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I would like to request by Friday. Since I just hope that I would have more points maybe $10 by that time or maybe by Sunday since I have not been able to request last week because of laziness. So I just hope that I would be able to make post here easily. So I would like to earn here like $5 weekly.

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I got my payment request on Sunday morning on the forum although it would have loved to submit it my Friday or Saturday at the latest. Its just better this way to ensure that you would be getting paid by the forum no matter what happens because it would be bad to miss payment processing.

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Oh,you have now succumbed to what I said earlier,it would be better to submit payment request before Sunday,should incase you are not just chanced on Sunday,this would make you not to miss the weekly pay,anyways i made some posts in the forum yesterday by posting my payment proofs cos I got lot payments yesterday

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I'll continue submitting my requests on Sundays or late Saturdays because I'm not fast in posting therefore its always difficult for me to reach my weekly targets here. I missed posting in MTW yesterday añd it looks like I'll miss posting there again today as today is almost over at my location. I may sacrifice my sleep and do a marathon posting to make up for the lost posts.

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Or in short, every weekend. Then you will have your activity in the forum in weekdays. It's really interesting to make daily posting and then, payments or our activity are paid off every week. I know this is one of thing we can encourage to members in other forums to have more activity.

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I really wish that there more forums that are adopting the same format that the MTW forum is using with confirmed weekly payments. So far the admin and mod have not failed to be consistent with payment processing as planned on Sundays and hopefully it will remain like this moving forward.

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Yea,the admin has not failed in clearing of payments on a weekly basis,this is really motivating,I haven't made a single post in the forum today simply because I want to reach my target here in DMT before I proceed to MTW,I will try and make 2 rounds of posting in the forum today

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I'm sure that this will be also interesting that if members are often active in DMT forum we will see these members active as well in MTW forum as support for the partnership of the two forums. I'm pretty both active in MTW and I appreciate that I'm seeing better activities in MTW for some weeks now.

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I do agree. I think those who are active in dmt must also be active in mtw. This two sites are sisters sites and that's what I usually do in this two sites. I post the same time or alternately. In this way if I post in dmt I also post in mtw. No competation between the two. If I earn 50 points in dmt I tried to earn 50 points in mtw also. Even though dmt has 3 cents section while mtw has 2 cents section only.

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Some members have the reason like they feel convenient in one forum, some are probably unable to post because of compatibility mode mostly in mobile users. But I'm glad that today this afternoon I already made 70 points. I don't see a hindrance for members to have 2 cents in every section.

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I make sure that I have the same posting activities in both forums because they are run by the same admin and payment processing happens on the same day weekly. I just dont see any reason why I should be active on one forum and not the other one because I get to earn from both weekly.

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It would certainly be good to see some increases in posting activities on the MTW forum indeed as more members make some time for the forum as well. It just makes sense that there would be prioritizing of the forum of late because of the positive developments in payment processing.

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Well, you can do whatever you want in posting and that is already good for me to see members are more active in both forums. There's no point that I will miss to post here whenever I wanted to make posting activity. I just hope that I will not have problem in my connection and time management so, I can have my target as well.

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Well, still not reach the minimum as of this moment but I'm getting nearer for that. I just hope I can able to make good amount of points this week compared in last week that I just made 250 points I think. So, I hope I can go for this posting in the evening and then, to try again for 500 points.

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