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If you can't do some posting then the Admin may be doing some update in here. Anyway, I know that some members are already regular poster to this Forum so it is really good for them, Until now I haven't created an account yet in here because I don't have the time to create an account in here.

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Some of us may not have some time to include this on our list because by next month I may just get busy with some stuff as I will only post in those Forums that paying fast and I am sure that I will be paid with my posting activity in here. I think that it's a good Forum you just have to do a daily posting activity in here.

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Really,so you having problems in accessing the forum,why,i think we are using the same mobile browser to access the forum but i don't have problems accessing it,anyways i would try and make just 10 posts in the forum later on today,that's when i am true with MTV

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I guess you are included on those who will not include this forum as of this moment. But if ever they able to pay for sometime and then, some forums fail to make payments then, it will be only our choice to try to be active and reach for payout in this forum.

i still don't know if this program is paying or not, it seems hard because i am not active too and my account still not activated by admin, i really wondering why it take long time for admin to activate my account, i think more member for this forum will be good to spread this forum's status.

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I still havent tried to post on the forum in a while now and would try to do so later on today to see if I can be able to make posts on the forum myself. I just hope that this forum is still good to be active in although from what I see there doesnt seem to be good reviews for now as some members cannot post.

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I just hope that this would be sorted out soon because I would be going to the forum in a short while so that I can have my posting activities on the forum for today. It would certainly be good to also have activities on the forum because there are members that are already doing well in here.

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What is the new update here,i have not been able to visit the site today so i wouldn't know if there is any update in the forum,the last update that i saw in the forum was,the admin said he would be clearing payments twice in a week,anyways i would check the forum later to see the new update

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That update was probably made when I was offline because I dont remember seeing that update happening on the forum or even on the threads here. I would need to go to the forum to see if the forum has been making these payments twice a week because that would be a good idea.

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I am sure that when the Admin started processing payment we will see some because for sure members will spread their payment proof around. Actually I haven't seen any recent payment proof so I guess the Admin may be busy with some stuff that's why he still don't have the time to process the payment.

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Yeah, its easier to see payment proofs on forums like DMT because of the fact that they allow for payment proofs to be posted within the threads. I am therefore sure that it would not take time for us to see them being posted around as soon as admin does manage to clear payments.

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So, it has also a HYIP Monitor not just a Forum, it is really good to know about that because it seems that the Admin is into HYIP Industry as this Forum is focusing in HYP Discussion. IF this Forum will become stable I am sure that many members will be happy because of the fast processing of payment.

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The forum is stable and i think the admin is a hyip monitor 'cos he promises to offer RCB if members invest in the program that he listed in the forum,i have not been able to make posts in forum lately,anyways i would just try and look for a way ro make posts in the forum tomorrow

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Just wondering. How long does it take to get verified in here? Its like a week already and still my account is not activated. I hope that my account will get verified soon. Right now I just decided to visit the site once a week or if I have extra time. Since I doubt that I can get verified this week. At this rate I guess admin is just trying to maintain its current active posters.

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I see now why we can't post in the GPT section. I thought that I have problem with the posting here but the GPT section is already closed because of the members who made here duplicate threads. This is indeed a spam posts and as usual it's normal in a forum to have spammers and this is their way to handle things.

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