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i want to ask, is that minimum payout here withdraw directly to our payment processor/currency account or to our trading account. it seems the rate that admin offered here is quite low for forex forum, but i see that some posters here are active and i like this forum at all because their discussions are easy for some newbie and mediocre


Though I am a member of tradersunion and earning rebates on my trading, I have not joined this site till now. Actually I have heard about this forum now only by reading this thread and hope its a new forum. i will certainly join this forum and start posting here.


i want to ask, is that minimum payout here withdraw directly to our payment processor/currency account or to our trading account. it seems the rate that admin offered here is quite low for forex forum, but i see that some posters here are active and i like this forum at all because their discussions are easy for some newbie and mediocre

For sure this forum send money directly but since you reach 10 dollars or not you must send PM to moderators he will process to you just 48 Hrs as I ever ask some members and it had ton of proof in this site as I know.


Well $10 is high minimum payout amount considering that the posting rates isn't that really high offered from this forum given that this is a forex based forum, or is it really a ALL forex based forum?


Well $10 is high minimum payout amount considering that the posting rates isn't that really high offered from this forum given that this is a forex based forum, or is it really a ALL forex based forum?

This site's all section is relate with forex and stock market only dear. No any other section as PTP or anything because It is supportive forum of one of broker as I don't remembers anyway I see ton of proof in this site and some proof just pay since 2 days ago only so this site is paying.


For sure this forum send money directly but since you reach 10 dollars or not you must send PM to moderators he will process to you just 48 Hrs as I ever ask some members and it had ton of proof in this site as I know.

so minimum payout here is $10, well i will join here sooner, it seems some discussion is easy discussion to discuss above of that all, i see the community here are so welcome to the new member, for me $10 is not a big deal and paying directly to payment processor is a good thing to do


Well there is no discussions about other stuffs except all about forex trading and I guess those who are into forex will be the ones who will be the ones who will be posting for this forum most likely.


I think this forum is a fully forex based forum 'cos i am a member in this forum,i have some couple of posts in the forum,i was unable to continue with my activity in the forum 'cos i don't really like forex discussions,i have seen a member got paid for $10 and that was what really made me to join the forum as at that time,i just wish that the admin can include GPT in the forum


Its good to see that this new Forex forum pays directly into our payment processors but the fact that my forex knowledge is poor is what will make me not to be active in the forum for now except perhaps in the upcoming months when I may have gained good Forex knowledge. The minimum payout of $10 is high though.


If they don't require very long post and if it's easy to post here as easy as it is in mt5. Then I may consider making a lot of post on the site as well. So I would just check out the site so I just hope that the site would indeed be paying one and would b there stable and paying for a very long time indeed.


@glucoseguy: you still have chance to be active posters here, just make 5 posts per day and then you won't have much problem with this forum, and also you can learn while make post here so i think that is not a big problem with you.


Well if you will be posting just 5 posts per day in here then it will really take a long time to reach the minimum payout amount in here considering that their minimum payout amount was just too high to a whooping $10.


I earn in IAFT average around 2 dollars per day in this time I try to post 75 posts per day (3 dollars per day) but seem It is not easy because interval btw each posts stay at 5 Minutes per posts.


Well, I got used to it to have 5 minutes interval. And what we can do is to have here the forum posting simultaneous with the other one. However, I'm confused if this forum only use of the bonus as trading credits or capital and we can't withdraw the bonus.


yeah 5 minutes interval that they have here, that is too long but actually give me more advantages when post here, because i can post here concurrently with the other PTP forum like DMT or MTV. overall i still like them because of this forum talk about forex and something related to it


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Well $10 is high minimum payout amount considering that the posting rates isn't that really high offered from this forum given that this is a forex based forum, or is it really a ALL forex based forum?

Yes, it is true, $10 minimum to request the payment is too high and too long for the members to collect it. It is not good, and if the Admin does not pay the members, then the members will lose more time to collect that much


I just wonder why the admin has set the minimum payout to $10,GFT is a forex forum like IAFT and they both have almost the same rates,yet the minimum payout in GFT,why would the admin of this forum set the minimum payout to $10? He should have made it $5,this would make members to try and make posts in the forum,$10 would definitely scare alot of members away


I wonder now if they have consider lowering the minimum payout since nobody can make it motivated to have 10 dollars and will surely take time to achieve. So far, this is the only reason that it will be difficult to attract many posters or members in the forum.


When I see it, I got interested, but knowing the fact that the minimum payment to request is 10 dollars which is just quite high that it will surely take some time before I can able to reach that so it would be better if the Admin will consider lowering the minimum amount to request for a payment in here.


I just reach 1.80 dollars worth of post in here. I know I'm far from 10 dollars but I'm hoping to post in here as regularly as I can hoping to reach my 10 dollars goal in less than two weeks. This is my goal right now to earn 20 dollars a month in here by posting daily as I can in here. I know its hard to make some good post in here but I'm hoping that i can post as regularly as I can without any problem.


Well, if ever you reach the minimum in here then hopefully you will post your payment proof in here because if this is paying then some of our fellow may get intrested to post in here, so I may also consider to post in here because for sure some of us are looking some other Forums where they can spend their time.


You have received a payment to your account:


Date: 3/12/2013 14.02

Batch: 135373265

From Account: U7693949 (IAFT)

Amount: $10.00


Thank you admin


It's great that the payment here are cleared. This mean that the forum is paying. But only I think they have low post rate for a forum sponsored by a broker and it should be a little big higher. I will consider this forum but I still not have enough time to have posting here.

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