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Bruce Willis has signed on and Sigourney Weaver is in talks to join the thriller The Cold Light of Day set up at Summit Entertainment, according to Variety. If everything works out, the twosome would be joining Henry Cavill (The Tudors, Whatever Works) who's already committed to the project.


Filming's expected to begin in September with Mabrouk El Mechri directing. Scott Wiper (The Condemned) and John Petro wrote the original script which Richard Price (Freedomland) is finessing.


The Cold Light of Day follows Cavill as an American whose family is kidnapped while on vacation abroad. Willis will play Cavill's father and Weaver will be playing against type as someone involved with the kidnapping plot.


Bruce Willis will next be seen in The Expendables and Red. Weaver's got the sci-fi comedy Paul and the Disney comedy You Again hitting theaters this year.

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