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I see that the script of the forum has updated. Is this a recent thing? The last time I checked this site, everything was less organised. Banners, ads, all over the place. Now it looks like a proper forum. Shame they decreased the rate down to 2 cents per post though.

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Perhaps what rid mean to say is Mod Hoang long already approved those payment request. Perhaps if Mod Juz is only online he may be the one who will process the payout because as what i know he has an access with Admin's LR account because Mod Juz is the one who is processing a payment of contest in here.

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Well, there were still some who request payment that's why we still see payment requests not approved but then soon it will be approve. I think that we also need to have seen that admin Jambasha chat post about the payment. Really, excited when it will be and just waiting for the meantime just have some activity in the chatting contest.

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I see that the script of the forum has updated. Is this a recent thing? The last time I checked this site, everything was less organised. Banners, ads, all over the place. Now it looks like a proper forum. Shame they decreased the rate down to 2 cents per post though.

? where have you been? this site changed their script about more than 2 months ago, and talking about organized or not this site for me is organized, and banner and ads i think is fine to make this site have income and i don't have problem with that, about rate admin did that, to make this site stable

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@Trickster All I can say is I haven't been to that site haha. Sorry if I didn't know that they changed their script more than 2 months ago... And yes Im saying that its much more organised now. I do understand that the admins need the banners to keep the site running so they can pay its members. I actually wouldn't mind it if we have to scrol all the way down just to see the posts because of the banners, if it means that rates can be increased lol

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Two month ago? Are you sure about it? Well, there is no problem with the banner in here because i am posting with my mobile browser, meaning i don't see any banners in here lol. But i do visit the Forum sometimes using my computer. Well, i am quite fine with the points that i have accumulate in here.

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@Trickster All I can say is I haven't been to that site haha. Sorry if I didn't know that they changed their script more than 2 months ago... And yes Im saying that its much more organised now. I do understand that the admins need the banners to keep the site running so they can pay its members. I actually wouldn't mind it if we have to scrol all the way down just to see the posts because of the banners, if it means that rates can be increased lol

yeah they already changed that script :D, but from what i see now this site load faster in my end rather than using the previous script , it is so slow with previous script. but i see some ads here and it will be better if we see ads too because admin earn from it, and if members don't see it, it is not good for this forum too

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Yes the site load faster with the new script but what I dont still understand is when Nick will be back to process payment that has been accumulated in here for over a month or close to a month because the activity in this forum has been slow down,since I can see some ads runing in the site maybe the admin will soon pay.

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I'm disappointed the the week has ended without any payments. when will we really going to get paid in here? The payments has one month and one week worth of delays of payments already. Its really frustrating that admin did not pay us until now. I'm worried also to what will going to happen to TCC and GFT. As this two forums I'm also actively posting in here.

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i will waiting until this week end, if they are still not pay us it will be very dissapointed for me, as admin jambasha also said to us that we will be patient to be get paid here, but it seems activity here stopped a bit because of this delaying

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@mony, yes I sometime access it thorugh mobile. It doesn't show the banners for me either probably because the screen is too small and would take too long for it to load. Sometime I just get a whole load of text errors. and have to refresh a couple of times.

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Hello Every one i am extremely sorry i am very busy with my offiine life even my internet isn't working like before i am trying my best to clear all pending payouts ASAP


that is the post that made by admin nick in the chatbox :D, that is a good move i hope this week i can be paid by him.but i have problem here when i want to reply the post, it said account suspended but i can log in at EP without any problem

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that is the post that made by admin nick in the chatbox :D, that is a good move i hope this week i can be paid by him.but i have problem here when i want to reply the post, it said account suspended but i can log in at EP without any problem


You shouldn't be too worry, because I'm in status same as you but I just hear info from Mod Hoang Long! he told that this site have moved to a new script therefore we need to wait until this site run again, I hope that everything will be better when admin have began active again with site, I think that all payment will be cleared early

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It is good to know that finally admin has come online to respond to the current payment delay issues. I think members now should not worry so much anymore as they will surely be paid since admin has responded. Hopefully the members will return to the forum to post.

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It is good to know that finally admin has come online to respond to the current payment delay issues. I think members now should not worry so much anymore as they will surely be paid since admin has responded. Hopefully the members will return to the forum to post.

but until now i see he not clear the payment yet, it seems i need to wait for my payment paid in weekend, i also see admin have problem with the internet connection so that is why he delaying the payment here and make us little worried about this forum

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I think its better that theirs no more promises just payments. Ehen will this payments going to happen? Its been a month and two weeks already and still theirs no payments. I'm really hopeful that EP will start to pay. Becuase I earn 5 to 10 dollars a month in here and that amount really can help me maintain my 100 to 150 dollars a month earning in ptp forum alone.

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but until now i see he not clear the payment yet, it seems i need to wait for my payment paid in weekend, i also see admin have problem with the internet connection so that is why he delaying the payment here and make us little worried about this forum


Well I guess we should just give admin more time to clear the payments. After all, there are many requests to be processed for now. My mood is now more relaxed after admin posted in the chatbox of EP and TCC some days back. Lets wait and see for further developments...

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Well I guess we should just give admin more time to clear the payments. After all, there are many requests to be processed for now. My mood is now more relaxed after admin posted in the chatbox of EP and TCC some days back. Lets wait and see for further developments...

yeah i hope this week he could finish all the pending request here, if admin can finish this problem i am sure will be more active in this site, i miss to make more post in this site too. and it seems easy to make post here because many good members here and they also one of the active members

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According to what I read in the post of admin in the other forum he will going to clear payouts but then possibly not all because of not sure if there is enough funds. If that so, probably I will say that the contest payments will remain pending for more days because admin going to prioritize the payment requests first.

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while waiting for Admin Nick to paid all the members, i decided to make some post here. it seems there are little activity in this site because of this problem, i think admin should clear this all if not, i don't know what will happen with this forum

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Yeah, that is also what admin Nick wanted to have the activity flow still in the forum. But then if this still pending for next week then that will really difficult to be back in posting unless admin have cleared. I already noted and remembered that admin will payments within few days. Hope that few days not few weeks.

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