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AccessFuture.Com provides funds and

investment solutions built to help you

meet your financial goals with access to

your first profit in less than 24 hours.


Mapping out personal investment goals is

the easy part. However, successful

realization of your investment goals require implementing a plan and sticking

with it.


AccessFuture.Com offers an array of plans that can serve to enable you

achieve your set goals. Whatever your

goals, AccessFuture.Com can help you work towards them.



110% after a day:


Plan 1: $1 - $200 = 110%


Plan 2: $201 - $400 = 140%


Plan 3: $401 - $1,000 = 170%


Plan 4: $1,001 - $10,000 = 200%


1000% after 4 days:


Plan 1: $100 - $300 = 700%


Plan 2: $301 - $500 = 800%


Plan 3: $501 - $1,000 = 900%


Plan 4: $1,001 - $10,000 = 1000%




(i invested yesterday and i got paid today)


The site is using a cheap script and the template used is also cheap

the plans are offering extra ordinary returns which are far too high and unrealistic to sustain for long

the minimum investment of $1 enables newbies to try the site


The site is offering very high interest rates which are not reasonable, and thus not sustainable as well. But with the minimum investment pegged at only $1, everyone could easily afford this but may not be willing to invest. But those willing to put money will definitely earn some quick cash if the site pays.


good to see this type of high profitable program & LR, pm is hopefully available....although it has low investment required as 1$, but the rates of interest is also at 110%, which is also good....i am amazed to see this plan & very satisfied as it require that testing amount...


I see the site information state the site is accepting all three main e-currency namely liberty reserve, perfect money and alertpay this will enable members from various part of the world to actively join and also alertpay will also give protection to investor to recover his principle at the site site stop paying


This program offer very unreasonable returns

and plans are designed in such way that the bigger investor gets more returns

I find the program very doubtful and no way to invest in this program.


So if i have a thousand bucks i will make *1000 of my money in just 4days? This is funny very funny. But you know what am going to do? I have some alert pay cash that is not yet enough to do some beneficial things so i will go head long and invest in this one and hope to come out un burnt. Am expecting the worst anyway.


I dont feel the admin has any intention to run the site long as no monitors have being listed in this site

I usually check on the monitors status before i consider making my investment but here as no monitors are listed i have to search for payment proof to check whether the site is paying or not


I just love to use this low spending program with high rates of interest daily.. WE can easily recover our principle within 10 days & after that WE will earn an extra profits by doing nothing which's amazing plan.. Although it don't have sufficient members to be investors without doubt, it could be trusted one..


So if i have a thousand bucks i will make *1000 of my money in just 4days? This is funny very funny. But you know what am going to do? I have some alert pay cash that is not yet enough to do some beneficial things so i will go head long and invest in this one and hope to come out un burnt. Am expecting the worst anyway.


Lol, don't be so negative, i'm sure they will pay. Update us if they pay you, i got paid in that site already, i just can't post my payment proof here.


Lol, don't be so negative, i'm sure they will pay. Update us if they pay you, i got paid in that site already, i just can't post my payment proof here.

its good to note you have got paid but you can always post your payment proof in the payment proof section to avoid getting a warning

but as per the site stats i feel the site will be able to run for another 7-10 days only


For sure an unsustainable and unreasonable,unrealistic return of investment,i don't even have any trust for this kind of program.They don't last long.Just come around,takes people investment and pay pending withdrawals,and when admin has gotten his investment in the hosting,and everything,then he will turn scam.I don't have the time and money to try this one out.But it's would have been fun really,risking our money in this program.


Before joining it we must see some payment proofs from recent investors although it leads a small risk with the low invest of 1$...I don't wanna join without having any proofs....10% is enough for us with 1$ investment.. Hope it may be honest program ...


even though members state they have got paid i would recommend investor to always check for recent payment proof to confirm the site is paying before investing here as these types of plans are too risky and dont know when they may stop paying


We can at least try to surf on web to get some information about this HYIP....I am quite happy with it since this HYIP needs sufficient investment that we can afford without any doubt but definitely we should see recent payment proofs...


ya it can be risky because time period is too long to me..but overall it seems good to me because of their low minimum investment and return rate as well as payment proofs are also shown by the owner..

  • 2 weeks later...

hey guys i was shocked to see the site account has being suspended when i attempt to view the site to review it so no wonder the site has turned in to a scam now


The admins of accessfuture run 10 HYIP sites, and i've tried investing in 9 of them. It's not the first time that their accounts was suspended. Then after a day or two, the site is back again. If it's still suspended after 2 weeks then the site is gone for good.


The admins of accessfuture run 10 HYIP sites, and i've tried investing in 9 of them. It's not the first time that their accounts was suspended. Then after a day or two, the site is back again. If it's still suspended after 2 weeks then the site is gone for good.


Can you share how did you find it out and what other programs he ran in the past?


I noticed that the emails that were registered to AP in a certain site is used to pay me when i withdraw in another site and vice versa. For example, i made a deposit to that email in 1safedeposit, then i requested for payment in alphaforexservices, then the payment was made from the email that i paid to in 1safedeposit. The sites are run by several people, not just one, and the sites are alphaforexservices.com, accessfuture.com, futureinv.org, forxecommerceprofit.com, 1safedeposit.com, princefunds.com and futuretrader.net.

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