budado Posted May 10, 2014 Posted May 10, 2014 Firefox can't find the server at www.forum.tradersunion.com. Its so frustrating that I can't open the site right now. My internet connection has some problem with connecting to other forums. I'm happy that some how I can post in dmt but I do hope to post in iaft soon also. I will going to try to post in here tonight. I do hope that by tonigh I can open this forum. I do believe I can handle my trading account if I can be active in here in regular basis.
hadg33 Posted May 10, 2014 Posted May 10, 2014 I think the problem is from your end because I can access the site from my end without any problem. I wonder how you guys manage to be active in this forum regardless of the high minimum payout. I guess the admin is still strict in the forum,so many members are still not making posts in the forum,they don't want there post to be deleted.
budado Posted May 11, 2014 Posted May 11, 2014 Finally I can post in here. I just have 4 dollars worth of post in here and that is a good start. I will going to continue posting in here until I reach 100 dollars worth of post. Then that's the time I'm going to request payments using paypal. I want to have some funds in paypal to use to trade in forex trading. This site is really good source of information for me.
hadg33 Posted May 18, 2014 Posted May 18, 2014 Its really been long that I have seen a payment proof from this forum. It seems that many members stopped posting in the forum the moment the mod starts deleting posts of members. Well,I am not affected in this forum because I don't even post in it. I just check once in a while to read members posts.
budado Posted June 14, 2014 Posted June 14, 2014 I already have requested payments from this forum like two weeks ago. I don't know if mod in here forgetten my request of payments or what. I do hope that I will get paid in here. I still do continue posting in here and hoping that I can grow my trading account with the funds that I can earn in here. I almost near 20 dollars worth of post in here already.
budado Posted June 22, 2014 Posted June 22, 2014 I already reach 20 dollars worth of post in here and I do hope that I can reach 50 dollars in here or 60 dollars then I will going to try to request payments via neteller or paypal. I really do get excited making some good profit in here. For me this is the only way I can manage my trading account and earning in ptp forum at the same time.
adil007 Posted June 23, 2014 Posted June 23, 2014 Well that is quite good, @budado how many posts are you making every day, that you reached $20 posting bonus without getting any deductions from the moderators at iaft or post deletion by them because when I reach about $7 they deducted $3 of my posts for no real reason.
indieover Posted June 24, 2014 Posted June 24, 2014 I'm surprised that you guys have been doing pretty well here. anyways I have check out the site already awhile ago but I'm not sure which are the paying sections. it seems that the topics here are quite difficult but I will still trying to join soon and hopefully be able to do well here as well.
Islamnoor34 Posted June 26, 2014 Posted June 26, 2014 The forum was having the zero or least moderation before the Liberty reserve scandal. After the scandal they have have increased the moderation and set the limit on the posts also. The forum is considered trusted because i have never seen a user complaining about Payment. i have never faced any deduction may be they have started now.
adil007 Posted June 26, 2014 Posted June 26, 2014 Well I had joined after quite some time after liberty reserve went down so I did not probably knew about this until now that you mention it. However I have currently stopped my activity at iaft and I am not sure that whether I would go active there or not.
budado Posted June 29, 2014 Posted June 29, 2014 I don't know the reason why you stop but this forum do pays 4 cents per post and just posting 10 post you already get 40 cents and if you post 20 post you already get 80 points. I do try to post in here on regular basis if I can. I do hope to get 50 to 100 cents per day in here starting today. I do hope I will not get deductions for spamming.
hadg33 Posted July 1, 2014 Posted July 1, 2014 So far you are making quality posts you can't get deductions for spamming. I believe those members that there posts get deleted were just post chasing and that was the main reason why there posts gets deleted. If I am to be active here,I will just take the forum like GT where by I will be making meaningful and minimal posts on a daily basis.
budado Posted July 4, 2014 Posted July 4, 2014 Just be conscious of time interval between post in here. In my experience the faster you post in here the more likely you can end up getting deductions. Even if your post is meaningful. But if you do some interval posting some how even if your post is just moderate you can earn good in here. I do now have 20 dollars plus points in here and I'm still long way to reach 50 dollars worth of post before I will try to cashout in here.
Decub Posted July 5, 2014 Posted July 5, 2014 These days, I post here in batches of five posts at a time and I'm always watchful of the time. It really pisses me off to see that warning of how long you have to wait. BTW, the forum is back with a lot of activities and it is doing just about fine. I hope to maintain my activities here again.
riddick09 Posted July 6, 2014 Posted July 6, 2014 It's normal in this forum to have deductions even you don't have yet payout request but we can assure that the forum will make payments quickly. I'm just getting frustrated how I'm taking to reach 10 dollars and seeking for more time to balance my activity in IAFT but most of time even in work I post here.
budado Posted July 7, 2014 Posted July 7, 2014 I just try to post 50 cents worth of post a day now. Before I post 1 dollar worth of post a day. But since I already reached 25 dollars and want to reach 50 dollars and cashout using paypal. I decided to slow down and focus on posting daily worth 50 cents only. In a month I can still get 15 dollars and I guess its going to take me two more months more or less to reach 50 dollars in here.
riddick09 Posted July 8, 2014 Posted July 8, 2014 It seems that we are getting more activity in the forum in daily basis now. Also, I have received my payment today which I requested yesterday and hopefully by this weekend I can have again new minimum. For now, I need to balance my activity when I work and to have spread my posts in different sections.
adil007 Posted July 9, 2014 Posted July 9, 2014 Well I reached payment today and I have now already requested for my payment as well, I hope I get it without any deductions because I have already had many deductions while posting twice.
hadg33 Posted July 10, 2014 Posted July 10, 2014 @riddick09,I think why the activity has increased in the forum was because so many PTP forums as stopped paying so many many members now has the time to post here. For me even if all PTP died I am not going to post here instead I will be more involved in HYIPs.
budado Posted July 11, 2014 Posted July 11, 2014 I'm some how surprise that for two months I don't get any deductions. This is more scary that getting some deductions. Before when I post I end up getting fewer points on the next day but for a month now I don't experience this. My fear is that once I reach 50 dollars worth of post I end up getting huge deductions. I really don't know. This is only my fears.
adil007 Posted July 11, 2014 Posted July 11, 2014 My first payment from iaft : 11.07.14 14:17 Receive Received Payment 10.00 USD from account U1000360 to account U5752358. Batch: 62947844. Memo: МОФТ
hadg33 Posted July 12, 2014 Posted July 12, 2014 Wow,this is the most recent payment proof that I have seen from this forum. I can see that you got $10 as your payment. Is it that you did not receive any deductions and I guess the mod as become more lenient,if that is the case,I am so sure that many members would resume there activity in the forum.
adil007 Posted July 14, 2014 Posted July 14, 2014 Well actually in a way yes I did not get any deduction during the processing of the payment but I suppose I already had them when I was posting as a newbie in the forum but still good to.see that I got a full one.
Decub Posted July 15, 2014 Posted July 15, 2014 It's nice to see that you've finally been paid here after a very long time of being inactive and you have decided to throw away your fears. I can also see that the pace of activities in the forum has increased tremendously and there are quite a lot of members who are posting there.
hadg33 Posted July 16, 2014 Posted July 16, 2014 Of course,what do you expect,if there is no deductions in processing of payments,activities will surely increase but if members are getting deductions,some members will stop being active in the forum,its just a normal thing.
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