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Welcome to Eurasia Trade Ltd.Your worldwide investment specialistsIs investing in world markets something you’d like to consider? Then you are in the right place, no matter what your income level or amount you can invest. EurasiaTrade Ltd is here to provide you access to worldwide investment opportunities, in the most uncomplicated fashion possible.Mutual Funds for World Markets?Not really, but the easiest way toexplain what we provide you is to use the mutual fund model. In short, we give you access to a well-diversified portfolio of international equities, stocks, bonds, and other securities.On their own, these markets and opportunities are largely inaccessible to the individual investor due to both the learningcurve, and the minimums requiredto invest. Many investors don't have the exact sums of money tobuy round lots of securities to achieve high yield without high risk. Several hundred dollars is usually not enough to buy a round lot of a stock, especially after deducting commissions.Instead, we provide you a better way. A way that allows you to participate in worldwide markets, without the complications, while investing the amounts you chooseto invest. We also do not charge annual management fees (like typical mutual funds do.)

If you make 10%, you get 10%.Finally, our offers:

Package 1Package 2 Package 3

Package 1:

Short term12.5%-17.5%Daily

Minimal Amount:10 USD

Invest. Period:10 Days*

Principal return:NO

Package 2:

End of period190%-220% after 12 Days

Minimal Amount:10 USD

Invest. Period:12 Days**Principal return:NO

Package 3:

Long term7%-9% Daily

MinimalAmount 10 USD

Invest. Period:21 Days*

Principal return:YES*

You will receive your first payment on the following day after investment.**

You will receive your payment after 12 days.

Why Choose UsEurasia Trade Ltd. is an independently owned and operated company consisting of nothing but experienced, highly-trained financial professionals. Established in early 2005, we firstoffered our unique services “offline” only. The results were sopositive, and the feedback so tremendous that we decided in December of 2010 to offer our services to the entire world.What makes us unique?Our competitive advantage lies in continuous, in-depth investment research; and our extensive knowledge of the widespread economic markets. As specialists ininternational financial markets, weenable individual investors to capitalize on a wide-array of investment opportunities they would not have access to otherwise, due to monetary reasons and unfamiliarity with just how to invest.In other words, we make it easy for anyone to be involved with a wide array of previously inaccessible international markets.Customer service and your satisfaction are also our fundamental strengths. The bottom line is you must be happy with not only your return on investment, but with how we handle you as a person. Eurasia Trade Ltd. has built a reputation as being a leader in this all-important aspect - every investor is valuable and attended to, no matter how much or how little money you choose to invest.

Here is the link



Hey, that's not a link, just domain name. :P

Why don't you make it a live link?


Dedicated server, SSL and Ddos protection.

I made a min deposit on the first plan.

I love this kind of plans, just like an autosurfing plans without the surfing. :rolleyes:

Another point is it's a fully automatic program, thus no need to register.


@keuss. If you do get paid from this one please do tell it here. The third package is so profitable, 7% daily for 21days and principal return. The second plan is also profitable getting almost 200percent after 12days. I will give this a shoot after seeing some payment proofs.


@keuss. If you do get paid from this one please do tell it here. The third package is so profitable, 7% daily for 21days and principal return. The second plan is also profitable getting almost 200percent after 12days. I will give this a shoot after seeing some payment proofs.

I'll do.

But I doubt they will be able to afford to return the principal, even though it's a great return if they don't return the initial deposit.


And a friend from goldentalk also have join the program so since it is 10dollars to try it. I will wait first for payment proof. Thanks keuss do be waiting for you.


Ok, I received the first of 10 payments.

It has been little less than 12 hrs after the deposit, so it doesn't have to be 24 hrs after a deposit.


I like the Great plan with 10 days of 10$ investment, I am sure it must be sustainable program as it's registered company.. WE will receive our doubled money back within 10 days.. SO definitely I am crazy with it to spend my 1st 10$ soon... Hope it will pay me today as they promised..


Even though program looks good as as site is concerned as it has got good design and nicely protected by ddos

But the fact that 190-220% return in 12 days are very high still remains and that is the main reason i doubt the sustainability of this hyip.


@keuss. Nice to know they are paying and thanks for sharing i hoped they be around until i get some more money in my account. I will take the highest risk and go for the 190percent plan. Or maybe for the 7percent daily.


great one for short term investment for only 10 days and I can see many payment proof here and in other big forum so I think this hyip is legit for investment...

I will try this one later and hope to gain profit here....


the site is using a nice template and its having DDOS protection

further the plans all are having affordable minimum investment which makes the site triable by all

but the plans are offering very high ROI which i feel unrealistic to afford by the admin


Give a test spent here :)


You have successfully sent a payment from your account U1933038:


Date: 1/25/2011 8:37 AM

Batch: 53976166

Sent To: U3213717 (Eurasia Trade Ltd.)

Amount: $11.00

Memo: Package 1


My money is still hook up in some investment and circler but if i do have some spare cash i would have blindly go for the 190% plan. Or any other big earner one. Wishing you luck MailingAyam.


I like their plans, the long term plan being the bert of them all since the principal investment is returned. I would like to try to invest here since the interest rates are high, and the fact that they accept alertpay is also a plus.


@ malingAyam


good you see you are able to test the plan is it the 10 day plan you invested at. iam currently short of funds but will try it if the site is still paying when i get funds in my account

further looking forward to see the payment proof posted by you



Already posted proof of mine at payment proof section :)

And seemes until today many investors of this site satisfying from this auto payment site :D


I still considreing to add one or more plan here :)


I am amazed to see this plan l very satisfied as it require quite low invest from small earners....the minimum investment needed is quite low at 10$ of 190--220% after 12 days profit...as it require sufficient investment , so it must be good program for us...



I have already checked your payment proof so iam sure the response from the investor seem good

as the site pays directly to the investor e-currency account will reduce the hassle of login in daily.

but currently iam lacking $10 in my account so i will not be able to invest here until i get some funds

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