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I have responsibility to listen and my mentor have responsibility to educate well. Also with live mentor I can directly ask and get answer without wait long or some moment. I would prefer a live mentor only when i run into difficult trading concepts.

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I guess my final take on the issue will be if the trader can afford a mentor-fine and good. Otherwise, there are still a lot of online resources to lean back on. It is more convenient to have a live mentor. You a more easily explain your confusions and get guided responses.


There are not much people who wanted spend their time to teach us about forex personally except someone that we knew. It is more convenient to have a live mentor. You a more easily explain your confusions and get guided responses. It's unlike asking traders on the internet.


live mentor will be better. however, its depend on traders actually. when traders able to absorb all of necessary information, and able to follow the mentor instruction properly, they can become good trader in short period of time. but if trader not focus, live mentor or online mentor won't help them become profitable faster.


Deciding for a live/online mentor is similar with meeting new people. Live mentor is more advantageous than just having a mentor that you can meet online. Live mentor can teach you more things. It would be difficult to get mentor in forex, especially mentor from online because there are not much people who wanted spend their time to teach us about forex personally except someone that we knew.


If we found online mentor, that is good too but as I experienced, online mentor is not as effective as offline mentor. I will have to choose the live mentor. I want a mentor whom I can ask question freely and with which I can learn through experience and not just some theory.


Its very much much better if we can find a live mentor. But I don't think we can find one right now. Most online mentor are good also but its really much better if we can talk face to face with our teacher. I do hope I can end up having an advance mentor in forex trading so that I can really earn good amount of money. This is what I'm hoping to achieve right now.


I will be happy if i can find at least online mentor. I used to have an online mentor but we have stopped this online mentoring so i am back to learning it myself. It’s true that it's not easy to find out mentor, no matter offline mentor or online mentor, in forex trading. Not all people could find it out.


For me, live or online mentor will be very useful and needed by all beginner traders. About effectiveness, live or online mentor I think same as far as we understand what mentor teach. If you have a friend who can teach you that then you would be lucky. If not better learn by yourself or have the patience. But I think there are some classes for this forex training but of course it is not free.


Mostly traders will learn by themselves with helping of other traders in forex forum. If there is mentor who helped you that could make you learn about forex faster than other. Once we have experience friend then we can ask him any question but its true sometime it not possible but there is so many good source over net if we really want otherwise there is so many forums.


You probably learn with the online mentor through IM or something else, that cannot compare to someone who is just by your side or in front of you, telling what to do. It is good if you could find out mentor, no matter online or offline, but not all people could be so lucky to find out mentor.


Many people who just can make big profits will claim themselves as a good forex trader. You must not learn from them because they still don't know anything about forex. Forex is not only about make big profits. Live mentor, Surly, online mentor maybe cheaper but surely will not have the same effect as that of a live mentor.


I can ask my question more specific and show where I did not understand. Of course I will get better answers than with an online mentor because an online mentor is separate by a far place where we can only communicate. I would rather get the live tutor. The interaction will be better because the tutor is right there ready to answer your questions immediately.


I really want to do some workshop as I can directly interact on how to trade in forex trading and earn money from it. But I guess its going to take some times before I can find a right person to teach me. I prefer the live mentor because I can interact directly either through verbal or practice.


We can understand how a strategy works in forex and in online will have visualization or screenshots of the analysis with some comments or notes so we can figure it out what it means. The best way to learn is to have as many books, information, online friends, mentor etc. Because in forex trading information, knowledge are the tool that we need in order to be successful in forex trading.


About my own, I see that most of forex traders will go for live mentor. Live mentor is the one which will show me simple steps to trade. He will point out mistakes to me, why the online mentor will only be there to answer questions.


I prefer live mentor. This is the only way I can earn good amount of money. I'm really interested to know if I can earn good amount of money in forex trading and its only live mentor who can see how I trade and what I do wrong and how I can correct it. unlike other traders who spend time doing trail and error. If we do have live mentor some how we can spend less time in learning.


Well, at first I would prefer a live mentor only when I run into difficult trading concepts. But then, the advantage of figuring out these things by oneself is that they tend to stick better, and the trader understands the concepts better.


About me, I prefer live mentor because we can see face by face and I have responsibility to listen and my mentor have responsibility to educate well. Also with live mentor I can directly ask and get answer without wait long or some moment.


Well, actually I think that that's a matter of convenience really. I guess my final take on the issue will be if the trader can afford a mentor-fine and good. Otherwise, there are still a lot of online resources to lean back on.


It is more convenient to have a live mentor. You a more easily explain your confusions and get guided responses. It's unlike asking traders on the internet as we may not put our questions right or have the requisite materials to show.


It would be difficult to get mentor in forex, especially mentor from online because there are not much people who wanted spend their time to teach us about forex personally except someone that we knew. So far, I didn't find any people who found mentor from online so I think We shouldn't depend on that.


Having a live mentor will give you more benefits than someone who you only know online. Deciding for a live/online mentor is similar with meeting new people. Live mentor is more advantageous than just having a mentor that you can meet online. Live mentor can teach you more things, and you're able to see him in person so he may also give you some tips.


It’s true that it's not easy to find out mentor, no matter offline mentor or online mentor, in forex trading. Not all people could find it out, because of that people who has someone who teach him/her, that was really lucky because he/she can learn faster than commonly traders.


I think that not every one can find their offline mentor. So I will be happy if I can find at least online mentor. I used to have an online mentor but we have stopped this online mentoring so i am back to learning it myself.

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