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Welcome to the My Gold Nest Egg financial freedom system, everything you need in one place to secure serious profits. We do all the hard work, all you have to do is sit back and watch the profits roll in.
2% Daily For 7 Days
Accepted Payment Processors: PerfectMoney, EgoPay, STP, Bitcoin
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My Gold Nest Egg has been listed on good monitors like MNO from the first day, it has got paying status as well, there is a detailed list of top sponsors, the latest investors and last withdrawals on their home page, it has plenty of payment options, including HD Money, Pecunix and BitCoin to invest with and the official FaceBook link of their program can also be found on the home page.

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Five awesome profit systems are available that we can earn from My Gold Nest Egg, it's been using a slow and steady profit strategy to deliver guaranteed returns, which pays a total of 120% through their Safety First profit system, there is a promo offer of bonus package of up to $500.

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Exciting announcement to come after Xmas and the admin explains on the e-mail delays on which they have been working to provide replies to support tickets and resolve members' issues !




Welcome to MyGoldNestEgg
Hi, first off I wanted to say a very warm welcome to all of our new members.
We’re off to a good start and will have some very exciting news for you over the next few days. Something that will really kick off growth for the program.
Before then I just wanted to say that we’ve had a couple of hundred emails to the support account and are working through them at the moment, so please bear with us, we’ll try and get through all of them today or tomorrow.
And we’ll be making our exciting announcement just after Xmas.
Many thanks. Andy
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Except that this program is listed on MNO, the popular monitor, there is no other monitors with any RCB offer listing this program, whatever the popularity it has gained so far is due to the listing on MNO, I think the admin would have added few RCB monitors to their program, so as per the latest news from the program, we can expect more exciting income opportunities from MyGoldNestEgg.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My Gold Nest Egg sends an update regarding their future plans for the new year with the introduction as well as development of their feeder program !



Big News Update

First off I’d like to wish all our members a very happy and extremely prosperous new year.
I’m sending this email to all members from both our newsletter and our site based update system, just to ensure it reaches everyone. I’ve also posted it as a news item in the Members Area.
This is a very important update, there are three big points that I want to make.
1. Support Emails.
I think we’ve got through all of the support emails now, but we had a bit of a blip when the hosting servers were upgraded. So if you’ve submitted a request but haven’t yet received a reply I’d like to firstly apologise and secondly ask you if you can please resend, we’ll aim to get through all of them within 24 hours.
2. Feeder Program.
The plans are being finalised for our feeder program, which will stand alone and be more short term focused than MyGoldNestEgg, it will have shorter term profit systems with defined benefits. It will be linked to MyGoldNestEgg and so our promotional activity will focus on bringing members on board and them then feeding into MyGoldNestEgg.
We hope to launch it within a small number of days, and when we do we’ll be importing the MyGoldNestEgg members initially and if you’ve invested in MyGoldNestEgg you’ll receive 10% of your investment as an investment in the new feeder program as a bonus.
We’ll keep you updated as we get the program ready to launch.
3. Behind the scenes opportunity.
Alongside the development of the Feeder Program, we’re also working on the strategic income streams that will generate a significant proportion of our longer term profits. We hope to have the first suite of these services ready in just a few weeks.
There is an opportunity for members to invest more actively in these projects and to receive a direct share of the income that they generate. The investment opportunity will see you receive a share of some services where the income is pooled with 50% going to my close team and investors and the other 50% fed into MyGoldNestEgg. Then we’ll allocate you individual services where you will receive the full 50% of income upfront. You’ll see the sites developer, will have your own control panel to view membership numbers and other stats and will receive 50% of the net income no matter how much is generated. If it generates $5000 a month then you’ll receive $2500 but if it generates $50,000 a month then you’ll receive £25,000 and there’s no cap at all.
As you’ll see from the background info if you’re interested, that’s very achievable and there are so many markets we’ll be delivering services in that a core investor will receive a minimum of 10 allocated to them, each with a minimum target of $5000 – if that target isn’t reached we’ll keep allocating your services until it is.
There’s much more to it on top, so if you’re interested please send an email to vipsupport@mygoldnestegg.com and we’ll get back to you with full details.
That’s all for today, more as we get close to launching our Feeder Program.
Regards. Andy
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  • 2 weeks later...

My Gold Nest Egg sends a news update on features like daily payments, withdrawals process, suggestions, volunteers, feeder program and private investors etc !



Important Update

MyGoldNestEgg Update
Hello to all Members, as before, to ensure I reach everyone, I’m going to send this via the newsletter and the site’s own update system. If you’re a member but you haven’t signed up to the Newsletter please visit the site and click on the Newsletter navigation tab.
If you’re receiving this and you wish to delete your account with us then please log into the site and visit the Settings page, if you wish to unsubscribe from the Newsletter then instructions for that are contained in the email.
There are a few things that I wanted to cover today.
1. Private Investor
We have made a huge and extremely exciting breakthrough in the last couple of days in the development work we’re undertaking to support the FOREX and Investment subscription services that we’ll be delivering.
Our process is totally unlike anything anyone has built before and it’s going to give us a key competitive advantage in numerous different markets. The breakthrough we’ve made means that we should be in a position to launch the first of our FOREX based services within just a couple of weeks. As you are no doubt aware, FOREX is a huge global market and the demand for our products is going to be massive, resulting in some seriously large residual income streams.
The services that we’ll be delivering are the reason why we have built an opportunity program, member’s funds will be used to provide development and promotional funding, and that’s where the bulk of the returns will come from that we distribute back to you. The trading side is really just the icing on the cake, by far the largest proportion of returns will come from these residual income projects, the income from which will be stable and growing as we expand our portfolio.
Aside from the general membership options we do have some more direct ways of getting involved, which would see you join my private team and be rewarded much more directly from the residual income projects and in a much bigger way.
I’ve put the details here:
If you’re interested then please email me at vipsupport@mygoldnestegg.com
We only have a couple of places available as we don’t want to dilute the potential returns by having too large a group, and members coming on board now will be directly supporting the FOREX development and promotional activity that will bring rewards as soon as possible.
2. Support Emails
Thanks to everyone who resent the support emails that we missed due to technical issues, we’ve dealt with all of those and for new ones we’ll aim to get back to you within 24 hours.
3. Feeder Program
Development of our Feeder Program is moving forward rapidly, we should be completing the testing of that this week.
We will let you have full details of the program just prior to the launch, when we’ll be importing the current membership of MyGoldNestEgg into it, and if you’ve invested with MyGoldNestEgg we’ll be giving you 10% of your investment amount in the new feeder program as a bonus.
If you wish to take advantage of the 10% offer then you need to have your investment with us in place before we import you into the new program.
The new Feeder program will be complimentary to MyGoldNestEgg, and it will be a true feeder as investors in the feeder program will receive a matching investment in MyGoldNestEgg as part of their package. It will have shorter timescales for investment returns than MyGoldNestEgg, but as a result the returns will be capped at lower amounts. With MyGoldNestEgg the returns are open ended and not capped, so over time members will receive more, but we think that both sites together are a powerful proposition.
When we launch we’ll be promoting it heavily, which brings me to the next two points.
4. Suggestions.
If you have some great suggestions regarding ways or places to promote the site or which forums/monitoring sites you consider to be most effective or authoritative then please email support@mygoldnesteegg.com with your suggestions. The best of them will receive a $50 investment in MyGoldNestEgg.
5. Volunteers
Alternatively if you would like to help us out by monitoring forums for posts relating to the new feeder program (and MyGoldNestEgg) and liaising with me to answer them correctly then please also send an email to support@mygoldnestegg.com. Our volunteers will receive a $50 investment with us for their trouble, and we’ll keep adding and adding to that based upon the effort put in. So a volunteer who continues to support and managing forum posts will continue to receive investments.
6. Daily Payments
This weekend we have changed the scheduling of our daily payment process, so that payments are actually made now on a Monday to Friday schedule.
You haven’t missed out on anything by this change, we didn’t make payments on Saturday as we would have done previously, as we simply moved that payment to today (which has now been made).
7. Withdrawals Process
We will shortly be adding a proper withdrawal process to the site, but in the meantime if you wish to make a withdrawal please email support@mygoldnestegg.com and we’ll liaise with you regarding the details.
The minimum withdrawal amount is $10 and the maximum for each withdrawal request is $1,000.
We will let you know when the withdrawal form is live on the Commission Account page.
That’s all for today, we’ll update you again in a few days as we get ready to launch the feeder program.
Regards, Andy
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A similar program to MyGoldNestEgg, it's feeder program with shorter lifespan, where the admin promises to credit bonus of 10% on their active investments, here is the news update !



Important News – Please Read

Welcome to the latest MyGoldNestEgg update.
You are receiving this because you have registered with our program or our newsletter, if you wish to be removed then removal instructions are included in this email.
To ensure we reach everyone I am sending this both from the site’s update system and the newsletter.
It has also been posted as a news item in the MyGoldNestEgg Member’s Area.
1) Feeder Program
Our Feeder program is almost ready, we should be in a position to put it live tomorrow:
Every member of MyGoldNestEgg will be imported before we put the site live and start advertising it, in addition every current investor in MyGoldNestEgg will receive a bonus in this new program.
The two sites will be complimentary and work together to deliver profits for all members.
2) Volunteers
If anyone would like to help promote the site by tracking down related forum posts and working with me to answer them and provide guidance on our mission and how we’re doing then please drop an email to vipsupport@mygoldnestegg.com.
When you send an email please add vipsupport@mygoldnestegg.com to your contacts to ensure our reply reaches you.
There will be valuable bonuses for anyone helping out in this way, bonuses that will get bigger the more you help out.
3) Private Investors.
We have a final opportunity for Private Investors to come on board before the new Feeder site goes live, investment in this way will 100% be dedicated to our FOREX development.
We have made some excellent progress recently with our development work to get our back end FOREX process ready to support our subscription service plans, and this page details our plans for extracting the maximum possible profit from our FOREX related activities.
This opportunity allows you to get behind the scenes and benefit massively from our FOREX activities and then everything else we’ll deliver. The rewards are significant because the number of places is strictly limited.
If you would like to take part then please send an email to vipsupport@mygoldnestegg.com.
When you send an email please add vipsupport@mygoldnestegg.com to your contacts to ensure our reply reaches you.
That’s all for today, we will email you again when you have been imported into Daily Wealth Program and the site has been put live.
Regards. Andy
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