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i'm not admin

I am here to announce the launch of a program which will be here for a long long time to come. I am Benjamin Cooper and I am the admin of TransProfit. We have a plan and the tools, just the execution part is left to make this program a grand success.
Our mission is to provide an innovative, transparent and honest program to thousands of average investors. No lies, no cheating, and no gimmicks. 
Bumblebee Plan (18% Daily for 7 days)
Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
Bumblebee $5 - $5,000 18.00
Optimus Prime Plan (135% after 7 days)
Plan Spent Amount ($) Profit (%)
Optimus Prime $5 - $5,000 135.00
Accept: Perfect Money,EgoPay
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Trans Profit has been five days old and here is the latest update from the program about the upcoming events to implement the program to compete with the current big projects !



Dec-6-2013 04:05:17 AM

Trans Profit News & Updates
I hope you are all having a wonderful day. The weekend is almost upon us and I’m very happy to say that Trans Profit is growing on a constant rate and things has been running pretty smooth.
By next week there’s some great changes happening on Trans Profit! We will try to be more competitive with the other big programs currently running right now as well there are still many ideas to be implemented so stay tuned up because more great news coming soon!
I wish you all a great weekend and enjoy your earnings from Trans Profit!
Yours Truthfully,
Benjamin Cooper
Transprofit.biz Administrator
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Trans Profit has been online and active for around three weeks which is a nice effort from this short term program that pays 18% daily for a week term, so far the payments have been processed manually, with fast payments to all the three major options of payment, STP, PM & EP, and it just requires a minimum of $5 to test the program.

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A total of 26% is offered as per their one week plan, which is around 4% daily, which is definitely a risky ROI, but it's good to know this program has managed to stay alive for three weeks, it seems the admin is experienced and a good support from potential investors has been the reason for this longevity of the project.

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