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The admin says:

Now you are here and are examining us, let us welcome you to sharkprofits.com Let's guess what have brought you about here. Thirst, unquestionable thirst, thirst for new lifestyle, thirst for new investment ideas, thirst for new income opportunities, thirst for wealth. So, if our guess is correct, this place is what you are looking for.


Shark Profits represents a long-term investment program, offering a great opportunity of profiting from online investment. We assist in improving your well-being through a comprehensive online investment program.


Plans: Up to 123% after 1 day, 167% after 3 days, 265% after 7 days, 545% after 15 days and 1124% 30 days directly to your Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money accounts.


Accept LR & PM.


Link: http://sharkprofits.com/


Started Apr 8, 2011

Running days 0

Total accounts 70

Active accounts 37

Total deposited $ 2,154.00

Total withdraw $ 91.55

Visitors online 65

Members online 10

Newest Member popularhyip

Last deposit: $ 10 (best1hyip)

Last withdraw: $ 0.1 (kingshyip.com)

Last update Apr 8, 2011

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