currently the site is unavailable, thread moved to closed programs list !
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