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I see that admin now too have add more new features and when it will be very good for investors when they can ask pay out in all days in week and with this status, it will help us have more benefit when investing here and it is great when I too have have very many payments daily with this site. As below is My latest payment:


Date: 2/3/2013 4:33 PM

Batch: 130144748

From Account: U4443386 (72Business.com)

Amount: $0.50

Memo: 72Business Bonus Withdrawal


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I too have received new payment with this site today and it is nice when we too can see that they still are running very good and paying out very stable for all investors when have very many payments still are posted in all forums daily, site still running stable and it is good base so that investors can believe to invest here. My latest payment:


Date: 2/4/2013 2:27 PM

Batch: 130253562

From Account: U4443386 (72Business.com)

Amount: $0.50

Memo: 72Business Bonus Withdrawal


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I too have received new payment with this site today and it is nice when they still are paying out very good for all investors, site still running very stable for to this time and I still receiving payments daily here, it is nice when investing here and receive payments daily with this site. My latest payment:

Date: 2/5/2013 4:32 PM

Batch: 130422949

From Account: U4443386 (72Business.com)

Amount: $0.50

Memo: 72Business Withdrawal

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I too have received new payment with this site and it is very nice when they still are paying out very good, it is not far so that I can have again $10 first in $50 amount have invested here, site still running very stable and it is very nice when investing here and receive payment daily with this site. My latest payment:

Date: 2/6/2013 12:39 PM

Batch: 130537086

From Account: U4443386 (72Business.com)

Amount: $0.50

Memo: 72Business Withdrawal

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I too have received new payment with this site today and it is nice when they still are paying out very good and for to this time, I too have had again near $10 after invested $50 here and it is very nice when investing here and receive payments daily with this site, it still is very long for refunding but with payments at this time, I'm very satisfied when investing here. My latest payment:


Date: 2/7/2013 11:51 PM

Batch: 130748911

From Account: U4443386 (72Business.com)

Amount: $0.50

Memo: 72Business Withdrawal


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I too have received new payment with this site today and it is nice when they still are paying out very good for all investors, site still running very stable for to this time when all monitors listed still approving for them with status "Paying" and it is really when I still receiving payment daily here, as below is my latest payment with this site. My latest payment:

Date: 2/8/2013 4:52 PM

Batch: 130853546

From Account: U4443386 (72Business.com)

Amount: $0.50

Memo: 72Business Withdrawal

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I too have received new payment with this site today and it is nice when they still are paying out very good, I'm very busy therefore can't activate to ask payment daily here when here is Happy New Year Lunas in Vietnam and when I ask payment today, they still are paying out very good and it is great when investing here and receive payment daily with this site. My latest payment:


Date: 2/11/2013 2:02 PM

Batch: 131143496

From Account: U4443386 (72Business.com)

Amount: $1.50

Memo: 72Business Withdrawal


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the words I want to say they have a long term plane and invest our money in differnt places to make profit and to pay us. but they are using paypal for payment and deposites which is very risky for them as paypal never made any deal with hyip site so they will face a big problem and next tere are no moniters to say the site activity.s stay away from it othere wise you can loose your money.

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I don't think that it have any problem with this program when we too can see that site still running and paying out very good for all investors, site still running stable and it is good place so that Investors can put fund to invest here when their plans are sustainable and site showed that they still are one of very stable running site. My latest payment:

Date: 2/14/2013 3:05 AM

Batch: 131518406

From Account: U4443386 (72Business.com)

Amount: $1.00

Memo: 72Business Withdrawal

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I too have received new payment with this site today and it is nice when they still are paying out very good for all investors, site still running very stable and pay out very good for to this time, it is great when investing here and receive payments daily with this site, I too have had again about 1/5 fund for to this time.

Date: 2/15/2013 2:11 AM

Batch: 131655196

From Account: U4443386 (72Business.com)

Amount: $0.50

Memo: 72Business Withdrawal

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I too have received new payment with this site today and it is nice when they still are paying out very good for to this time, site still running very stable and it is nice when investing here and receive payment daily with this site, it still is far so that I have had again all funds invested here but I believe that this site can run good at least my plans.My latest payment:

Date: 2/16/2013 5:38 PM

Batch: 131873934

From Account: U4443386 (72Business.com)

Amount: $0.50

Memo: 72Business Withdrawal


Great Paying Site!!!!! Thanks admin!!!!!

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I too have received new payment with this site today and it is nice when they still are paying out very good for all investors, site still running very stable and payout very good for all investors and monitors, it too is reason when we too can see that almost monitors now still approving for this site with status "Paying". My latest payment:

Date: 2/17/2013 12:49 PM

Batch: 131938850

From Account: U4443386 (72Business.com)

Amount: $0.50

Memo: 72Business Withdrawal


Great Paying Site!!!!! Thanks admin!!!!!!!

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28 days on and the program has being able to sustain payment,though the daily return being offered by the admin of the program is reachable and sustainable.i will have loved if this program has being running on some kinda security to make the program more safe for investors to invest with the program.i guess the admin can still add security inhere.

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Yes, it is correct, this site now too have ran near a month already and we too can see that all monitors still listing for them with status "Paying", site still running very stable and paying out very good for all investors and monitors when today I too have had new payment with this site, it is nice when investing here and receive payments daily with this site. My latest payment:


Date: 2/18/2013 1:43 PM

Batch: 132068984

From Account: U4443386 (72Business.com)

Amount: $0.50

Memo: 72Business Withdrawal


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I too have received new payment with this site today and it is nice when they still are paying out very good for all investors, site still running very stable and developing very good when they have ran up to 29 days already and almost monitors still approving for them with status "Paying", it is nice when investing here and receive payments daily with this site. My latest payment:

Date: 2/19/2013 12:33 PM

Batch: 132220406

From Account: U4443386 (72Business.com)

Amount: $0.50

Memo: 72Business Withdrawal


Good Paying Site!!!!!! Thanks admin!!!!!!

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I too have received new payment with this site today and it is nice when they still are paying out very good for all investors, site still running stable and with payment proofs are being posted in all forums, it showed that site still developing very strong when very many investors too caring to this program and investing here. My latest payment:

Date: 2/20/2013 2:53 PM

Batch: 132406971

From Account: U4443386 (72Business.com)

Amount: $0.50

Memo: 72Business Withdrawal

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I too have received new payment with this site today with this site and it is nice when they still running very stable and paying out very good for all investors, it is 32nd day that this site running and they still showed that this is one of best paying site when very many payment proofs still are being posted daily in all forums. My latest payment


Date: 2/21/2013 11:28 AM

Batch: 132533778

From Account: U4443386 (72Business.com)

Amount: $0.50

Memo: 72Business Withdrawal


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I too have received new payment today with this site and it is nice when they still are paying out very good for all investors, site still running stable and it is great place so that investors can believe to invest here when site is offering plans very sustainable and they still are developing very strong when have more cares from investors. My latest payment:


Date: 2/22/2013 12:52 PM

Batch: 132703324

From Account: U4443386 (72Business.com)

Amount: $0.50

Memo: 72Business Withdrawal


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I too have received new payment today with this site and it is nice when investing here and receive payments daily wiht this site, for to this time, I too have had again $14 with this site after invested $50 here, it still is far to reach again all funds but I'm very satisfied when investing here because at least they still are paying out very good.

Date: 2/23/2013 4:16 PM

Batch: 132853557

From Account: U4443386 (72Business.com)

Amount: $0.50

Memo: 72Business Withdrawal

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I too have received new payment with this site today and it is nice when they still are paying out very good for all investors, site still running very stable and it is best place so that investors can believe to invest here when I still receiving payment daily here and have again $14 for to this time.My latest payment:


Date: 2/24/2013 3:17 PM

Batch: 132937257

From Account: U4443386 (72Business.com)

Amount: $0.50

Memo: 72Business Withdrawal


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this system will not stand on his knees for long.the admin uses paypal but I think paypal will not allow anyone for hyip.So it Will be the main problem of admin after some days and also I relay not so much impressed by the Roi admin offered.I hope admin have to reset his site to get profit and also to run.

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I think that it don't have any problem here because we too can see that this site still running very stable with payments daily for to time, I too have had again $15 here and if site is not good, they can't exist with time more a month already, it is nice when investing here and receive payment daily with this site. My latest payment:


Date: 2/25/2013 11:22 AM

Batch: 133035259

From Account: U4443386 (72Business.com)

Amount: $0.50

Memo: N/A


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I too have received new payment with this site today and it is nice when they still are paying out very good for all investors and monitors, site still running very stable and with this payment, I too have had again more $16 for to this time, it still is far to have again all funds and calculate to benefit but it still is very great when receiving payments daily here. My latest payment:

Date: 2/26/2013 2:22 PM

Batch: 133237425

From Account: U4443386 (72Business.com)

Amount: $0.50

Memo: 72Business Withdrawal


Good Paying Site!!!! Thanks admin!!!!!!!!

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