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I am not the admin or the owner of the project, I don’t know the admin!


Started: Monday, 17 May 2021
Payouts: Instant (minimum withdrawal amount is $1, 0.002 BTC, 0.05 ETH, 0.2 LTC, 30 DOGE, 100 TRX)
Ref-offer 8% - 3% - 1%

Technical details (information from ISP and HyipLogs resources):

  • Domain: NameCheap, Inc., 2021-05-08 - 2022-05-08 (registered for  1 year)
  • SSL: Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA valid from 15 May, 2021 to 16 May, 2022 - Sectigo Limited
  • Hosting: Safe Value Limited
  • IP-address: (Argentina / Rosario) IP not used in other projects
  • Script: not defined
  • Simillar text HYIPs:  1
  • Simillar design HYIPs:  4


BTC BANK is a leader in the short-term lending market. The main activity of our company is the taking of deposits from individuals, as well as issuing loans secured by USD and cryptocurrency, which undoubtedly opens up great opportunities for a wide range of clients wishing to make a deposit or borrow. Since launching our company in 2015, we have earned the trust of more than 7,000 investors and borrowers on the global stage. If you are thinking about increasing your personal funds, or if you need additional funding for your projects, then BTC BANK is your best assistant. Due to the high interest rates and the constant demand for our lending services, we are able to offer every depositor very favorable terms for depositing their personal funds.

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Perfect Money, Dogecoin, Tron (TRX)

Perfect Money:

  • U31193568 (BTC Bank) - GB.GIF United Kingdom - Verified - 15.12.2020 - 11.6 point(s)

Investment plans:

  • $10 - $300: 2.0% daily for 365 days (deposit returned)
  • $300 - $1000: 2.5% daily for 365 days (deposit returned)
  • $1000 - $100000: 3.0% daily for 365 days (deposit returned)


200.00 USD: The amount of 200.00 USD has been withdrawn from your account. Accounts: U19811025->U31193568. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. AutoPayment PMbtc-bank.biz.. Date: 09:00 17.05.21. Batch: 393290981.

This topic was created for the purpose of information. I am not responsible for your decisions!

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