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It depends on what your goal is here and whether you have some extra time to dedicate to the forum in light of the current delays. It would certainly help if the forum was having more frequent payments to encourage better aactivities but I am active nonetheless.

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For the fact that the forum pays high rates that would make me to resume posting in the forum but only when the forum is back paying,I cannot make posts in a forum that the clearing of payments are really delayed,when there are several forums that pays fast,seriously posting in forums is not that easy

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That may be the right time to post again in here when the Forum is continue paying though we know that it would, it's just it's hard to motivate yourself posting in here especially when you have a pending payment in here that you just need to wait for it first before continuing your activity.

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@riddick09,so what's the new update? I said I would not be posting in here untill the admin clears the payment and you are telling me I shouldn't be making post here,well I don't know what you meant by that but I have just said what I would do in the forum

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Yes, we can say that we should have first break in posting here while the forum is clear about the payments. There's no problem with your goal in the forum or your plan but that's what I'm only thinking that I have been active here before and I know that it's not same now in the payment process.

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Since the payments requests are not much,the admin should at least clear the payments so that members can be active in the forum,it is when members are active that is when the forum can get advertisers,it even seems that the admin is not around ''cos he is not making updates in any of his forums

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It would really be good to see payment processing happening on the because its really been a while now since they are pending on the forum. In as much as the forum still has some loyal members that are prepared to post here now and then if there is funding available this should be the case.

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It's really disappointing the payment has been so slow as I know that the members have high expectations on the admin, so I'm just hoping that the admin would not disappoint the members again but we'll know that there admin would surely pay. I just hope that he would have more revenues from the site.

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Yeah, what matters most is whether admin can be able to generate some good revenue for the forum because it would really help in having faster payment processing in here. I know that the forum was making fast payments before and there is no reason why this cannot happen again in the future.

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That will be possible if there's many advertisers in the forum but if it is not then, we really need to think more of it and think that the forum still lacking of funds though, the forum activity should not cease and we can say that this forum will continue to be paying even the delay of the payments.

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I am prepared to wait for positive developments from the forum because of my trust in admin and my desire to earn from the forum. Its just hard for me to ignore the fact that the post rates in here are really high and 4 cents per post would really get good earnings.

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@mony,i think that the admin is doing something about getting advertisers,he would not just sit down and watch the forum to crumble,we might be thinking he is not doing anything to the forum,i just beleive that the admin would be surprising members anytime soon by clearing payments and making announcements about why there are delays in clearing of payments

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There is no doubt about that. I know the admin to be very persistent and know that he is going to do his best to make sure that the forum is in good condition or at the least paying to members again. This is why despite all that is happening I remain rather optimistic about its future.

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Although, the payment here seems to be not stable and this is not controllable by the admin. Even we say that this is Forex forum it is definitely not like the sponsored Forex forums that we know are stable in the post rate and the payments. So, I hope sooner to see this forum making payments again.

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Admin does have a role to play in getting the forum to be stable because he is responsible for getting members active, getting advertisers, making incentives, getting backlinks to improve the ranking of the forum for example. This is why the experience of the admin is vital to the success of the forum.

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Yea,you are very correct,the admin has a vital role to play to make the forum stable,he is the one that would look for advertisers to the forum,well we members just need to be patient and lets see when the admin would be clearing payments,i also want the admin to come and tell members to be patient,that alone would make members to feel that the admin is still with them

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I think there's not much interest to see the forum having the payment issues. I don't feel that I can understand having here regular posting only for me to have a payout and to think that I can't receive payment as early as possible. I hope that the day will come it will be normalized.

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I actually remember that the forum had an opening for an advertising Manager and Promoter on the forum but I cant remember if there were really a lot of responses though. I dont think that a lot of members become interested in roles line Advertising Manager because they perceive it as hard and this could have helped as well.

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From my understanding you need to bring some advertisers on the Forum it could be really hard for you especially if you don't have any connections with some Forex brokers Admin. We can always expect for some positive developement in here because that is what we are waiting for to happen in here.

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