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Active Trader - active-trader.org


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Active Trader is intended for people willing to achieve their financial freedom but unable to do so because they're not financial experts.
Active Trader is a long term high yield private loan program, backed up by Forex market trading and investing in various funds and activities. Profits from these investments are used to enhance our program and increase its stability for the long term. 
102.5% after 1 day
Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $10 - $100 102.30
Plan 2 $101 - $350 102.50
115% after 5 days
Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $10 - $100 113.00
Plan 2 $101 - $350 115.00
132% after 10 days
Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)
Plan 1 $10 - $100 128.00
Plan 2 $101 - $350 132.00 
Accept: PM, EG
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Active Trader has DDOS protection from Genius Guard, this short term program has successful plans in offer, a couple of non RCB monitors have been listing this short term with waiting status at the moment, we can have access to paid out as well as last ten deposits on their website.

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Two paying statuses displayed by hyip monitors  which is a good sign about this program but i think despite of paying statuses members will still not prefer to invest money in this program because of its bad cheap cost script. If admin utilize good script here he will able to get deposits in thousands.

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A couple of transactions of little amounts have been recorded on their paid out page, which must be referral commissions, yet there is not one day old, few hours to go to mature the early deposits into one day plan, then only we can consider the status of the program active after few withdrawals of investors processed.

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all plan basically reasonable. especially the first one. though period contract in short period of time, this hyip have chance to be sustainable. however, I am not see that the hyip get support from hyip monitor site. and in order to find out whether they are paying or not, we should search payment proof report.

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Good to know that the project, Active Trader is active, paid early investors and growing with more fresh deposits to the program, withdrawals processed very quickly that is what reported on forums, profit of 2.3% in one day is a sustainable plan for a short term program like this.

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Active Trader has been paying for one week which is a great achievement of this short term program, there is many active investors in this program who regularly keep posting their payment proofs on forums to support the program, the withdrawal processing is very fast so far within a few minutes after request, that is the specialty of this short term so far.

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Running for ten days and continues to pay so far, this short term program, as expected has been paying for a long time for ten days now, investors continue to reinvest regularly with big amounts in this program, we can check the information of it's regular investors, through their deposits as well as paid out pages, paid out section has all the withdrawals recorded from the beginning of the program.

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