rata_for Posted December 7, 2018 Posted December 7, 2018 Now it is the time for the Bold Projects that can turn the market inside out and radically change the world order! Concentrating the Assets of millions of users around the world to influence the Trends and quotation levels of Key Cryptocurrencies WE will achieve Multiple Profits and Financial Independence. The Expanded Geography of the organization contributes to the impact on the market simultaneously in different countries. Weenzee’s Success Formula consists of a set of 3 simple components: 1) Strong Team of Professionals 2) Unique Innovative Artificial Intelligence, Weenzee AI 3) World Like-minded Community Advantages of the Weenzee System: Neural Network Robotic Interactive Bots Multicurrency wallet Most popular cryptocurrencies USD to simplify work with fiat funds Internal register “Weenzee Explorer”. Comfortable purchasing of WNZ units from Official Representatives A unique Investment Program: 1.Early Closing Portfolio option 2.the exceptional % when you increase your partner level Daily Deposit Profit Bonus A flexible Affiliate Program for the greatest success: 1. 22% of additional profit2. 8 levels deep3. 8 career levels up The System offers: 5 options for investment periods 10 currency options. The Best Investment Option: Portfolio WZN / 90 days An Ideal percentage correction provides the maximum result of the income in relation to the time of the portfolio. By investing in WNZ for a period of 90 days you get these advantages: - plus 15% to the daily accruals for using WNZ; - plus 10% to the daily accruals for the choice of the given Portfolio period; - the opportunity of Early Closing Portfolio after the 60th day. The Weenzee system daily encourages its partners and investors for their work in expanding the Leadership Network. When the User Status increases, the daily bonus in the “Weenzee” Status will give you: up to 22% from the deposits of 8 levels of your downline referral partners up to 13% from profits of 8 levels of your downline referral partners plus 20% to the daily accrual on your deposit (Bonus “For YOUR Status”). >>> Are you with us?! <<< https://t.me/weenzee https://www.facebook.com/weenzeecom/ Quote
rata_for Posted December 7, 2018 Author Posted December 7, 2018 I bought 100WNZ and chose the recommended period - 90 days. I will share with you what charges I receive and what news the project publishes Quote
rata_for Posted December 7, 2018 Author Posted December 7, 2018 as promised, I share with you the receipt of charges: - every day %, they are available for transfer to the main account - referral awards, I have already sent them to the main account and they are available for withdrawal Quote
rata_for Posted December 7, 2018 Author Posted December 7, 2018 IMPORTANT! THERE IS A TRIAL PERIOD IN WEENZEE ONLY UNTIL 1ST OF DECEMBER. The special conditions for the purchase of an internal WNZ are valid only for two weeks. Until December 1, you can buy WNZ without commission at the rate of: 1 WNZ = 1 USD. Weenzee system opens a trial period for all users! Here is a favorable offer for the purchase of WNZ for the price of 1 wnz = 1 usd without charging any fees. Within two weeks from the moment of launch, the user can join in a test mode to familiarize himself with the functionality of the system and study investment programs.https://weenzee.com/news/n2/ You can purchase WNZ using any of the most popular cryptocurrencies: BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, ETC, DASH, ETC, ZEC, XRP, as well as for USD using PerfectMoney, AdvCash services. In December, when buying WNZ there already will be a commission fee of + 0.02 $ which will be added to the base value of $1. Quote
rata_for Posted December 7, 2018 Author Posted December 7, 2018 WEENZEE TEAM SESSION AT BANJARMASIN, INDONESIAIn Indonesia, Banjarmasin a Weenzee team session (orientation meeting) will be held, where about 10 top managers and project leaders will take part.The First Table Talk will be held on November 23, 2018 at 19.30 PMat the POP Hotel Cafe n Resto Banjarmasin.During the meeting, the topics that will be discussed are: modern technologies, new IT-products of the Weenzeeplatform, the current situation on the cryptocurrency market and practical cases of our business Leaders, who managed to realize the most ambitious goals in a short time.Therefore, if you:want to learn more about the Weenzee global innovation project?want to become an Official Partner and learn how to create a huge team and get a bonus of $ 100,000;want to manage a growing market of $ 200 billion and make a profit from it.We invite you to the Weenzee Team Session (Setup Meeting). Just contact the organizer of the event, Panji Samudra by the phone number: +6281351177107.https://weenzee.com/news/n7/ Quote
rata_for Posted December 7, 2018 Author Posted December 7, 2018 RECOMMENDED PORTFOLIO: WNZ/905 options for investment periods, 10 options for currencies and still it is not easy to make a choice?Solution: Recommended Portfolio.In such situations, many users face a dilemma what is more profitable: a longer investment period or the use of a less volatile currency. What is the best type of investment?By investing in WNZ for a period of 90 days, you get a number of advantages:additional + 15% to the daily accruals for the use of WNZ;additional + 10% to the daily accruals for the choice of this term of the portfolio;the possibility of early closing of the portfolio after the 60th day.An ideal percentage correction provides the optimal result of income in relation to the time of the portfolio.Quick wiring instructions for recommended WNZ / 90 portfolio:Click the Weenzee “portfolio creation” tab - https://weenzee.com/portfolio (available for logged in users)Remain the selected by default account: WNZEnter the amount of investment: (min 30 WNZ)Remain the default portfolio duration of 90 days.On the right side of the screen (in the % accruals window) confirm your decision by clicking the “Create Portfolio” button Quote
rata_for Posted December 8, 2018 Author Posted December 8, 2018 IMPORTANT! INCREASED REFERRAL BONUS AND 100% FINANCING OF YOUR BUSINESS MEETINGS!Do you consider yourself as an active and goal-oriented business leader or do you already have a team of partners, experience in organizing and attracting users to the network? If you are ready to lead your team on the road to a new future, it's time to act! Weenzee announces the launch of a unique promotion for active leaders: an increased referral bonus and 100% of financing of your events.Every active leader joining the Weenzee project with their team is entitled to receive:PARTNER premium status in the Weenzee project;100% financing of the organization of events without restrictions on the amount!increased referral bonus (set individually);the appointment of a personal consultant who can provide support in any activities;joining to a closed channel with the possibility of receiving priority news of the project;educational materials;24/7 priority technical support.In case of meeting a number of criteria, you can receive the status of a “Regional Representative”, which will allow you to occupy an honorable place on a special page of the site, place your contacts, as well as a number of additional privileges in the project’s marketing activities.For all participants in the project, we have developed an affiliate program, which involves 8 steps of career growth and 8 levels of bonuses. This means that absolutely every member of your team will be able to change today the way their tomorrow will look like!All you need is to fill out the form on the page https://weenzee.com/ourteam/https://weenzee.com/news/n1/ Quote
rata_for Posted December 8, 2018 Author Posted December 8, 2018 SUPER EVENT FOR THE LEADERS OF WEENZEE IN INDONESIA!Location: Pasuruan, Kebon Pring Resto, Ahmad Yani Street 236Date: 28/11/2018Time: 2 pmHost: Mr. Sudaryono, Mr. Sandy and Mr Sundary, CCO of the companyVery soon we will hold a major event for the top leaders in Indonesia. Our meeting of 50 top leaders will be held there on November 28th! The conference will start at 2 pm in Kebon Pring Resto. There we will talk about global topics and specifically about the prospects and development of our project.The event will be attended by various experts, specialists and potential partners from around the world.Real pros will discuss a powerful project and big money!We are in Indonesia, which means blockchain is in Indonesia!https://weenzee.com/news/article-9/ Quote
rata_for Posted December 8, 2018 Author Posted December 8, 2018 SEE THE PHOTO REPORT FROM THE EVENT IN INDONESIA!The meeting was held in the cozy POP Hotel Cafe n Resto under the guidance of one of our top managers in Indonesia, Panji Samudra. In a friendly atmosphere, the leaders of the company were able to talk about both global trends in the blockchain industry and the development of Weenzee.Coordination of actions of the Weenzee project participants is the most important aspect of the work in our project. This was, in the first place, discussed by the leaders at this meeting. The effectiveness of the development of the company depends on how successfully our leaders will communicate our principles and our policies to the project participants, as well as to ordinary people.According to the participants, the proposals of our company were met with great enthusiasm. People were interested in learning about an innovative and profitable project. Many were involved in the development of the project, were registered and made the first deposit.Also, the leaders discussed the necessity and importance of interaction in social networks, so they allow you to quickly and conveniently communicate with people and organize different meaningful events. Therefore, subscribe to us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/weenzeeai), Telegram (https://t.me/weenzee) and follow the news!https://weenzee.com/news/article-10/ Quote
rata_for Posted December 8, 2018 Author Posted December 8, 2018 WEENZEE GOES ON INDONESIA! OPEN TABLE - DECEMBER 1ST! An increasing number of leaders and participants join the innovative project Weenzee. And we try to satisfy all your wishes and requests. Including requests about holding open tables in different cities. This time we are announcing such an event in Bojonegoro on December 1 from 7:00 to 10:00 UTC + 07. We will gather in cozy Coffee Barista & Resto and discuss Weenzee, development plans and the latest cryptoworld news. Speaker Mr. Alif will also talk about the different advantages of the project for the first participants: for example, about zero commission and profitable portfolios. And also, continue to subscribe to us in social networks: Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/WeenzeeAi/ ), Telegram (https://t.me/weenzee ) and follow the news!https://weenzee.com/news/article-11/ Quote
rata_for Posted December 8, 2018 Author Posted December 8, 2018 DECEMBER BEGINS WITH A GREAT EVENT AT BANJARMASIN!Our leaders in Indonesia continue to work hard on the project. In a few days, Partner Weenzee Panji Samudra will arrange a meeting with the participants of Weenzee, as well as many people who wish to join our ranks. The entrance is completely open and free, as are the snacks that will be offered by the meeting participants. During the event, the presenter will tell a lot of insider and exclusive information about the development of the cryptocurrency market and Weenzee, which is now being integrated there.Do not forget: the meeting will take place on December 1 at Jalan Haryono mt. No. 16 in the Aria Burito Hotel (Kapuas Ballroom) and will continue from 14:30 to 16:00. We are waiting for you and your partners! Link to event:And also, continue to subscribe to us in social networks: Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/WeenzeeAi/ ), Telegram (https://t.me/weenzee ) and follow the news!https://weenzee.com/news/article-12/ Quote
rata_for Posted December 8, 2018 Author Posted December 8, 2018 the project PAYS!30.11.18 08:31 Receive Received Payment 3.08 USD from account U18493892 to account U3834469. Batch: 237750609. Memo: API Payment. weenzee.com. Quote
rata_for Posted December 8, 2018 Author Posted December 8, 2018 Weenzee GRAND OPENING - Berlin, Germany 2018On November 24th in Berlin, Germany there was the first official presentation of WEENZEE for the whole world! A lot of people have gathered together to learn...WATCH THE VIDEO HERE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EggOHRhnHhg Quote
rata_for Posted December 8, 2018 Author Posted December 8, 2018 DECEMBER 2 - COME TO THE CONFERENCE IN NGAWI, INDONESIA! We invite everyone to the event in Ngawi! The theme of the conference will be various digital assets, including cryptocurrency, and blockchain technology. The leader of our team, Mr. Alif will talk about how to make money in this area, as well as share his thoughts and predictions for the future. Everyone will be able to learn in detail about the innovative project Weenzee and about the features of its work and development. We invite everyone who is interested in new technologies, innovations, as well as in ways to make money in this area. Even you have not heard anything about it - come and ask questions: we will be happy to answer them. Date: December 2 Address: Jl. S. Parman, RT. 03 RW. 02, Kel. Beran Kec. Ngawi, Kab, Kabupaten Ngawi Time: 17:00 UTC + 07 And also, continue to subscribe to us in social networks: Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/WeenzeeAi/ ), Telegram (https://t.me/weenzee ) and follow the news!https://weenzee.com/news/article-14/ Quote
rata_for Posted December 8, 2018 Author Posted December 8, 2018 the project PAYS!30.11.18 08:31 Receive Received Payment 3.08 USD from account U18493892 to account U3834469. Batch: 237750609. Memo: API Payment. weenzee.com Quote
rata_for Posted December 8, 2018 Author Posted December 8, 2018 DECEMBER 2 - COME TO THE CONFERENCE IN NGAWI, INDONESIA!Marathon of conferences in Indonesia continues! The next meeting in Indonesia will take place on December 2 at 17:00 UTC + 07 at Jl. S. Parman, RT. 03 RW. 02, Kel. Beran Kec. Ngawi, Kab, Kabupaten Ngawi! Within a few hours, you can chat with one of our leaders, get a lot of useful information and ask questions. Entry and snacks are free!READ MORE Quote
rata_for Posted December 8, 2018 Author Posted December 8, 2018 EXCLUSIVE MEETINGS WITH LEADERS OF WEENZEE IN TURKEY!From December 1-8, Weenzee leaders will meet in Istanbul, Bursa, Izmir and Adana to share experiences, get “Partner status” and discuss unique conditions for cooperation in the Weenzee system. READ MORE Quote
rata_for Posted December 8, 2018 Author Posted December 8, 2018 Received payment! btc tx: d17bf38f20a5ec008705af3d9fcab6a94adabc97d38eb4926f41da1e9d1ee0f5 Quote
rata_for Posted December 9, 2018 Author Posted December 9, 2018 THE CONFERENCE ENDED IN PASURUAN! PHOTOS ARE HERE!Lecturers Mr. Sudaryono, Mr. Sandy and Mr. Sundary, CCO of the company talked about the basics of the blockchain and about its development and prospects. Also, visitors could learn in detail about our innovative project Weenzee and its benefits for the first participants: zero commission, profitable portfolios and referral system. read more from our news https://weenzee.com/news/article-18/ Quote
rata_for Posted December 9, 2018 Author Posted December 9, 2018 WEENZEE IN TELEGRAM - SUBSCRIBE!https://weenzee.com/news/article-17/Rather, go to Telegram on our channel, it contains all the most important and up-to-date information about our project and our company's plans for the future! Follow the link and subscribe, there is already something to read: https://t.me/weenzee . It is very convenient for those who read the news feed only in messengers.We are waiting for you on the channel! Quote
rata_for Posted December 9, 2018 Author Posted December 9, 2018 Weenzee Presentation !Below is a short presentation about the WEENZEE programhttps://weenzee.com/presentation/Weenzee_ENG.pdf Quote
rata_for Posted December 9, 2018 Author Posted December 9, 2018 NEW WEENZEE EVENT IN INDONESIA - COME! During the event, which is organized by our representatives from Indonesia,there will be discussed many issues related to the blockchain, cryptocurrencies and their development prospects. Our speakers will talk about Weenzee, recommended investment portfolios, zero commission and other bonuses for the first participants at the start of the project. The main coordinator and organizer of the event is Warni Dzakya & Team. Link to the event: . READ MORE HERE https://weenzee.com/news/article-19/ Quote
rata_for Posted December 9, 2018 Author Posted December 9, 2018 MENTOR: PROMO video in 4 languages already on the site and on the channel Indo https://youtu.be/G9y4djQyTzQ Vietnam https://youtu.be/xsGIL-TXLKQ Turks https://youtu.be/Nj7iQKgsUHE China https://youtu.be/ST83fu27LJQ Quote
rata_for Posted December 9, 2018 Author Posted December 9, 2018 MEETING OF THE FUTURE LEADERS AND PARTNERS OF WEENZEE! COME IF YOU WANT TO EARN MONEY WITH US!Approximately 30% of trade transactions on the market are carried out using robotic computer programs. And soon this percentage will increase even more. Our team of like-minded people, professional programmers and financiers introduced exclusive artificial intelligence to the blockchain market with a unique reading algorithm.READ MORE Quote
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