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AlertPayCycler - apcycler.com

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I am not the admin.


When will I get my money?


Every month the administrator will payout both cycles (the term we use when you double your money) and commissions via Alertpay. You will get one payment for all that is owed you. At any time you will be able to see the total amount owing to you from your members section.


How long will it take to double my money?


That will depend on how much our members are advertising our site. We will continue to advertise constantly, but obviously if our members are advertising too then your money will double more quickly. It can be anywhere from 30 minutes to a couple of days.

How do I buy more positions?


From the members section you can easily purchase more positions. If you've got enough funds in your account from previous cycles or commissions then you can buy more positions with that, otherwise you can add money via AlertPay.


What happens once I cycle?


You can select from your members panel to either be automatically re-entered into the line (this will incur a fee of course) or to not re-enter. It's up to you.






My investment:

* Date: March 29, 2011 12:21:44 PM

* Amount Paid: $5.00 USD

* Reference Number: 36BD7-2FB5D-B68CD


* Seller Email: pay@apcycler.com

* Item Description: AlertPay Money Cycler Membership: N/A

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