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  • 5 months later...

I couldn't agree any better. More often than not, beauty is dictated by outside forces. Media often defines what beauty should be, what beauty should look like. However, we often fail to recognize that beauty comes from within. And only when we are comfortable with ourselves and our beauty as a person can other people find us beautiful.


Not a single factor can determine beauty. Instead, to judge someone's beauty, the observer must take a holistic view. It is not about how long the hair is, what the shape of the eyes is, what kind of figure the one has; it is about everything combined together. If one is beautiful inside, he or she will emit that sense of beauty to the outside world. And people will sense it.

  • 2 years later...

I believe that everyone is beautiful in their own ways. Just like mentioned above, it is true that the media tries to define beauty but having long hairs, white skin or good body shape does not really mean that one is beautiful. Beauty is based from within. If a person is very self-educated, socialized and possessed good manners and behaviors, then for me that person is very beautiful. Outer beauty does not always last long because at a certain age most people change in physical appearance but the beauty within you will stay forever.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

The above quote is a very beautiful one, just like the message it is trying to display. A child is never born ugly, it is their acts that judge their beauty. A person who is honest, generous, and possess a pure heart will be liked and respected by the society. That is one way to make oneself beautiful. The outer beauty is purely only for the eyes but inner beauty is for the soul.

  • 1 month later...
  • 5 years later...

Girls can be beautiful on their own until they are 20 years old. It `s naturally . However, then it takes effort to look good. I know only one example when a woman really worked hard and raised children (she is 62 now). She had no time to engage in beauty. The only thing she managed to pay attention to was her hairstyle. I could never guess in what look  I would see her again.


I don't know a single girl who wouldn't like to do hairstyles)) Sometimes we get together with friends and discuss new options for haircuts for long hair from therighthairstyles. These models come up with professional hairdressers and sometimes it looks really cool! I made my hair a couple of times exactly on this photo as an example. It turned out great)

  • 4 weeks later...

I believe that all of us people are wonderful, and we just need to bring more love to our lives. Then the world will become necessarily kinder and more beautiful, but there is one more point in the fact that there are certainly bad people who do not even deserve this title. Nowhere without it ...
By the way, maybe someone will be interested, recently read a wonderful article, can foot shape ancestry reveal anything about your origins -  https://atlasbiomed.com/blog/can-foot-shape-ancestry-reveal-anything-about-your-origins/
Very entertainingly written, be sure to read.

  • 1 year later...

All girls want to be beautiful, but I have very fine hair, so I use a wig. There are many different types of wigs, but the best in my opinion is human hair wigs . Since these wigs are made with quality lace, which is best suited for lighter, softer and thinner hair than other regular laces, they can make the hairline look more natural, invisible, and dissolve better and more easily in the scalp.

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