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My Ppc Network Launching worldwide...


My ppc Network is clicking company with provides advertisement clicking work to there members.


Company is typed with many Top advertiser providers like Google adsense, Yahoo advertisement, Bidvertisers and Many referral affiliate programs.


Company display the ads collected from there advertisers and allows member to click on them.


This way Advertisers get paid click and company get revenue from each click and company share revenue with members.


Isn't it so simple.


Register >>>>> Purchase package >>>>> Click advertisement >>>>> Get paid.





1. $50 (Per click : $ 0.57 ) - (Weekly revenue $4   x 50 Weeks) - (Total earning : $200)

2. $100 (Per click : $ 1.14 ) - (Weekly revenue $8   x 50 Weeks) - (Total earning : $400)

3. $250 (Per click : $ 2.86 ) - (Weekly revenue $20  x 50 Weeks) - (Total earning : $1000)

4. $500 (Per click : $ 5.72 ) - (Weekly revenue $40  x 50 Weeks) - (Total earning : $2000)

5. $1000 (Per click : $ 11.43) - (Weekly revenue $80  x 50 Weeks) - (Total earning : $4000)

6. $2000 (Per click : $ 22.86) - (Weekly revenue $160 x 50 Weeks) - (Total earning : $8000)


********      Business / Earning Opportunity         *************


1. Sponsor / Direct income : 5% to 10%


2. Matching bonus income / Binary Income : 1:1 - 10%

(How matching income works?

Company provides you 2 groups, One is left side group and secound is right side group.

When left side group has business of $1000 and if right side group matches the business of $1000 it means the matching is of $1000.

Company gives you 10% means $100 as Matching or Binary bonus.)


3. Dashboard login income : Per login $0.01 (Earn upto 3 level)


4. Facebook sharing income : Earn sharing income upto $0.05 per share.


5. Company revenue holder income : Earn monthly revenue from company.


1.Start - $2,000   (Left Matching) -  $2,000   (Right Matching) - (Monthly $100   x 3 Months)

2.Next  - $5,000   (Left Matching) -  $5,000   (Right Matching) - (Monthly $250   x 3 Months)

3.Next  - $12,500  (Left Matching) -  $12,500  (Right Matching) - (Monthly $625   x 4 Months)

4.Next  - $25,000  (Left Matching) -  $25,000  (Right Matching) - (Monthly $1250  x 5 Months)

5.Next  - $100,000 (Left Matching) -  $100,000 (Right Matching) - (Monthly $5000  x 6 Months)

6.Next  - $500,000 (Left Matching) -  $500,000 (Right Matching) - (Monthly $10000 x 12 Months)


********      Deposit & Withdrawal Process         *************

1. Perfect Money.

2. Paypal

3. Credit & Debit card.

4. Bank transactions.

5. Solid trust pay.

6. E-wallet.


Please Join with my referral link,


Position Choose  : Right. (Join right for joining support)




Thank you.


Company has started Signup program,
Please book your position which for free because you will get one side support which gives you power leg support.
Don't miss this.
For more information contact me here by posting your Email address or Skype id.
Thank you.

List of incomes:


1. Pay per click income.

2. Personal login.

3. Downline member login.

4. Facebook wall sharing income.

5. sponsor income.

6. Binary income.

7. Revenue holder income.

8. Caping income.


This is a good way through which you can earn $4000 daily.


Join with my above referral link.

My Ppc Network Launching worldwide...


My ppc Network is clicking company with provides advertisement clicking work to there members.


Company is typed with many Top advertiser providers like Google adsense, Yahoo advertisement, Bidvertisers and Many referral affiliate programs.


Company display the ads collected from there advertisers and allows member to click on them.


This way Advertisers get paid click and company get revenue from each click and company share revenue with members.


Isn't it so simple.


Register >>>>> Purchase package >>>>> Click advertisement >>>>> Get paid.


Please Join with my referral link,


Position Choose : Right. (Join right for joinings support)


Join My ppc Network which gives you unique opportunity and all kind of income listed above.

1. Click and get paid.
2. Login and get paid.
3. downline login upto 3 level you get paid.
4. share post on facebook.com and get paid.
5. sponsor any one get paid.
6. binary income.
7. revenue holder income.
8. multiple payment options.
And much more......

Thank you

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