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Japan will announce new tax rate in 1 July 2013 but It had affect about forex traders too. as you know Japan face problem about new generation had fewer than yearly job available so Japanese government try to restrict forex traders activity by increase tax after 1 July Tax for forex traders must to be 70 percentage from their profits increase from old rate around 2.5 percentage. Do you think It had effect in forex or not ?


if you would be a good and honest trader it is no problem for you to give a tasx. so we need to be an honest and hard working man for earn money and to be success in forex market .

  • 8 months later...

But then, you forgot that the tax will be much on traders because they will try as much to discourage traders in far way that they can by making the tax so much. The best is if the trader knows the tax is much on him after deducting it from his profit, he better stick to offline jobs afterall Japan has a good job satisfaction rate.


I think for small  trader tax in not required but for big trader/investments may is must required, becasue they have a huge investment profolio so pay for tax is fair. Thank You

  • 4 weeks later...

I'm sure the traders who are trading in the forex market should not pay for tax. Forex is a risky business and the trader can be able to lose. Some of the traders make small profit from their tradings and if you tell them to pay tax, the profit that they have made will finish in the tax....

  • 1 month later...

I get there at perception for compact  trader tax in not predicted but for big trader/investments could possible is will have to predicted, becasue they're able to have a considerable resources expenditure profolio so receive tax is sweet. 


@Surya, you know, tax is tax and it doesn't really matter if you are a small or big trader. What they lay more concern to is the fact that you are earning and once you are earning, you are entitled to pay tax. Even though traders should pay tax, they shouldn't pay through their nose but that which is moderate.

  • 2 months later...

yes paying tax will definately affect us on trading forex because i dont even know how much that we are even making on it that will make government to he taxing us on forex so they should fine another way to.

  • 3 months later...

To be honest people will affected by tax, some money took from them and that is not good feeling. I wonder people will prefer no tax compared to taxable. But i think for our country and for others sake, tax is okay for me as forex trader. If the rate is not insane i think i still accept it, to be exact as high as 35%.

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