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The Conjuring


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In 1971, Carolyn and Roger Parren move their family into a dilapidated Rhode Island farm house and soon strange things start happening around it with escalating nightmarish terror. In desperation, Carolyn contacts the noted paranormal investigators, Ed and Lorraine Warren, to examine the house. What the Warrens discover is a whole area steeped in a satanic haunting that is now targeting the Parren family wherever they go. To stop this evil, the Warrens will have to call upon all their skills and spiritual strength to defeat this spectral menace at its source that threatens to destroy everyone involved.


This movie sets out to grab the attention of thrill seekers for a good scare. Although, if you're not familiar with the paranormal world, give sincere credit as you watch -- this is not just a scare-tactic production -- this is a real true story.


I was anticipating for this one to come out for quite some time. The best thing I like is that the surrounding of the movie has ties with what I've followed from the works of Paranormal State (can be seen on A&E or Bio networks; Ryan Buell, lead investigator). Lorraine Warren has been featured on the show numerous times. She tags along on cases as demonologist & seeks out what forces that may inhabit any property as well as those needing spiritual guidance. Check this series out if you haven't before!


I will not go into too much detail of the movie.


The actors & actresses do a great job playing out this terrifying & epic story! Also, excellent to see a cameo by Lorraine Warren herself!


We will see a brief introduction on where the main plot takes off right as it rolls on. Time era is during the 70's. There is this couple that takes their research & put together lectures that go deep into the supernatural spectrum. They share what they can so the common public can relate on real paranormal occurrences.


A family moves into a new home. What awaits them is nothing expected by anyone. Let's just say that their realtor left out a good description of home history. Things of notice are becoming to take a toll within the house, which then has the mother seek out Lorraine & Ed Warren. The couple are used to all kinds of cases that come in many levels in association with being supernatural. This house just happens to host a much bigger problem that they haven't dealt with before.


Haunted entities, flashbacks of tragedy & demonic possession are all about to wreck havoc throughout everything & everyone.


I highly recommend this movie. Not by any means is the story fiction. Some may need to view this with caution, but I will definitely say that this has its scary moments along as it being a true story & now shared as a movie that is well done.


Will probably encounter some hair-raising on your arms, but I am one to find it quite interesting when that happens & thrilling nonetheless, which is exciting when it comes to the paranormal. Hide n' clap? You'll see . . . go on to watch it for yourself!

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