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Guys, instead of pointing out opinions on the contest if you work

hard then money is only yours!

You don't get such chances everyday! Please look at the positive sides. There are not much competitors so chances are wide open

We need to point out opinions because it is not easy as you think. Even if you are the admin can you refer people to the forum in that short period of time,common,we need to talk about it. Well,for that particular contest,I am no longer interested in it,I will just be posting in the forum and earn the little I can.

Well I referred one of my friend but I am not sure if he joined and posted, but it would be pretty hard to get a lot of referrals, however I would still try and see if I can get more referrals over here. The prize is good so working hard would be necessary.


Let's see how hard you can work,I think I am not going to waste my time on referral contest. The admin should try and include a contest like top poster contest,I think that is more preferable to members. I really need WMZ funds,so I wish the admin to process payments any time from now.


@hadg33 I knew I did not stand much chance at referring members, if the forum had opened newly and had only 2-3 members yet it might have been possible to get the users from other forums to know about it but many are already there, however you are a right a daily top poster contest might be more interesting.


I'm so happy that I do make some good income in forex trading so I want to become active in this forum also. But right now I'm still waiting for this forum to pay its pending request of payments so I do hope that this one will going to start paying soon. I decided to become active in here again once I got paid in here.


Well I am really not sure when admin would process the pending payments, the amount total is quite big now and it would continue to get bigger since members are a bit active still in the forum. Let's see when the payments are processed.


Well,I think that the admin should be able to process the payments because he has got so many advertisers to the forum. Payments are now pending for like 2 months so I expect the admin to process payments any time from now.


Well yes you are right it has been a long time since payments were processed to many members, and I would agree that it is quite the time now and admin should not make the members wait too much for payments.


The admin is online this morning so I am rest assured that he will process payments any time soon. Many members requested for high amounts,I also requested for a high amount,if I get paid any time soon I will be very glad.


I also request payments in here. This is the first time that I request payments in here and I do hope that their will be payment soon as I'm really excited to get paid in here. I some how minimize my posting in here since I'm busy offline but I do hope to be regular poster in here in two weeks time as I decided to resign in my work to concentrate in forex trading and of course posting in here.


Well I have also minimized my post activity so that admin is not over burdened by the amount request for payment for the posts. In the following days there is a good chance that admin might go for processing more payments if not all of them.


I would wait to see if members would get the payment before I would join here. I have check out the site but I'm still quite confused as I don't know which are the paying sections and don't know where to look in forum about that. there's a lot of difficult sections here that's why I'm not sure if I can post here well.


Same here. I am also confused ab out them, whether they are paying or they have stopped to pay the members because it is too long that i have never read any positive review about them on the internet. If i manage to find positive reviews it will be my pleasure to join them for increment of my pocket money that i earn through the paid to post forums and internet off course.


Well I am myself now confused whether they have stopped their payments or they are short on funds or what else the problem is, even recently I got an email from admin which was of a promotional program. I am not sure why admin is not processing payments.


It is really a good forum to earn money. I think its rate is high, although min payout is higher than other PTP site. But it's ok for add for adding value. Thanks for sharing with us. Need to see around that forum.


Well yeah this is a good forum and I already have a payment request of about $12.5 over there at the forum, I am hoping that the payments would be cleared soon and then I would regain my activity at the forum once they are completed.


It is really a good forum to earn money. I think its rate is high, although min payout is higher than other PTP site. But it's ok for add for adding value. Thanks for sharing with us. Need to see around that forum.


well i dont normally know what to say because a lot of people are complaining about this very forum so by now i have now agreed that i am not the only complainer of not be paying but i hope that the admin will pay soon.


I like this forum. Some how I can do about 15 to 20 post daily in here without any problem. I'm trying to be more active in here hoping to have good earning chance again online. I'm so interested to see myself becoming a successful online earner and I do feel happy that I do earn good amount of money in here to make me a good income earner.


well i dont normally know what to say because a lot of people are complaining about this very forum so by now i have now agreed that i am not the only complainer of not be paying but i hope that the admin will pay soon.

I am afraid to tell you this,if the admin is processing payments,you might not be paid because you have requested for payout double times. I don't think this is right though I can't find it in the forum rules but I know it is against the rules in most forums. Anyways,you members shouldn't be confused,the admin will surely pay as he has gotten so many advertisers over the time.

Theirs still a request of payments dated May 11 in here. That's almost a month and half already. I don't know why its not been process until now. But as long theirs little or no movements of payments in here I will just going to minimize my posting in here. I still do post in here from time to time for the sake of posting and checking if theirs a new payments.


I think it is more than two months the admin processed the last payment here and I wonder why it is taking so long. However, we won't deny the fact that he is always coming online which means that there is no cause for alarm in any way. Let's just hope that he does that any time soon and members get paid.


The admin should do something about the delayed payments. It is taking too long for a forum like this to delay payments,the admin is always online and he has advertisers to the forum,so I am just wondering when he will clear the pending payments. This is a new month,admin needs to process the payments.


Well let's see how admin does in this month, it seems a lot of members are waiting for the payments to be cleared now and I hope that in this month payments are cleared, not to mention he is mostly online which means that he is concerned about the forum.


Yes he is concern about the forum but you can now check the forum is not a paid to post forum anymore which we can request amount to our payment processor but he promise early today that he will cleard payment this week and the forum is now fully a forex forum where you need to request your payment to trading account sponsored by freshforex

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