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Name: Enfinity


Start: Jan 26th, 2023

Features: Strong DDoS protection | SSL encryption | Unique design | Unique script | Registered company | Online chat

About Program:

Crowdfunding is not the same as security token offerings. The classic way to raise funds for a business is to bootstrap it via personal savings or to receive a loan from friends, family, and banks. In recent years, venture capital-based financing has emerged as an additional funding option. In early 2000, crowd-based financing (also known as crowdfunding) caught people's attention. Crowdfunding is a form of crowdsourcing that is often used to raise capital from a large number of individuals for both for-profit and non-profit purposes. The underlying philosophy is to raise money from your community of users and backers, avoiding the complexity of capital markets. For profit-oriented companies, financial returns-based crowdfunding has become quite popular. In this type of crowdfunding, companies usually share an equity-based and debt-based instrument.

Investment Plans: 1% - 4% daily for 180 days | 35% after 31 days | 49% after 21 days
Principal Return: At the end
Charging: Calendar days

Minimal Spend: $50
Maximal Spend: No Limit
Referral: 5%*
Withdrawal: Manual

Payment systems: Tether TRC20 | Bitcoin | Litecoin | BNB.BSC

2023-01-30 14:06:57
200.1536 Tether USD

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P.S. Listing is bought. I am not the owner or administrator. Information provided here for viewing and discussion only.

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