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That's right,but what I feel is,for the fact that christmas is around those advertisers don't just want to advertise there programs or products,they just want to scam,i mean,hyips are no longer placing there banners in ptp forums any longer and it is rare to see a sticky hyip thread in most forums,I think this is what is really affecting MTV,anyways I have to spop posting in this forum for the main time so that I can concentrate on other forums

I think so too. I just hope that the admin can find other advertisers other than hyip admins so that he will have enough funds to pay posters. I've also quit my activity in MTV for some time until I notice some improvement. If I wasn't too occupied with other forums, I woulD have still brought out time to post there


If I remember correctly, avo.net was also advertising on this forum too and clearly they have now turned to scam. The issue of advertising is a tricky one especially when it comes to HYIP's because they do not get to last for long anyway so you need to select carefully. I have faith in the forum so even though I am not exactly sure of what the real issue is here I am sure they will bounce back.


Yes tirus admin is working seriously hard to clear payment as fast as they can,but sometimes one gets inpatient with the way they delay payment.I've accumulated quite a number of points inhere,but I get tired when I remember how long my payment will be delayed.


Because there are many members that are violating the forum rules, having several payout requests at the same time which only one payout is allowed to be requested while others got multiple ID's which the admin is working as of this moment. Only it means that admin is now careful in giving payments as there's sudden boost of the members payouts.


This is to be expected to happen on the forum because there is really a lot of posting activities on the forum and many more payment requests as a result. It makes sense for admin to start scrutinizing the forum to see if there are any cheaters because with the amount of payments to be processed you wouldnt want to give out money to members with multiple accounts.


If I remember correctly, avo.net was also advertising on this forum too and clearly they have now turned to scam. The issue of advertising is a tricky one especially when it comes to HYIP's because they do not get to last for long anyway so you need to select carefully. I have faith in the forum so even though I am not exactly sure of what the real issue is here I am sure they will bounce back.

That's right,after AVO INC was perfectfinance,perfinance never stayed for long compared to AVO,so I believe the admin got little funds from perfectfinance,me too I still have faith in the forum,it is just a matter of time,MTV has been paying members for quite a long time and I don't believe it is now that it would stop paying,I just hope that the admin gets advertisers on time



You have received a payment to your account U7434597 (indieover):


Date: 12/4/2012 9:02 AM

Batch: 122693956

From Account: U9396631 (MoneyTalkVillage)

Amount: $5.00

Memo: MTV Payment


Thank you.




I just check my amount on my Liberty Reserve account here, and I am very happy to see I get the payment one more time from this Money Talk Village forum. This is such a lovely thing and great job from the Admin Tarak. I will keep making post on this lovely forum again.


Im too late already has admin has already processed the last payment requests today,so Im left for another day.Hopefully admin can put more effort in fishing out those with multiple accounts because its basically one of the reasons why payments are pending for long with huge requests for admin.


Now this is definitely a good development to see members being paid out by the forum. Now I wish I had requested for a payout already because the members that got paid are now going to submit another payment request on the forum therefore increasing the payment request queue again...lol


My payment proof from Money Talk Village

12/04/2012 08:58 122693490 U9396631 (MoneyTalkVil...) + $5.00 $0.05 $xx.xx Hide

Merchant Reference: Memo: MTV Payment


I don't know if would be able to post here later on but I would try. The site anyway always have good activity. So I may just post here tomorrow as I am pretty busy posting in other forums for now and I don't think I have enough time to make post here later on. Anyway its not hard to get motivated to post here again.


You have received a payment to your account U2225097 (leke):

Date: 12/4/2012 8:48 AM

Batch: 122692015

From Account: U9396631 (MoneyTalkVillage)

Amount: $5.00

Memo: MTV Payment

Thank you


So many members got paid here yesterday,I think the admin has recovered from the slumber,i haven't been to the forum today but I made some few post in the forum yesterday but the activity in the forum was low,it seems most members were not aware that the admin has started clearing payments


So many members got paid here yesterday,I think the admin has recovered from the slumber,i haven't been to the forum today but I made some few post in the forum yesterday but the activity in the forum was low,it seems most members were not aware that the admin has started clearing payments

There are still some payouts not cleared yet. But the reason behind the delay in payments is because of the members who have violations. As far as I can see there are still some members that are on hold their payout requests. Still excited though, for the 2 rounds of last poster winners.


So are you still active on the contest. I don't have the time to join the contest specially when I was not posting on the site lately. Maybe I would be able to join on the contests soon. I don't know if I had won something on the last round of contest. So I just hope that I did.


I too have not been active much in the contest..I guess anytime I visited Im not moltivated to visit the contest page..But I hope to start posting soonest in the contest as the thread is always updated by active members also I hope to win too.


There should be some payout requests that are not cleared as yet even though I havent checked the forum to get an update on the payment processing in here. I see that other members have already submitted their payment requests again on the forum which would mean that the queue is probably still long.


The site has not been my priority at all for now just because I have so much points anyway. So I am not worried if I am not able to start posting on the site yet. But if I feel I would need to start posting on the site once again then I would surely make a lot of post on the site once again.


It has also lacked priority in my books and I have given other forums far more attention than I have given to MTV. THis is why I have probably only earned twice in the past three months in here. I would have loved to earn at least 2 per month but maybe in the new year I will focus more on MTV.


My target daily at MTV has been reduced and that is majorly because i already accumulated much points and i am expecting some to be cleared.i just hope the admin would be doing something to that soonest.Meanwhile i am currently posting at the forum.

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