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Finarri’s high-yield investment program focuses on forex trading and wealth management. Forex trading, a decentralized market for trading currencies, comprises an enormous trading volume that operates continuously and on a global scale. This means that with Finarri, you get access to a 24 hour trading cycle with over $5 Trillion in assets traded daily.
0.8% -2.6% daily 90 Business days 
Payment systems: Perfect Money, Bitcoin, EGO
Am in:

Pay system :  PerfectMoney


Date:     04/28/2014 14:16

Batch:    55601955

From:     U1426715

To:       U2077320

Amount:   -201.00

Currency: USD

Memo: Sent Payment 200.00 USD to account U2077320. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Finarri monhyip.net.




Although this looks a nice site, it isn't and i can't recomend it, rather recomend people not to invest in it.


I will explain why, because it looks like people rather prefer to loose money to scammers than to invest some time learning something about hyips.


The best thing this site has, is to look to be owned from a real company... Well, it isn't.

I have sended one ticket asking to see the corporation documents and i have received the following reply:

"Quoting my answer and Finarri Reply"

2) If you are a registered company (registered at Seychelles), can you please provide some documents, or at least the registration number?
Yes we are company registered at Seychelles, but we can provide copies of certificate of incorporation and other legal documents pertaining
to our company's formation and operation only to those customers who have been with us for a long while.

"End of quote"


Any real company DOES NOT DENY documents to its costumers!!!


How can a company that is suposed to be created in April to say that have costumers for "long while"???

Easy, because it is not truth...


If you look at "About company" info at site, you will see that they claim "Our team has grown to include dozens of international trading specialists such as:". Dozens??? Then it is a big company.... As any normal "big company" they should have any phone number to contact costumers. Where is that number? At site we can only see the adress and email but no number....

Neverhtless, if you make any search at yellow pages, you should found it. The problem is that there is not any "Finarri" company at seychelles and therefor it has no phone number. (See http://www.yellowpages.sc/en/yellow_pages/index.php?what=Finarri&where=Seychelles&x=20&y=16 or http://www.yellowpages.sc/en/yellow_pages/index.php?alp=&isl=&what=offshore+international+corporate+service+providers&where=&cp=1&dipp=29)


One big error that this scammer made (and i am calling a scammer because sooner or later IT WILL SCAM EVERYBODY) was to say that site is from a registered company from seychelles, because it isn't as you can see at Seychelles incorporation list here: http://www.seychellesincorporation.com/seychellesoffshorecompanyincorporationagents.htm

THERE ISN'T ANY FINARRI AT SEYCHELLES!!! (Inc. or any other kind)


Another funny thing is that the adress that this scammer choose to claim to be the adress of the company is from one residential home, as you can confirm here: http://wikimapia.org/#lang=pt&lat=-4.629672&lon=55.456710&z=20&m=b&show=/1911507/Aarti-Chambers-Victoria-Seychelles

I know it is usual small companies to rent residentials to work, but in the case of one company with "dozens of international trading specialists" (as it claims) it is not.


Also it is funny that people who used to work at J.P. Morgan Investment Bank and Goldman Sachs rent some space as office in Seychelles, if there isn't any J.P. Morgan Investment Bank or Goldman Sachs in Seychelles, rather in the US (JP MORGAN) and some other countries (Goldman Sachs), but NOT IN SEYCHELLES!!!

It could be one ofshore, but as showned above, there ISN'T ANY also....


I know that hyips could be profitable to the first investors, as it usually works in a ponzy schemme and therefor the one that invest first and are able to get referrals (as hyip monitors) will make some profit, but not the usual members.

People can take the risk (as i do) to invest in some hyips, but in order to do it they should lool for some indicators that the site will stay live for some time, and in this case there aren't those indicators.... Exception made to the domain that is registered for some time, but this can be just one trick to deceive newbies, as it is one thing people use to look for, but it is not suported for some others like SSL duration....


In Conclusion because i do not want to make one big post, this site IS NOT FROM ANY REAL COMPANY as claimed, and also they HIDE their identification (they could give a fake one, but they didn't even do that because it is harder to sustain).

As signs other than domain aren't for a long life hyip, i DO NOT RECOMEND THIS SITE TO INVEST as you will not make profit, rather will loose some money. Exception made for the hyip monitors that will have profit due to the amount of referral gains.


Please do apologize me for my bad English, but it is not my mistakes in writing bad English that will turn this hyip profitable to you, so STAY AWAY!!!


That was long anyway. This is hyip so you should forget about where the company is. This is not a legit program,it is just a ponzi scheme program. Well,I can see about 24 monitors listing in it in AHM with a PAYING status excluding Goldpoll http://www.allhyipmonitors.com/details/finarri.com?final=1

Goldpoll has been monitoring the site for 8 days and the status of it remains WAITING. What can be the cause of this waiting status?


That was long anyway. This is hyip so you should forget about where the company is. This is not a legit program,it is just a ponzi scheme program. Well,I can see about 24 monitors listing in it in AHM with a PAYING status excluding Goldpoll http://www.allhyipmonitors.com/details/finarri.com?final=1

Goldpoll has been monitoring the site for 8 days and the status of it remains WAITING. What can be the cause of this waiting status?

Hy my friend,


I think the only person that can answer that, is the Goldpoll admin.


Regarding the other monitors in AHM giving a paying status, it is natural/normal to be, because this program is at start and therefor it is shurly paying in order to get a nice status to atract new members/investors.

Nevertheless, it will stop pay before the big majority of its members to recover the investment (and even worst if members are expecting to profit).

Also, we know that hyip monitors are paid up to the last minute in order to continue having the PAYING status even if it is not paying to every other regular members.


Hyips are mostly ponzy (will not say 100% because some start by having real good intentions, as one program of my own that i had some time ago) but they can be profitable to the first members investing. However this will happen very few times, so we (regular users) must identify the ones that have best indicators to be a long life hyip (so we can pass the breakeven point and start profiting), and my recomendation is NOT TO INVEST at this hyip because those indicators aren't present. Exception made to the long domain.

Also, members should try to contact suport before investing, even if it is just to check the availability of suport, and the reply from suport should be as expected from one real company (as in this case they claim to be a real company), which did not happen in this case, because none real company deny documents to its investors.

At my previous post, i am just informing that this hyip claims to be a real company, but it isn't and it doesn't act like a company, in order to inform newbies so they avoid to loose their money in this hyip (of course "old time/old school users" already know this.


Repeting myself, as this hyip is not company owned (as claimed) and there aren't present the necessary indicators in order to point this hyip as a good choice, i DO NOT RECOMEND TO INVEST AT FINARRI


What indicators are you talking about,I guess you are new to hyips,forget about indications. All hyips are ponzis (100%.) It is only the admin of the program that can say when it will stop paying. Who knows this one might stay up for more than a thousand days. If I may ask you,what programs can you recommend? I guess there is none.


What indicators are you talking about,I guess you are new to hyips,forget about indications. All hyips are ponzis (100%.) It is only the admin of the program that can say when it will stop paying. Who knows this one might stay up for more than a thousand days. If I may ask you,what programs can you recommend? I guess there is none.

Hy again,


No, i am not new at hyips... I have a few years using hyips, with a very positive balance.


Regarding all hyips being ponzis, sorry but o do not agree to the 100%, because as i said before, i tried to run one honest program based on forex (not ponzi) but my know how of forex was not enough to sustain the program, so i have finished it, and i believe that some hyips may have admin trying to do it as i did it. Of course that this is a very small minority and do not mean that hyip will survive (as i didn't). Nevertheless, it is true that almost every hyip is ponzy (although it is not far from truth, just do not agree to the 100% value)


Regarding indicators, there are all kind of indicators that you can take from any site (not just hyips), among which the most regularly used by almost everybody is life of domain. I think it is comon sense that one admin that invest money in a long term domain has more odds to suport the site for more time than one other that just invest the minimum amount on its domain. Agree? So, in the same line of thinking, there are other indicators that should be take in consideration before making large investments... Of course this take time and work, but for me it is the saffer way to use hyips. Otherway it is a lottery (investing in hyips without making any kind of research for the best hyips to use).


If you want to read something more about this, and having some tips, you may do one visit to my signature....


Nevertheless, this post is not for making advertising either to my signature or other hyips to recomend, rather to share that to me this site does not feel safe to invest, so i do recomend/inform NOT TO INVEST

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