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This means that the next that the admin makes payments to members he will have to make sure that he clears a lot of the pending payment requests so that there would still be some confidence in the forum. It would also help to ensure that the forum is able to deal with the backlog of payments here.


Either we have slow in the payment approvals or admin don't have much funds for this month. So hoping that this next month we will have see fast payments and also have many funds for admin. So far, I really don't have much good earnings in mtv this month and hoping to have the contest payments in December also.


I just missed posting a lot on this site as well so I just hope that I would be able to make time for me to post on the site daily on the site as well. Anyway I just hope that the delays on the payment would not lead to the site stopping the payment now I just hope that the site would always be stable.


I dont think that the site will stop being a PTP as yet although we dont even know for sure the cause of the payment delays. If the issue is funding, I am sure admin will put in place measures to try and have techniques that make it affordable to pay members even if means reducing the post rates. I doubt that admin would stop PTP campaign now after all effort that went into the forum so this is not an option I think about.


Of course, now that the forum is obviously in great activity. Only then, I noticed that there's always have delays in the payments when the month will come to an end. That's why I probably think that the funds from the advertisers are not yet sent to admin so probably after today we will see admin start clearing payments.


@riddick it will be good if the admin starts clearing payments from tomorrow but my worry is about the slow approval of payments from the mods because the last time I checked, only few payments have been approved. I will check the payment section later to know the progress on the approval of payments.


I just don't post in the site for now as I would need to be more active in other forums because I have been active on the site as well . So I think it's just okay if I would not post a lot for nw. Since I would need to make more posts in other forums and prioritize other forums this time.


There are some on hold payouts normal for admin to make payment checking before clearing of payouts just like the previous payout processing that involved by the 2 members who have used same IP address. So far, I just have made yesterday payment proofs posting.


Well,activities in the forum keeps increasing regardless of the delays in approval of payment requests,though my payment request has been approved but I still check that section just to see how things are,anyways I don't intend to post much in the forum since I have over 1000 points,all I do there is just to make about 10 posts in the forum on a daily basis


Its very rare to find payment requests on hold on the MTV forum and I do believe that there has to be members that have more than one accounts in here. I just dont recall seeing something to the effect that a member has been banned because they have been found to have multiple accounts in here.


I'm yet to reach my target of 1,000points but I should be able to reach it today. I just have to be focused and I may probably dedicate most of my time to posting here. I will also be checking the payment request section to see if my posts have been approved as well. Once I reach my target, I may direct my posting activities to other forums.


I also never have the same problem on this MTV like this one. This is very sad to see this forum now is still waiting to pay its members. Well, the Admin can do some solutions, like opening another new forum. In this way, the Admin can get more Ads as the income of the forum


Admin should probably just try to generate more revenue for the site so for me it comes down to monetizing the site more. I know that admin will not abandon the forum at this stage as it still have the potential to be even more succesful and I am sure he will cme up with a viable solution.


I've met my target of 1,000points in MTV which means I may be slowing down my activity here for some time despite the fact my activity here is still good. I noticed that my payment request is yet to be approved. After today, surely I will reduce my MTV activities even though I will still be posting here at a daily basis.


That is exactly what I am doing in the forum,since I have over 1,000 points and the admin is not clearing payments,I had to reduce my pace of posting in the forum,what I am not sure of is,I don't really know if the admin is short of funds or not,i am just wondering on why the hasn't be paying members for sometime now


Well that is true but this type of situation dont always encourage the posters to keep posting with any forum because its like wasting your time for something which dose not worth anything.

Even if they are paying I think the forum suppose to process payment fast as usuall.


I hope this forum will be fine, and have the ability to pay the members here. Because what I feel, this Money Talk Village forum now has too many members. It is like, the Admin pays too many members, so the Admin has to be able to manage the income better. Always hoping the best


Yes that's what I also feel, but the more the members the higher the topics and the higher the traffic, therefore the more advertisers he should get. Well, if the forum population has somehow affected his ability to pay posters, I will advise him to close registration for some time(maybe a month or two) then focus on his present posters. In this way, it will be easier to deal with spammers because leaving the forum open for registration will mean more spammers as more members register. I'm stressing on spammers because up to 40% if not more of posters in MTV are spammers and they still get paid even though they get deductions and their pay is little. If these spammers are eliminated to a great deal, then the amount spent on paying posters will reduce a great deal as well. It will then be up to him to decide whether or not to re-open registration.


That's right,but what I feel is,for the fact that christmas is around those advertisers don't just want to advertise there programs or products,they just want to scam,i mean,hyips are no longer placing there banners in ptp forums any longer and it is rare to see a sticky hyip thread in most forums,I think this is what is really affecting MTV,anyways I have to spop posting in this forum for the main time so that I can concentrate on other forums


I only see two possible reasons why the forum payments delayed. We can have the reason of the payment thorough check or the admin still lacking of funds and waiting for the funds for the meantime or not enough for the payout requests. Just like the batch of payments before and also the chatting contest but I know admin will going to clear it this week.


What ever the reason I hope admin will or can fix this problem soon. I already stop posting in here as I already too much points already and since I can't have two pending request of payments at the same time I need to get paid first before I can request payments in here again. I hope this week theirs going to be payment now. Because if this week theirs still no payments then I feel the chance are of getting paid is very slim.


Yeah, I think that we members tried to reports those members that aren't posting with good posts so that it will also make fast to have those violators and we will not have problem in our payments as currently they are making those payment checking which delays our payouts. and also I always see admin in his control panel for those IP address that match on several members.


There is indeed a lot of these posts on the forum now and maybe they are more noticeable because there isnt a lot of posts that are being made on the forum. The mods will be able to deal with them as soon as we can report them. I want to make a round of posting woth 100 points today.


Yeah, I think admin instruct every mod to have check those suspicious accounts. Because when we observed suddenly there's a burst of payout requests which come new members which we can check that they are often posting in the sections with similar activities.


It must be checked because there are just many poster in here and I really think that there are many who has multiple accounts in here especially those members who are only posting in MTV and doesn't even have an account with other Forums because they dont' have any time anymore for the other Forum because they already have multiple accounts in MTV.

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