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First he couldn't tell a lie. Now with Yes Man Jim Carrey's unable to say no, even when it's obviously the right answer. Continuing the trend, next Carrey will be starring in a movie in which he's completely lost his free will. If Yes Man's plot sounds a little too similar to Liar, Liar, take heart – at least there's no supremely cute, supremely annoying kid in Yes Man. And this comedy's of a much more romantic vein than Liar, Liar.

Of the two similar Carrey films – Liar, Liar and Yes ManLiar, Liar has a higher percentage of jokes that hit their mark. Yes Man's got the more intriguing premise, but it feels somehow incomplete. Yes Man comes up short because it doesn't get as outrageous as it could.

I'm really on the fence about this one… It's a little disappointing in that the comedy is reined in when just letting Carrey continue doing the dumbest things imaginable might have generated more laughs. There were only two or three big laugh-out-loud moments in the entire film, which makes it tough to recommend to anyone looking for strictly light-hearted fun.


On the other hand, Yes Man has a message to it and it does take itself too seriously at times, but it's not a total throw away effort. Watching Carrey get goofy again is entertaining, and the chemistry between he and Deschanel is something special. So, should you say yes to Yes Man? I'd say the answer is a definite maybe. That's as clear as mud, right? If you're a Carrey fan, you'll probably enjoy Yes Man. You might even walk away saying yes a little more often.

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