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BettCoin LTD Company was founded in 2014. BettCoin LTD Company is engaged in investing in bookmakers. The number of bookmakers has recently increased considerably. More and more people prefer betting through using online bookmakers, since it became possible to bet online thanks to modern electronic payment technologies. 
1% daily for 15 days (+principal) 10-400$ or
1.3% daily for 25 days (+principal) 401-3500$ or
1.9% daily for 75 days (+principal) 3501-8000$ or
2.6% daily for 100 days (+principal) 8001-20000$

The admin in their recent update has requested to write to them any comments or suggestions for the improvement of the program, and their services and here is the news regarding the same !




Dear ladies and gentlemen!
Our site was successfully launched and is currently underway to improve all services.
We encourage everyone to write to us all the comments about any problems.
We gladly welcome all suggestions and comments.
Sincerely, Administration project Bettcoin LTD

The site is Russian because admin has added Qiwi here which is a local online payment method of Russia. Otherwise there are many other payment methods are added in this site which will really help admin in getting deposits by members. 1% profit is very low and admin will not face any problem in paying it. I think this site has such ability to be remain legit for long time.


Two level referral program offered in Bett Coin is attractive to promote and earn additional income, the first level has the highest commission of 7% and second level with 2%, withdrawals will be usually processed instant, in case of technical issues, it will be processed in one day, if not paid a day later, then we should contact support.


You can read review about BettCoin LTD (bettcoin.com) in my American Blog. Monitor -> ENG Blog

You can read review about BettCoin LTD (bettcoin.com) in my American Blog. Monitor -> ENG Blog


Bett Coin Ltd has been listed on 30 monitors both RCB as well as non RCB monitors that have updated status of paying for this mid term program, latest payment report was of 27th January, that is of today, it has attractive RCB offers on five monitors for one day.


Bett Coin is added to the Premium listing on MNO today, this mid term is taking good efforts in bringing the program to the top level in the publicity, almost all popular monitors listing this mid term in these three days period, this project has attractive advertising banners as well, thus it's been easy to promoters to gain referrals.


Bett Coin LTD added a new payment option of EgoPay today, on 29th January, before that it had only three options, PM, Payeer, QIWI, and here is the announcement!




Jan 29, 2014 14:09    Important!
We are pleased to inform you that for the convenience of our partners and their numerous requests added a new payment system - EgoPay.
Yours faithfully, Administration Bett Coin LTD .

Bett Coin has updated status of paying on MNO monitor, as we all know recently it was added to premium listing on MNO, and already the admin of Bett Coin is in the process of implementation of many features like adding more payment gateways to their program, recently added EgoPay, good to have an active admin here.


Today, 31st January Bett Coin Ltd has updated regarding the new feature of free video feed available and here is the news update !




Jan 31, 2014 fifty past seven p.m.    Important!

Bett Coin is reviewed by MNO and we can read the full review of the program on MNO blog where the review is published, this program has early withdrawal of deposit in their plans, which is a good feature, for the comfort of investors, the plan, Standart is affordable of all and it has attractive advertising banners for better promotion of the project.


Bett Coin LTD added a new payment option of EgoPay today, on 29th January, before that it had only three options, PM, Payeer, QIWI, and here is the announcement!

In my view adding EgoPay as a payment option might not bring a lot of new investors to the program because mostly people use Perfect Money which is according to me the best suited for hyips, other than that I think the roi is quite reasonable for this mid term program investment.


Bett Coin is listed top on Premium sticky on Hyip Explorer, for one week with the cost of $1020, good advertising efforts can be seen in this program, listed on almost all popular monitors of the hyip industry, where there is higher chances to get potential investors and rich in advertising and a popular program so far.


Wow, I was just checking bettcoin in allhyipmonitors. It has near about 50 monitor listed.

Allhyips is giving an rcb of 4.55$ per $10 invest. unbelievable...


However as I looked at their faq, I dont understand a thing. I think the language used is russian.


This mid term program, Bett Coin Ltd has been paying for a couple of weeks now, and the admin has updated in their news about the start of the wonderful holiday sport, XXII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, and it's events can be watched on their website online, BettCoin has been one among the most popular programs around, 


It also seems a good program. Actually before investing in a HYIP program it is important to see that how much it is returning to the investors per day. If the return is more than 5% then there is huge risk of losing the money. But 1% a day is a acceptable amount to get in return on any investment. Also it is returning the principal to the investor. So it is a good program to taste.


Bett Coin Ltd has been online and active for around one month and announced today about the video representation of the program, in Russian, and promised more videos in future !



Video presentation

Important! Dear friends!
Present the official video presentation of BettCoin.
Just want to add that in the future we will introduce more videos about our company.
Pleasant viewing. Sincerely, Administration

1% daily for 15 days is an advantage that it is still possible we can get from this program, because the gain is not too high and is in accordance with the time taken by the admin to make a profit, but if we take the higher gain with time which is longer than some of the other offerings given by the admin, I am sure, the admin will never provide such benefits until the expiration of the specified time limit to make a profit


Bettcoin has been peforming pretty well according to me.

I have posted before that I have already finished my first round with bettcoin.

I am nearing completion of my second round.

I feel this program has the potential to go many more rounds.

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