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Golden Battles is a massive multiplayer, role-playing war game and an economic simulator.

The action is situated in the near future and takes place on Earth.


As the name of the game suggests, players can make real money ("gold") by playing and battle for the survival of mankind. These battles, the most important in history, will be known as the "Golden Battles", the first time when mankind had to face the threat of mass extinction.


Spatial and temporal location allow using not only elements from medieval history (master-disciple relations, simple weapons, primitive transport, etc.) corresponding to a declining or technologically underdeveloped society, but also elements of the present and the future (advanced human technology, aliens technology, etc.).


This scenario allows embedding different events/names from 2013-2014, but featuring the past in the game. Various theories, ongoing researches, conspiracies can be found in the game as allusions, missions, activities as if they were already known from the past. Also the further evolution of the game, e.g. some countries conquered by more powerful neighbours, other alien attack waves, changing society and habits of people, battles for survival and a good position in the new society, or even fighting for fun will be credible even if it is not reflected in reality, as things are carried out in the future.


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I am play in Ukraine!


Registration here ===>


<p> </p>

<div>New version - v0.5.5.2357 2013.03.15 17:39</div>

<div> </div>

<div>Release notes:</div>

<div>- PayPal has been temporarily added as withdraw option</div>

<div> </div>

<div>- Country overview and Country taxes performance is fixed, now they are displayed again</div>

<div>- Country companies now pay wages less than the minimum wage to encourage local company owners</div>

<div>- Country welcome message can now contain longer text</div>

<div>- Leaders and Mentors now pay taxes if they receive EURO investment bonus from Soldier/Assistant</div>

<div>- clone detection algorithm has been improved</div>

<div> </div>

<div>- fixed a major bug that allowed work bonus to be paid without working 5 days in a row</div>

<div>- fixed the Country taxes display bug (all zeros)</div>

<div>- fixed a bug when withdrawing money</div>

<div>- fixed a bug which made player messages to be displayed duplicated</div>

<div>- fixed a bug when equipping weapons</div>

<div>- weapon wear rate was sometimes incorrect - this is now fixed</div>

<div>- fixed an error when buying Used items</div>

<div>- fixed receipts about sales taxes</div>

<div>- fixed a bug when setting Game shares sell/buy price to 0</div>

<div>- fixed an error that didn't allow BP for Machine machine to be bought</div>

<div> </div>




I tried this to sign up but then, our country isn't listed in the site so, I don't think this will going to be interesting for me and yet, it's difficult to earn in simulation game when you don't have investments as it will take time to reach that goal.


1. Introduction


Golden Battles is an economy and war simulator game, but in the first place your success depends on the social interactions. Get to know the other players, make friends here and invite the ones you already have. It's always much easier to play in a team.

Golden Battles is played with virtual money. In the game, every player can buy, sell, pay tax, earn or even get a bonus in virtual money. This money can be transformed into real money. It depends on the player's strategy how he handles the money in the game. There is no golden path to success. It is up to every player to find it.

This document contains the basic movements of the game. Not all functions are listed, it's up to You, to find out extra features of Golden Battles.


The game screen


After a successful registration and login, the main screen of the game is shown.



Header is the part, where player can see his/her main information. This includes the menu buttons (Logout, Forum, Help, Support), the server time, and the player status. The status contains the financial information of the player, the location (with option to change location). The last row contains the prestige, level, XP, HP, CP, EP and stamina information. Clicking on the small icons help the players easily reach some functions in the game. This function is displayed when the mouse is moved over the icons. On the right side, the messages, receipts, notifications and alerts can be found.

Below this part is the main screen. The menu rows - called Tabs - are the functions, which the player can use. Please note: it is possible, that not all functions are available mentioned in this document. For the start, a simplified user interface is shown. This can always be changed in the Profile tab, under GUI Preferences.




Money in the game is called Golden Battles Euro. If a player invests money, he/she will get Golden Battles Euros in the game. This money can be used in several places (buying from the game itself), or can be exchanged to gold or to other currencies. Money can be invested via Resellers, who give bonuses after the amount of investments. The bonuses given by resellers after investments can be checked for every reseller.

Every country has its own currency with their own values. The exchange between the country currencies are made through Gold, which means the currency from a country is exchanged to Gold first, then to the other country currency. This exchange is automatic, but can be done in a manual way also. Every exchange changes the exchange rates of the currencies. Money earned in different currencies can be exchanged back to Gold, and then back to Euros.

All players can buy and sell Euros for gold. The offers can be found on the Economy -> Financials -> Exchange Euro tab.


If a player wants to exchange gold to other currencies, or exchange between two different currencies, he/she can do it on the Economy -> Financials -> Exchange Gold tab. The offer is calculated automatically. Exchange rates between currencies can be checked on the Rates tab. If exchange is made between two different currencies, first the initial currency is exchanged to gold, and then exchanged to the new currency. This calculation is done automatically by the game. There is a limit of exchange, which is displayed on the page, however multiple exchange of the same currency is allowed. The exchange rates automatically calculated after each transaction.



Investment is available via resellers. The real money is sent to the resellers, and when the reseller receives the money, he/she credits the player with Golden Battles Euros. The resellers are some special reliable players of the game. There is a list of resellers of whom a player can select to send the money to. Resellers give different bonuses after investments in the game.

Withdrawal is only allowed in Euros. Please note: Golden Battles Euros are not real life Euros: tax has to be paid after the withdrawal process. Withdrawal process is made by the admin team.

Invest and Withdraw can be found on the Economy -> Financials tab.



Registration ==>


I'm playing now but difficult to find jobs here I wonder if continuous fighting will be better and wonder if I can reach minimum in a month here by playing and fighting only. Because, I never got paid in any simulation game so far and trying my luck here.


I'm playing now but difficult to find jobs here I wonder if continuous fighting will be better and wonder if I can reach minimum in a month here by playing and fighting only. Because, I never got paid in any simulation game so far and trying my luck here.

In what countrie you registered? Come to Ukraine! In Ukraine 20+ workers need!!! We have a lot of jobs!



News from game Admin :


New version - v0.5.6.2402

2013.03.22 23:37


Release notes:

- added the option to eat Prestige food

- needed materials and production time for Prestige food and drink has greatly decreased; players and company owners have been compensated

- needed materials and production time for War food and drink has greatly decreased; players and company owners have been compensated

- company alerts have been amended

- added additional receipt filters for Country and Game menus

- locked players can't be bought anymore (temporary solution)

- performance of Auctions menu was improved


- fixed a major bug that allowed a weapon to be used after it worn out

- fixed a major bug that allowed the owned quantity of items to have negative value

- fixed the bug when license expiration was sometimes calculated incorrectly

- fixed a bug that allowed a player to have higher level than 15, although 15 is the maximum for now

- fixed a transportation bug when new car was bought

- fixed an error when changing password

- fixed a bug which didn't allow new messages to be sent under certain circumstances

- fixed the filters in the Country menu

- fixed the displayed data in the Country menu

- fixed a bug at player Overview: sometimes other player was displayed

- fixed a display bug in Company shares menu



The game progresses! Do not miss your chance to earn!



Registration ==>


another paid to play game, actually i am not member yet but it seems more like sims city, am i right? i also still confuse with the way people to get money here and also cashout from this program. but if they paid throuhg paypal i think that is good because it will attract more people


I'm quite confused with the need of the gun here to fight in aliens. Is this addition now? Because, I can see how costly their LQ gun here and yet, I don't have enough money for buying that and not sure what should I do now since, there's no job always and there's no chance to fight.

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm quite confused with the need of the gun here to fight in aliens. Is this addition now? Because, I can see how costly their LQ gun here and yet, I don't have enough money for buying that and not sure what should I do now since, there's no job always and there's no chance to fight.

Just go in Ukraine!!! We have a lot of work places and cheap weapons!



Fights and Wars


This is one of the main part of the game. If you want to become a warrior, you have to fight. Every fight is in real time.

Two parts of the fight is attack and defense. Full defense does not exist. Only a part of the damage can be dealt. In the header, you can see the status of your player. HP (Hit Points), CP (Combat Points), EP (Electro Points) and Stamina is needed for fighting.

By default, a basic pistol (low quality) is given to the player. You can buy more weapons and armors in the market for money.

HP is used to determine your health in Fights. The fighter whose HP drops to 0 will lose the fight. HP has a significant role in the damage calculation. HP can be refilled by eating war food.

CP adds an extra layer of protection when being attacked by another player or alien. CP acts as a buffer that must be depleted before damage will affect the player's health points. If a player is damaged, CP is consumed first with no effect on HP. If the CP is not enough to consume all the damage, HP begins to be consumed. CP also has a significant role in the damage calculation. CP can be refilled by drinking war drinks.

EP determines how much you can hit with electro-magnetical weapons. EP also has a significant role in the damage calculation. EP can be recharged with PAFC (Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cells).

Stamina indicates the number of attacks you can make. If a player runs out of stamina, he/she cannot attack any more, and needs to surrender. Stamina regenerates with time, you get 1 Stamina every 20 minutes, or you can buy stamina pack for money. This option is also available during a fight.

XP (Experience points) are raised after every successful fight. When you reach the level limit, your level will raise, and your HP, CP and EP maximum capacity will rise giving you an advantage on the future fights to come. When a player's level raises, the player gets a bonus from the country.

War drinks and war food can be drink and eaten during the fight, but a player cannot buy them during the fight.

Armors defend physical attacks, equipments defend electro-magnetical attacks. These items can be bought on the market, and can be produced in companies. The more armors and equipments are used by a player, the more attacks a player can survive.

A player can fight against aliens or other players.

Fights and Wars can be found on the Fights and Wars tab on the main screen.

Player vs. Alien

There is a lot of aliens with whom a player can fight with. They have different skills displayed, so a player can choose which one to fight. A harder enemy is defeated, the more a player gets from the fight. If an alien is aggressive, it will start the fight, and hit you immediately. The non-aggressive ones only defend themselves. Level, HP (Hit Points), PA (Physical Attack), PD (Physical Defense), EMA (Electro-Magnetic Attack, EMD (Electro-Magnetic Defense) can be checked of the aliens.

The drop list lets the player know, what he/she can get after a successful fight. Move the mouse over the name of the alien to see what the alien drops and what is the chance.


Bonus is given from the country to the player after every fight. One alien can be defeated more times.


Player vs. Player

A player can fight with other players in the arena. To enter the arena, a small fee must be paid. After entering the arena, the player can start a fight with another player or just wait and accept the challenge of another player. If a player wins, the count of winnings are raised. Top 3 best warriors in the arena will get the income for the arena.


Player can choose which arena he/she wants to enter, but can only be active in one arena at a time.

The player who wants to change grade, needs to enter the arena and have winning fights.



Registration ==>


News from game Admin :


New version - v0.6.1.187


Release notes:

- Damage formula was updated: players without Leader are considered as having the Game as Leader, with Game having level 1 (http://help.goldenbattles.com/help/en/FAQ)

- drop probability of aggressive aliens has been raised by 50% of their old values

- players can from now on leave their leader only if the level difference between them and their Leader is not greater than 5

- players are now warned about the risks of buying/bidding on Soldiers and Assistants

- companies can now buy items from the cities where they have Headquartes (http://support.goldenbattles.com/support/app/item/GBP-1)

- exchange money has been added to companies

- Blueprint prices for food and drinks has been lowered

- players below level 5 can not vote on Elections

- Arena fights can no longer be surrendered

- players in Arena can now fully refill their HP, CP and EP in exchange for 1% of their XP

- number of reflink visitors and registrants are now displayed in Profile -> My data

- Registration date and Last login time are now displayed on player overviews

- messages can now be sent to players in the Search result list (http://forum.goldenbattles.com/forum/posts/list/42.page)

- added additional player notifications and alerts (for example when receiving a Buy offer for owned Soldiers and Assistants)

- soldier and assistant levels are now displayed in Possessions (http://forum.goldenbattles.com/forum/posts/list/65.page)

- game shares buy/sell offers can now be deactivated

- game share buy offers are now deactivated if buyer has not enough money anymore

- customs documents can no longer be sold

- free war food and war drinks can no longer be donated to the Country

- free war food and war drinks can no longer be inserted into Trade companies


- fixed a critical bug which allowed a player to work more than once under certain circumstances

- fixed a major bug which allowed players to vote more than once

- fixed the Automatic acceptance of player citizenship requests (http://support.goldenbattles.com/support/app/item/GBP-2)

- fixed a bug when proposing new Country laws

- fixed a bug when adding comments to proposed laws

- fixed a bug when calculating taxes for players without a Leader or Mentor

- fixed a bug when Leaving leader

- fixed the wrong player profile display in the Sent messages

- fixed a bug when displaying Important messages

- fixed a bug when importing/exporting products

- fixed some errors regarding automated trades between country/company and players

- fixed a market refresh bug on some products

- fixed a display bug at Food and Material sales taxes

- fixed some PvP bugs

- fixed a level-up bug

- fixed a bug when reloading weapon

- fixed Arena icons display bug

- fixed the bug which appeared on some browsers when trying to set background image

- fixed some filter bugs


- increased the performance of Player vs. Player fights

- increased the performance of Sell soldiers/assistants menu


Registration ==>

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