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Assets trust management represents one of the most popular operation methods in the world stock markets for companies as 
well as individuals. Among the advantages of assets trust management we may mention many. 
1% Daily for 22 Days
Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
Plan 1 Earnings only on mon-fri $20 - $500 1.00
3% Daily for 44 Days
Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
Plan 2 Earnings only on mon-fri $501 - $5,000 3.00
4% daily for 60 days
Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
Plan 3 Earnings only on mon-fri $5,001 - $100,000 4.00
Accepted currencies: PM.
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22 days is just too long for a wait for me. I do recommend that we find a much shorter plan hyip site. But if you think we can really make something good in here then I don't see any reason why not. So far so good that I do earn good amount of money in hyip investing. But same time I know I can loss every thing in one wrong investments.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Vega Fund has been hosted on a shared server with DDOS protection from DDOSCURE, it has security feature of SSL verified by Geo Trust Inc, life time of the project is forty days and has been paying so far, it has a single payment option of Perfect Money allowed to invest with, and the daily ROI of 1% the lowest is sustainable, but the minimum set at $20 is a bit high to afford.

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Invalid Server Certificate

You attempted to reach vegafund.biz, but the server presented an invalid certificate.

well i am unable to access this site I am getting following server error while accessing it. I dont think i am able to say anything more about this program.. I tried many other ways to access this program but no result. So I will consider this program as scam ..

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Life time of this mid term program is 56 days and has been active so far, there is four monitors with attractive RCB offers for investors of this program, Vega Fund is using verified EgoPay account, it has minimum withdrawal limit set at $0.2, it pays on the basis of business days and the referral commission from this professional project of 5% is nice too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Vega Fund has been living for 71 days and the current status is paying so far, earnings will be credited on business days only, thus their plans have been sustainable this longer, five out of ten are RCB monitors, thus we can say, Vega Fund is a bit famous among investors.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Dear All and also Dear Vegafund Admin,

I made withdrawal request at Jan-31-2014 02:30:31 AM for $50.


Yesterday Feb-3-2014 12:50:34 AM my withdrawal request was back into my account balance. I try to made withdrawal again for $50.
At screenshot below You all can see my withdrawal request that I made at Jan-31-2014 02:30:31 was vanish from my withdrawal history.


I already contacted Vegafund Admin ask about this matter using vegafund support/contact form/page "https://vegafund.biz/index.php?a=support". I also contacted via e-mail to vegafund.biz@gmail.com at :

     - Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 4:34 PM

but there's no response until now.

Guess what.....

Today I STILL DIDN'T RECEIVED my money and at my withdrawal history and earning history shown that my withdrawal request was processed BUT WITHOUT BATCH NUMBER.




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good hyip site which offering reasonable profit rate. duration of investment last for 20 days for first plan and it including short period. the script completed with ddos and ssl protection. current status is paying still and potentially will keep last to paying for long term period. we can count this hyip as safe place to make invest.

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