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My next payment

03/02/2011 01:45 56336734 U5207689 (CITY INVESTM...) + $0.15 $0.01 Hide Merchant Reference: Memo: Withdraw to bvdxdpt1 from www.city-investment-corp.com


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My next payment

03/03/2011 01:03 56414385 U5207689 (CITY INVESTM...) + $0.15 $0.01 Hide Merchant Reference: Memo: Withdraw to bvdxdpt1 from www.city-investment-corp.com


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My next payment

03/04/2011 02:08 56492613 U5207689 (CITY INVESTM...) + $0.15 $0.01 Hide Merchant Reference: Memo: Withdraw to bvdxdpt1 from www.city-investment-corp.com


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My next payment

03/05/2011 01:32 56568665 U5207689 (CITY INVESTM...) + $0.15 $0.01 Hide Merchant Reference: Memo: Withdraw to bvdxdpt1 from www.city-investment-corp.com


Thank you!

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