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I am not the admin.


Why we have chosen India - because at present labor in India more cheaply, accordingly and cost of the goods cheap. In India to be made the wide assortment of the goods at very low prices.


It is necessary for us for purchases of more means, therefore we have created the given project, for attraction of additional investments.




Plan standart

Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)

Plan 1 $1 - $50 6.00

Plan 2 $51 - $300 7.00

Plan 3 $301 - $5,000 8.00

Calculate your profit >>


Accepted currencies: LR.


Referral commission: 15%


Link: http://india-company.org/


First the site design looks very animated with a lot of color into it. The interest being offered is quite high that may not be sustained for quite a while, though it is compensated by the fact that only $1 is needed to start, which is very much affordable by many potential investors. Though the addition of one or two more payment processors will definitely be a help in boosting the site's membership.


The name indicate that this HYIP is from indian admin, their design is very good looking, attractive & even colorful like FOR KID, and f we talk about plans then 6% will be good ROI with min. 1$ spend required,,, so I really found somehow better trusted program... There are also some forum discussion URL attached ....


I have nothing against animated sites. I just dont like this hyip for one main reason to high ref commission. I dont think they will be

around for a longer time. but who knows? Some attached url didnt show up in my browser when i opened the site.


I think this program lack information for invest here, I searched for the investment plans offered but the link redirects me to a blank page,

no monitors in the ratings section, of course there is links to popular forums,

the site is not so attractive also it gives a feeling that the admin is not serious to run it for a long time.

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