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Our company was founded in 2003 by team of investment and financial professionals from Southeast Asia, German,UK and USA brought together accomplished professionals from around the world, each with an important role to play. Fundlife specializes on investments in small to medium private and public companies and start-ups having strong growth potential where we will be able to create value in the invested company, combining global know-how with a deep understanding of the environments in which it operates.




Plan A : Starterplan



Minimum: $10

Maximum: $1,000



Plan B : Advancedplan


104% AFTER 1 HOUR Minimum: $20

Maximum: $1000



Plan C : Expertplan


108% AFTER 1 DAY Minimum: $10

Maximum: $1000




Accept: LibertyReserve, Perfect Money


Join mega-earnings here


benefits provided by this program in my opinion is too high only in a very fast we can get a huge advantage and I am not sure that this program will be able to survive a long time for a program like this will only work for a very fast


108% RoI after one day investment here is very high actually. Also, this HYIP has so many Investment Plans with hourly paying plan. And we know here by the experience, hourly paying HYIP usually can not sustain too long in the market. It will be hard for the investors to make profit


This is another program that the admin inhere is making use of a free script.guys we needeth not deceive ourselves inhere by thinking the admin would be paying a dime inhere.guys the best thing inhere would be majorly for us to skip the program.


Yes it is a free script and the domain is also free domain and here the admin is just came to make money to cheating the investors and we should teach him a good lesson by not investing with this program . and i am dam sure that it is a scam site will not make us to earn a single cent with this site . Plz avoid this site so that you will be safe with your funds .


That's right,the domain is a free domain,the site is not secured,the roi offered in all the plans are not reasonable and sustainable,i feel that the admin would not be capable to pay investors that was why he used a free domain,it will just be better if investors can let this one to go


I am doubtful about this program first it has a free domain and i wonder why admin could not arrange to get a paid domain, then it is an hourly program and roi offered is quite high which is difficult to sustain even in short term.


hyip that offer hourly plan is the most risky place to make invest because they could be disappear or scam very fast. if this hyip set $10 as minimum invest, better investors search another secure place to make invest and not waste $10 by make invest in this hyip site. forget this hyip site.


plans are good and sustainable if admin is serious but here every hyip monitor site have waiting status even it's not first day for site.it is really serious if no hyip monitor still not approve the site.i am not going to invest.


Even if monitors should go ahead to say that they are paying i wouldn't be going ahead to invest a dime still.i wonder why guys dont tend to see the danger in investing inhere.guys to me the best thing would just for us to watch their ship sail away.


The site contains a very beautiful script and design but the plans offered here are very risky and short term. Such as in this cases the programs may turn scam very soon as they cannot sustain for a longer period of time. There also doesn't seem to be any monitors monitoring this program by taking a look at the Rate Us page.

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