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We are involving in PTR, PTC, HYIP, SURF programs, since 1999-2000. We met both profit & loss. The golden period for surfing industry was 2004-2008 during this period many stable programs were in this industry. After that, it is very difficult to find a surfing program which sustain even for a month or two. Now the present scenario is more worst.


Actually during the golden period there are lot of active money makers very much interestingly participated in forum activities. We can find very interesting, useful, knowledgeable discussions regarding particular program. Program admins, forum moderators along with forum fighters & supporters bring many new things about the programs. These are very much help to the program admins to lead their program and implement innovative modifications & necessary amendments to run the program successfully for the long period.


Now also program admins are ready to actively participate in forum to discuss with their program . but, it’s difficult to find active and experience forum fighter to discuss with admins regarding pros and cons of the programs. It creates a lack of interest among admins.


Because of non participating activities the surfing industry getting down after mid of 2008 to still. If those active forum members & moderators ready to support a new program, there is no doubt regarding the success and sustainability of that program.


In this industry that rememberable members are monitors. During the golden period monitors are the success makers their way of promotions are remarkable and they involved actively in forum discussions. Now is very sad to say that, there is no such hard and harsh discussions regarding the program in the forum; instead they post only payment proofs. That can not be very much useful for the programs sustainability.


Now where is those active members ? most of them are left from the industry. We all know the reason behind their tired/disappearance. Under these circumstances there are very small amount of active members still in this industry. we like to keep those active members in this industry.


So, we designed an exclusive program namely aeonsurf.com only for active forum members those who still believe surfing industry.


Our Plan Details are follows :




Click Here to Go To AeonSurf

Note: please keep this thread active to know pros and cons of this program. we also request active senior/experience members to give their guidance and support to lead this program. we are looking for good suggestions to establish this program.


P.S. Monitors are welcome to monitor our program with their own risk.

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