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Coalimp (Coal Investment Mega Profit) is an UK based mining business supplying domestic and export markets. Our coal fuels around 13% of UK's coal-fired electricity generating capacity, while we also manage a successful export business. With the backing of UK, Canada, Pan-Asia's leading independent coal producer, we deliver a superior service to our customers

Individual Plan: “ 2% Daily for 90 days


Global Plan: “ 1.5% Daily for 180 days


Corporate Plan: “ 1.2% Daily for 265 days


Min $10

Accept: LR, Bankwire


Join here: http://www.coalimp.c...php?ref=zozo278


manuscripts that exist in the program is very simple once though planning for this proigram pretty good at making profits but I do not see the amount of deposits that have been found in this program as well as evidence of payments made by the program


Actually the roi which this site is giving out is very much sustainable but be rest assured that the program will not pay up to that 90days which it is been promise to pay upto so the best thing for me to do now is to try my own effort and do more analysis and re-search with them before i can chose to invest here.


I also think that the program will not be run within 90 days as it is written, and if indeed it does happen even though the program is only running and pay for only a period of one month of course it will hurt us, and indeed if a long-term investment program such programs are more at risk with short-term investments


The 1st Plan is the only plan is this program that may be achievable since hyips don't tend to last that long(as long as the duration of other plans) even though other plans offer more sustainable Returns than that of the 1st plan. The next few hours will determine if this program is paying because monitors viewing Coalimp on AHM still have a Waiting status.


interest from the rate of 1.2% - 2% is very low.forget about the 2% interest because its out of our range,as you know that the minimum to invest is very high in it.i am not sure that how many members will show interest in it because their interest has not value.


The investment plans are very reasonable to all the investors but i suspect weather the admin will be paying to the investors because the site looks very simple and also there is no ssl later to the site since it is a long term investment plan . good yo see they are accepting 4 methods of payments . there is bank transfer and western union money transfer also .


I see the program paying investors for long but that would be if they are able to sustain the ROI.i Just hope the admin inhere would be adding quality monitors to radar them.Meanwhile i expect guys to confirm they are paying before going ahead to invest a dime.

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