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We proudly welcome everyone to HighPro.Biz. We all have finally entered the Forex with much high hopes, expectations, and new plans for our journey of life ahead. HighPro.Biz has finally launched its venture online, where we here at HighPro ltd strive to do our best, in maximizing your profits.
During the past year 2013, you have gone through very good investment programs, and at the same time, equally, and even more bad ones. Some of you have gained through certain programs, while some of you have lost. But it will not do any good, if you think about the bad past that might have happened to you, and then regret about it. You need to realize that, there will always be a lot of hurdles for you to jump over, until you reach your point of success. Remember you have a future lying ahead, a future which depends on how you act now. 
You will have to make plans for a bright future, and hence you need to find a reliable, and a good program to invest in. That is why we here at HighPro ltd have come into existence; to provide you with the best investment
Investment Plans:

105% - 130% After 1 Day
Plan Amount Spent ($) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $10 - $500 105.00
Plan 2 $501 - $1,500 106.00
Plan 3 $1,501 - $3,000 110.00
Plan 4 $3,001 - $5,000 119.00
Plan 5 $5,001 - $50,000 130.00
117% - 220% After 3 Days
Plan Amount Spent ($) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $10 - $500 117.00
Plan 2 $501 - $1,500 119.00
Plan 3 $1,501 - $3,000 134.00
Plan 4 $3,001 - $5,000 172.00
Plan 5 $5,001 - $50,000 220.00
139% - 362% After 5 Days
Plan Amount Spent ($) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $10 - $500 139.00
Plan 2 $501 - $1,500 145.00
Plan 3 $1,501 - $3,000 173.00
Plan 4 $3,001 - $5,000 239.00
Plan 5 $5,001 - $50,000 362.00
198% - 1270% After 10 Days
Plan Amount Spent ($) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $10 - $500 198.00
Plan 2 $501 - $1,500 228.00
Plan 3 $1,501 - $3,000 346.00
Plan 4 $3,001 - $5,000 594.00
Plan 5 $5,001 - $50,000 1270.00
910% - 18000% After 32 Days
Plan Amount Spent ($) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $10 - $500 910.00
Plan 2 $501 - $1,500 1201.00
Plan 3 $1,501 - $3,000 4045.00
Plan 4 $3,001 - $5,000 7815.00
Plan 5 $5,001 - $50,000 18000.00
8500% - 41000% After 61 Days
Plan Amount Spent ($) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $10 - $500 8500.00
Plan 2 $501 - $1,500 9010.00
Plan 3 $1,501 - $3,000 11081.00
Plan 4 $3,001 - $5,000 17220.00
Plan 5 $5,001 - $50,000 41000.00


  10 USD    


 PM , EGO, Payeer, HD-Money, NixMoney
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