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Link : http://www.stableresidual.com


StableResidual is an advertising and traffic exchange program that provides you PASSIVELY with a great opportunity to earn and get paid 4% profit daily on your purchased Ad positions for 50 days.



4% daily for 50 days

- Details:

Daily Plan. Pay @4.00% after 1 - Day/Days Total Return:-200.00%


Accept : LR, STP, Egopay


Link : http://www.stableresidual.com


I think that this site is not really good because it is paying for buy shares and almost same sites can't exist long, script of this site too is very bad and I don't think that it will be safe for account of investors, I too don't think that this site can pay out enough a round therefore it will be risk for fund of investors, best we should skip this program


I cant find any thing special in this site to invest because as i see the site it looks like a normal site which can be scam any time and since it is a long term investment program so here the risk factor is very high . there are some issues where people will consider to not invest here are its design it is really bad and next the security so the admin failed in this both .


I've been calculating and daily nett profit fall to 2% per day. its including reasonable in my point of view but the next question is, whether these rate will lead them able to paying for a long run? well, for me these profit rate possibly will make them able to do it and to prevent investors suffer huge loss, keep invest in minimal amount only.

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